Originally posted by germump
I forgot that you have more than one set of rules. We do only have one.
We are playing under NCAA rules with few exceptions in Germany.
In that case, sir, you are probably correct. NCAA rules are entirely different than Fed - including team designations during kick plays. My apologies to you and all the NCAA officials out there.
A little research into NCAA rules (and I do mean a little!) reveals the following AR:6-3-9-VI. "A Team B player touches a scrimmage kick in flight in Team B's end zone, and Team A downs the ball in the end zone. RULING: Team A touchdown (Rules 6-3-3 and 8-2-1-e)."
The kick becomes dead when it touches the ground in Team B's end zone
untouched by Team B (6-3-9). The touching by Team B in this play makes a big difference.
NCAA rule 8-2-1-e says it's a touchdown.
You learn something new every day!