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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 14, 2011, 07:58pm
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
Excellent point about the defensive fouls. My suggested wording would have to be "for any common foul committed by a member of the throwing team during the time from the start of a throw-in until player control is established."
This is almost exactly the same wording I recommended in a previous thread when complaining about the change to the definition of team control.

I am still happy with the concept. Revert to the 2010-11 rules and make this change to 10-6. Seems to solve all of the issues.
I would settle for this, but I still would like to see this common foul classified as something more specific than simply a non-shooting foul. I would prefer to see the wording that Nevada (and I) suggests added to the definition of "team control foul" and signaled with the punch.

But I agree 100% that we should simply remove ALL the changes that were made this year.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 14, 2011, 08:06pm
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In case no one has checked, NFHS has posted some 2011-2012 Basketball Rules Interpretations at: NFHS | 2011-12 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 14, 2011, 09:04pm
Courageous When Prudent
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Originally Posted by chseagle View Post
In case no one has checked, NFHS has posted some 2011-2012 Basketball Rules Interpretations at: NFHS | 2011-12 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations
Did some of them look like this?:

Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
SITUATION 2: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her frontcourt. The administering official reaches a four-second count when A1 passes the ball to A2, who had been standing in the free-throw lane since A1 had the ball at his/her disposal.

RULING: Legal. Even though a team is now in control during a throw-in, the three-second rule specifically requires that a team be in control in its frontcourt for a violation to occur. Technically speaking, the thrower-in is
out of bounds and not located in the
frontcourt. (4-35-2; 9-7)

SITUATION 3: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her backcourt.
The administering official reaches a four-second count when A1 passes the ball onto the court. A1’s pass to A2, who is also in Team A’s backcourt, takes several bounces and six seconds before A2 picks up and controls the ball.

RULING: Legal. Even though a team is now in control during a throw-in, the 10-second rule specifically requires that a player/team be in continuous control in its backcourt for 10 seconds for a violation to occur. Technically speaking, the thrower-in is out of bounds and not located in the backcourt. (4-35-2; 9-8)

SITUATION 5: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her frontcourt. A1’s pass to A2, who is in the frontcourt standing near the division line, is high and deflects off A2’s hand nd goes into Team A’s backcourt. A2 is then the first to control the ball in Team A’s backcourt.

RULING: Legal. There is no backcourt violation since player and team control had not yet been established in Team A’s frontcourt before the ball went into Team A’s backcourt. The throw-in ends when A2 legally touches the ball, but the backcourt count does not start until A2 gains control in his/her backcourt. (4-12-2d; 9-9)

SITUATION 8: Team A has a designated spot throw-in along the end line. Thrower A1 extends the ball with his/her arms over the end line such that part of the forearms, hands and the ball are entirely on the inbounds side of the boundary line. B2 slaps A1 on the wrist and dislodges the ball.

RULING: When a defender makes contact with a thrower-in, the result is an intentional foul. Where A1’s arms are located (on the inbounds or out-ofbounds side of the boundary line) is immaterial for this penalty to be assessed. A1 is awarded two free throws and Team A awarded a throwin at the spot nearest the foul.
COMMENT: For a boundary-plane violation warning to also be assessed, the defender must actually violate the rule and penetrate the boundary plane. (4-19-3e; 4-47-1; 7-5-4b; 9-2-10 Penalty 4)
A-hole formerly known as BNR
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 14, 2011, 10:13pm
APG APG is offline
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To be fair BNR, you didn't post all of them.
Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, given a chance to climb, they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions.

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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Sat Oct 15, 2011, 06:06am
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Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer View Post
To be fair BNR, you didn't post all of them.
2011-12 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

SITUATION 1: The officials are on the court prior to the game observing the team warm-ups. One official notices that a member of Team A is wearing a decorative feather in the hair. RULING: The official should inform the team member and/or coach that the feather shall be removed immediately. Upon compliance, the team member may continue to warm up with his or her teammates and may start the game without penalty. (3-5-4e)

SITUATION 2: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her frontcourt. The administering official reaches a four-second count when A1 passes the ball to A2, who had been standing in the free-throw lane since A1 had the ball at his/her disposal. RULING: Legal. Even though a team is now in control during a throw-in, the three-second rule specifically requires that a team be in control in its frontcourt for a violation to occur. Technically speaking, the thrower-in is out of bounds and not located in the frontcourt. (4-35-2; 9-7)

SITUATION 3: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her backcourt. The administering official reaches a four-second count when A1 passes the ball onto the court. A1’s pass to A2, who is also in Team A’s backcourt, takes several bounces and six seconds before A2 picks up and controls the ball. RULING: Legal. Even though a team is now in control during a throw-in, the 10-second
rule specifically requires that a player/team be in continuous control in its backcourt for 10 seconds for a violation to occur. Technically speaking, the thrower-in is out of bounds and not located in the backcourt. (4-35-2; 9-8)

SITUATION 4: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her frontcourt. A1’s pass to A2, who is in the frontcourt standing near the free-throw line, is high, bounces several times and goes into Team A’s backcourt untouched. A2 is then the first to control the ball in Team A’s backcourt. RULING: Legal. There is no backcourt violation since player and team control had not yet been established in Team A’s frontcourt before the ball went into Team A’s backcourt. The throw-in ends when A2 legally touches the ball in the backcourt and the backcourt count starts as soon as A2 gains control in his/her backcourt. (4-12-2d; 9-9)

SITUATION 5: A1 has the ball for an end-line throw-in in his/her frontcourt. A1’s pass to A2, who is in the frontcourt standing near the division line, is high and deflects off A2’s hand and goes into Team A’s backcourt. A2 is then the first to control the ball in Team A’s backcourt. RULING: Legal. There is no backcourt violation since player and team control had not yet been established in Team A’s frontcourt before the ball went into Team A’s backcourt. The throw-in ends when A2 legally touches the ball, but the backcourt count does not start until A2 gains control in his/her backcourt. (4-12-2d; 9-9)

SITUATION 6: After a made basket by Team B, A1 steps out of bounds, secures the ball, then sets it down and runs (out of bounds) to the other side of the key. A2 then steps out of bounds, picks up the ball and bounce-passes it to A1, who then inbounds the ball down court to A3. RULING: Legal activity provided the administering official has not reached a five-second count. (7-5-7)

SITUATION 7: A1 is out of bounds for a throw-in. B1 reaches through the boundary plane and contacts the ball while it is in A1’s possession. RULING: A technical foul is assessed to B1. In addition to the technical foul, a throw-in boundary-plane warning is assessed and recorded since B1 actually penetrated the boundary-line plane before the throw-in pass was released. (4-47-1; 9-2-10 Penalty 3; 10-3-10).

SITUATION 8: Team A has a designated spot throw-in along the end line. Thrower A1 extends the ball with his/her arms over the end line such that part of the forearms, hands and the ball are entirely on the inbounds side of the boundary line. B2 slaps A1 on the wrist and dislodges the ball. RULING: When a defender makes contact with a thrower-in, the result is an intentional foul. Where A1’s arms are located (on the inbounds or out-of-bounds side of the boundary line) is immaterial for this penalty to be assessed. A1 is awarded two free throws and Team A awarded a throw-in at the spot nearest the foul. COMMENT: For a boundary-plane violation warning to also be assessed, the defender must actually violate the rule and penetrate the boundary plane. (4-19-3e; 4-47-1; 7-5-4b; 9-2-10 Penalty 4)
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sat Oct 15, 2011 at 10:36am.
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