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Freddy Freddy is offline

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Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
    Sat Sep 07, 2019 11:17am - permalink
    Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
    Sep. 07/Sat.(12:16pmEDT), 2019


    I just started a thread in the Basketball Forum about Special Olympics Basketball Rules in the various states. If you officiate or know officials that do officiate S.O. Basketball in Michigan I would appreciate it if you could contact me or have them contact me about how S.O. Basketball is officiated in Michigan.

    I am be emailed at DeNucciBasketball (at) Hotmail (dot) com.


    Mark (aka MTD, Sr.)
  2. Freddy
    Wed Jan 02, 2019 05:19pm - permalink
    I occasionally wear these. Under my pants, of course. Does help with certain kinds of knee pain from overuse. Keeps my kneecaps from flopping all over the place. Really works for me.
    By rue, your choices are:
    3-5-2 NOTE: "A brace is defined as anything worn for a medical purpose to increase stability."
    The all-encompassing and perhaps overstatement found in 3-5-3a: "ANYTHING worn on the . . . leg is a sleeve . . . and shall meet the color restrictions."
    I'd hesitate to issue any sort of official ruling on this one. I've personally allowed them since they didn't seem to fit the definition of a sleeve on the one hand and because they served to aid in the stability of the kneecap on the other.
    Would it suffice to request you ask your state association for a ruling?

    What state are you in? Respond by email to: [email protected]
  3. jodibuck
    Tue Jan 01, 2019 04:22pm - permalink
    Our local basketball association uses your "fashion police" ppt. every season. Many of our veterans don't believe that the "fashion police" is a rule which needs to be enforced. Your ppt. has helped.<br>
    We are having a "jumper's knee" epidemic in our area this season (not to mention a rolled waistband fashion statement).&nbsp; Please take a look at the yellow elastic band the player in white is wearing and let me know if legal.&nbsp; Some of our officials are saying it is a brace (offers support for knee).&nbsp; I say it is not a manufactured "jumper's knee support", which makes it illegal.&nbsp; Please give your opinion.<br>
  4. Freddy
    Fri Dec 26, 2014 04:05am - permalink
    Ooooooooooo. How could I get that wrong??? And I consider myself a Gerry Rafferty fan, too. (Note relevance of his lyrics in this song to officiating: "If you get it wrong, you get it right next time.")
    Nice correction! Wish you'da called me out on the board, though, as I consider myself fodder for public correction when publically wrong.
    Glad to know there's another classic rock music affectionado out there.
    I bet you just love it when the pregame music chosen by the AD is some good 70's hits, eh?!
  5. Welpe
    Fri Dec 26, 2014 12:49am - permalink
    Psst that should be Steeler's Wheel, not Steely Dan. I'm sure you knew that though.
  6. Toren
    Thu May 02, 2013 10:47am - permalink
    Thanks Freddy.

    My name is Armando Rivas. My email is [email protected] there's a long story on how I got that email, and it's not that interesting, so we'll just leave it at that
  7. Freddy
    Sun Jan 22, 2012 03:46pm - permalink
    Will do, after giving it some time to make rightful edits based on the wisdom of the others on the forum . . .

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    Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call


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  • Last Activity: Thu Mar 13, 2025 02:45pm
  • Join Date: Sun Dec 09, 2007

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