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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:21pm
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Foul on Rebound Tip

A1 has a shot at goal and misses. Ball hits the rim and as A2 attempts to rebound tip the the ball toward the basketball, B2 hits A2's arm. Foul is called. How do you administer the foul. Neither team is in the bonus. Is your answer different for the different leagues of play?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:26pm
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All levels of play:

If the official judges that A2 attempted a try/tip when B2 committed the foul, FTs should be shot.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:27pm
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Originally Posted by jc147119 View Post
A1 has a shot at goal and misses. Ball hits the rim and as A2 attempts to rebound tip the the ball toward the basketball, B2 hits A2's arm. Foul is called. How do you administer the foul. Neither team is in the bonus. Is your answer different for the different leagues of play?
If the official deems the tip an attempted field goal (which it is in your description), it is a shooting foul.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:31pm
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Originally Posted by tref View Post
All levels of play:

If the official judges that A2 attempted a try/tip when B2 committed the foul, FTs should be shot.
That's true if A2 has contacted the ball before B2 commits the foul. Otherwise, it's a common foul, no try, A2 gets the ball or FTs depending on the bonus situation.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:34pm
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We've been instructed to give the benefit on these plays to judging the tip to have begun; same thing if the offensive player fouls a defender while attempting the tip.

Not sure I agree, but it's how we've been instructed.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:39pm
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Can any tip/tap whilst trying to rebound, truly be a guided attempt at goal? Is the player not just attempting to get the ball and hoping it goes in? This is a tricky judgment call, IMO.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:41pm
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Originally Posted by jc147119 View Post
Can any tip/tap whilst trying to rebound, truly be a guided attempt at goal? Is the player not just attempting to get the ball and hoping it goes in? This is a tricky judgment call, IMO.
Not if you know definitions... 4-41

Players usually rebound with 2 hands & tap with 1.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 01:46pm
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Originally Posted by jc147119 View Post
Can any tip/tap whilst trying to rebound, truly be a guided attempt at goal? Is the player not just attempting to get the ball and hoping it goes in? This is a tricky judgment call, IMO.
Actually it's pretty easy if you have watched enough basketball. Don't overthink it.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 02:03pm
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I am asking the question because in the pro game, a foul on the tip is not awarded two shots as it is not deemed a controlled attempt at the basket but in college the benefit of the doubt is give to it being a legitimate attempt at goal. Thanks for all your feedback.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 02:27pm
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Originally Posted by jc147119 View Post
I am asking the question because in the pro game, a foul on the tip is not awarded two shots as it is not deemed a controlled attempt at the basket but in college the benefit of the doubt is give to it being a legitimate attempt at goal. Thanks for all your feedback.
Are we talking NBA or some other pro league?
Rules reference/caseplay please...

If a foul happens here:

The only type of field goal which may be scored if the game clock is at :00.2 or :00.1 is a “tip-in” or “high lob.”

are you saying no FTs will be shot?
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 02:28pm
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Originally Posted by jc147119 View Post
I am asking the question because in the pro game, a foul on the tip is not awarded two shots as it is not deemed a controlled attempt at the basket but in college the benefit of the doubt is give to it being a legitimate attempt at goal. Thanks for all your feedback.
In the NBA, this play is going to be judged the same way. If the foul is before the trip, no basket and simply a loose ball foul. If the ball gets tipped, and then the foul, and the ball goes into the basket, the tipper is going to the line to shoot one. Again, this is all a judgement call.

The term is also used to include the flight of the ball until it becomes dead or is touched by a player. A tap during a jump ball or rebound is not considered a field goal attempt. However, anytime a live ball is in flight toward the rim from the playing court, the goal, if made, shall count, even if time expires or the official’s whistle sounds.
I think there's a difference between a simple tap that you're talking about, and the tip that's a try for goal/FGA. If you have watched basketball for any about of time, it's obvious when a player is tipping the ball to score. A "controlled tip" can be in contact with the hand for a very short period of time, as in the example tref gave you were there's less than .3 on the clock. Other times, it's obvious that a player is just hitting the ball. Here, in the NBA, you'll get your simple loose ball foul unless the ball happens to go in.
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Last edited by APG; Thu May 19, 2011 at 02:41pm.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 06:36pm
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A tip is a tap is a try ........

I believe it was tref that said know your definitions !!!!!!

Now for you "rules gurus". .02 remaining A1 has ball OTB. He throws the ball towards the basket. A2 gets fouled as he "tips" the ball towards the basket.

Is this a shooting foul or just the bonus if the team is in the bonus??
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 06:59pm
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Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer View Post
In the NBA, this play is going to be judged the same way. If the foul is before the trip, no basket and simply a loose ball foul. If the ball gets tipped, and then the foul, and the ball goes into the basket, the tipper is going to the line to shoot one. Again, this is all a judgement call.

I think there's a difference between a simple tap that you're talking about, and the tip that's a try for goal/FGA. If you have watched basketball for any about of time, it's obvious when a player is tipping the ball to score. A "controlled tip" can be in contact with the hand for a very short period of time, as in the example tref gave you were there's less than .3 on the clock. Other times, it's obvious that a player is just hitting the ball. Here, in the NBA, you'll get your simple loose ball foul unless the ball happens to go in.
Just want to be clear with the rules (NBA)... If you take your first scenario- it is irrelevant whether the foul occurred prior to or after the tip. If he misses the shot no FTs will be rewarded unless that team is in the penalty. A tip is NOT a try in the NBA... ALTHOUGH if a ball in flight toward the rim goes in you still have to score it.

If the tip happens OBVIOUSLY after the player is fouled and the ball goes in, it will still be a LBF and no shots as the ball was not released or tapped toward the goal as the foul occurred or prior to the foul occurring.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 19, 2011, 09:57pm
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Back in the twentieth century, when I started officiating, I believe that there was a difference between a tip and a try. If a player was fouled in the act of tipping the ball, and his team was in the bonus, then he got a one and one (no double bonus back then), if not, no free throws and his team got the ball at the closest spot to the foul. Also, I believe that there was no continuation on a tip, so if the foul occurred before the ball was released on a tip, the ball became dead, and if it went in the basket, then the goal did not count.

I'm sure that one of our "more experienced" esteemed members, or one of our very, very, very, old esteemed members, like Mark T. DeNucci, Sr., will be moseying along shortly to confirm, or deny, this assertation.
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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri May 20, 2011 at 05:03pm.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 20, 2011, 05:06pm
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Back in the twentieth century, when I started officiating, I believe that there was a difference between a tip and a try. If a player was fouled in the act of tipping the ball, and his team was in the bonus, then he got a one and one (no double bonus back then), if not, no free throws and his team got the ball at the closest spot to the foul. Also, I believe that there was no continuation on a tip, so if the foul occurred before the ball was released on a tip, the ball became dead, and if it went in the basket, then the goal did not count.
I can't remember what happened if the ball went in if the "tipper" was fouled after tipping, that is, fouled after the ball was released? Count the hoop and give a one and one if in the bonus? Count the hoop and give the ball back to the fouled team if not in the bonus? Damn, these old neurons aren't worth the gray matter that they're packed in.

Where are Mark T. DeNucci, Sr., or Jurassic Referee, when you need them?
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Last edited by BillyMac; Fri May 20, 2011 at 05:15pm.
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