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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 02:03pm
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Originally posted by Lotto
Originally posted by Ref Daddy
Patch's are an American Flag on the left Sleeve.
Girls---flag on sleeve.
Boys---also wear another patch on front (but I don't know what 'cause I only work girls).

Question: What's the best way to attach the flag (or other patch)? Sew it on? Velcro? And where does one buy the velcro, anyway...?
Patches? Patches? We don't need no stinkin' patches!

As for buying Velcro, any fabric store sells it. I always see it displayed when I go in to buy my knitting supplies.
Yom HaShoah
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 02:46pm
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Originally posted by zebraman
Washington State:

WOA (Washington Officials Association) patch over the heart. Flag patch optional.

I'll be officiating at the state tourney this year, but I think that a state patch is a stupid and elitist idea. The officials are supposed to be a team. For one to wear a patch that says, "hey, look at me...I reffed at state" seems very individualistic.

Ditto Z...
I totally agree with you on the individualistic "state finals patch".
I found out last night that I may have a chance to be at the WOA Boys state tournament this year. (2nd in a row)
Not sure which classification yet. (4A,3A,2A,1A or B)

[QUOTE]originally posted by JRutledge
You already know this? Why do you already know this? I know that this is getting off the subject, but what if you have a bad year? You still get the opportunity to officiate the State Finals without having to prove it during the year?[QUOTE]

Can't answer for Z...but in our association we have 4 "slots" to fill. The top 4 rated officials in our association gets the state assignments. If one of the officials chooses not to go...then the next rated official gets the opportunity to go to state.
Unfortunately, we do not have a limit on how many times you can go to state in a row. In the past we have had one or two officials go every year for many years straight. A couple years ago we got together and made an "agreement" that we would only go two years straight and then sit out at least one year...this gives the other "closely" rated guys a chance. (Say #5,6,and 7 rated officials)

As far as "proving it"...(man JRutledge you ARE a hard A$$)...IMO a guy or gal that has put in the many long hours (years) to get to the point of even being considered for state has more than "proved" himself/herself.
Sure an official might have a bad game or two during the year, but to deny him/her their chance to do a State Tournament would be slightly unjust.

P.S. I still reserve the right to have the "big dogs" answer my "silly" questions.

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 04:59pm
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
As for buying Velcro, any fabric store sells it. I always see it displayed when I go in to buy my knitting supplies.[/B]

What I meant was to ask how the velcro is attached to the shirt and to the patch. Is it stick on? Do I have to sew them on?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 05:13pm
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Originally posted by Lotto
Originally posted by Mark Padgett
As for buying Velcro, any fabric store sells it. I always see it displayed when I go in to buy my knitting supplies.

What I meant was to ask how the velcro is attached to the shirt and to the patch. Is it stick on? Do I have to sew them on? [/B]
Well, say what you mean and mean what you say!

Seriously, though, I've always seen Velcro as either squares or long strips with an adhesive backing on each "side" of the Velcro. You might want to put a few stitches in just to make sure it stays on, but it's really not necessary.

In my area of CT, all officials have their IAABO patch on their shirts, and some wear the American Flag. IAABO is required.
"To win the game is great. To play the game is greater. But to love the game is the greatest of all."
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 06:28pm
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Originally posted by RookieDude

Can't answer for Z...but in our association we have 4 "slots" to fill. The top 4 rated officials in our association gets the state assignments. If one of the officials chooses not to go...then the next rated official gets the opportunity to go to state.
Unfortunately, we do not have a limit on how many times you can go to state in a row. In the past we have had one or two officials go every year for many years straight. A couple years ago we got together and made an "agreement" that we would only go two years straight and then sit out at least one year...this gives the other "closely" rated guys a chance. (Say #5,6,and 7 rated officials)

As far as "proving it"...(man JRutledge you ARE a hard A$$)...IMO a guy or gal that has put in the many long hours (years) to get to the point of even being considered for state has more than "proved" himself/herself.
Sure an official might have a bad game or two during the year, but to deny him/her their chance to do a State Tournament would be slightly unjust.

In Illinois, we have coaches and officials ratings. Each year those ratings are used as a basis for us getting playoff assignments that year. You literally do not know until the season is almost over before you even here that you have made the playoffs. All playoff officials do a regional first (Regional, Sectional, Super-Sectional and State Final series or Final 8). They do not tell you that you even get a Sectional game until you have been assigned a Regional. While you are doing a regional, you might find out that you have the sectional, but it is not told to you until that time comes. Now if a official has done a Super-Sectional the previous year, it is not even guaranteed that they will get another one the current year. Usually if you have had a few Super-Sectionals, the next progression is to go "down state" or do the State Finals. But just like the NFL or MLB or even the NBA, you kind of have to earn your right. If you mess up or if you do not come up to standards, you might not get an oppourtunity to move to the next level. And those officials that have done Super-Sectionals are viewed by the state to determine who might likely get the oppourtunity to do State Final games, but not told until they do the Super-Sectional.

I am no way knocking that they tell Z or any official early, but it is just odd from the situation I officiate under. Our State is the only ones that hand out those assignments. Official's Association have no say other than ratings of the membership, but does not outweight other factors. And this is they way it pretty much is in all sports in Illinois. There might be some idea based on previous year data who might get a chance to work far in the playoffs, but we will not know for sure until a few weeks before the playoff starts. I have never done a playoff game in basketball and just got promoted to the highest ranking of an official in basketball (which will help that to become a reality), but I will not know for sure until much later in the season. There have been many official that one year get a playoff assignment, then the next year get nothing. There really is no good information to tell us why that happens.

It just struck me as odd, that is all.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 08:18pm
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
In MA, all boys' officials wear an IAABO patch and a MA state patch. Girls' officials wear neither of those, but some do wear a patch from some organization. I've never looked closely enough to know what the girls' board patch says.

Chuck: There are plenty of IAABO officials (men and women) who referee boys AND girls HS games. They all wear the same IAABO patch embroidered into the shirt, also with the state shape embroidered on the sleeve. The American flag is optional and worn on the back, below the neckline.

There are still some "women's basketball boards" around (one I know of) that ref only girls games. Some have joined in with IAABO boards over the years. I'm not sure why they still choose to be associated with the girls game only, but they wear their association patch on the front.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Sun Dec 29, 2002, 08:34pm
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In VA, at least in my association, we wear the Virginia High School League (VHSL) patch over the heart, and we wear our association logo (Cardinal) on our black jackets.

We don't have to wear a patch for rec ball but most of the officials do. All of my VHSL patches are sewn on. When you get as old as I am, you sometimes forget things (patches, belt, etc). Changed to pleated beltless pants and sewed the patches on so -- no more forgetting.
Never argue with an idiot. He will bring you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 12:27pm
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MSHSAA patch required on sleeve. American flag patch is optional. Association patch is optional, but must be removed during state tournament competition.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 12:31pm
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Originally posted by Mark Dexter
In my area of CT, all officials have their IAABO patch on their shirts, and some wear the American Flag. IAABO is required. [/B]
Why would you want to advertise "I Am A Blind Official"?
Yom HaShoah
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 03:24pm
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Originally posted by Marty Rogers
Chuck: There are plenty of IAABO officials (men and women) who referee boys AND girls HS games. They all wear the same IAABO patch embroidered into the shirt, also with the state shape embroidered on the sleeve. The American flag is optional and worn on the back, below the neckline.
Marty, I was going to email you, since I doubt that anybody outside MA cares, but I must've deleted your email address. Anyway, around here, we have sort of a screwed up situation. Our IAABO board is the local "boys" board and there is also a "girls" board which is not affiliated with IAABO at all. Until 3 years ago, neither board had anything to do with the other. Three years ago, it was decided that there would be a central assignor for all high school games -- girls and boys -- and that the assignor would be allowed to put "mixed" crews on the games.

So we now have a situation where IAABO members officiate with non-IAABO members (which is against our by-laws) on a regular basis. Boys board dues are $100/yr while girls board dues are roughly half of that figure. So a lot of guys have left the IAABO board, pay lower dues and still get to do some boys games. Meanwhile, the IAABO members are used for the girls games as well.

I don't like the situation at all. But it's just me, apparently. I would rather leave it the way it was and just do boys games. But that's not going to happen.

Just thought I'd let you know what goes on out here in the boonies of western MA

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 03:32pm
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In NH we are the same as what Firedoc said: IAABO patch over the heart and American flag 1 inch down from the middle of the neck in the back. I would also like to see the flag on the sleeve.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 03:45pm
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Marty, I was going to email you, since I doubt that anybody outside MA cares, but I must've deleted your email address. Anyway, around here, we have sort of a screwed up situation. Our IAABO board is the local "boys" board and there is also a "girls" board which is not affiliated with IAABO at all. Until 3 years ago, neither board had anything to do with the other. Three years ago, it was decided that there would be a central assignor for all high school games -- girls and boys -- and that the assignor would be allowed to put "mixed" crews on the games.

So we now have a situation where IAABO members officiate with non-IAABO members (which is against our by-laws) on a regular basis. Boys board dues are $100/yr while girls board dues are roughly half of that figure. So a lot of guys have left the IAABO board, pay lower dues and still get to do some boys games. Meanwhile, the IAABO members are used for the girls games as well.

[/B][/QUOTE]Hey,I care!!

Chuck,I thought that IAABO was the governing state body in Maryland.Did I have that assumption wrong? If IAABO is the official state body,don't all certified officials in the state have to belong to it? I also know from your previous posts that your IAABO training is fairly comprehensive.How does the training of the non-IAABO officials stack up with yours?Also,isn't your insurance affected if you officiate with a non-IAABO member?

Inquiring minds need to know!
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 05:08pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Chuck,I thought that IAABO was the governing state body in Maryland. [/B]
I haven't worked for the postal service since that incident with the, well, never mind, but even I know that MA doesn't mean Maryland.
Yom HaShoah
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 05:14pm
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Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Chuck,I thought that IAABO was the governing state body in Maryland.Did I have that assumption wrong?
Hmmm, honestly I don't know the answer to that, since I'm in Massachusetts. MA = Mass, MD = Maryland. Click the following link if you're not sure how to address your mail. . .

If IAABO is the official state body,don't all certified officials in the state have to belong to it?
The governing body for HS athletics in MA (the one in New England ) is the MIAA (Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association). The MIAA does not, as far as I know, dictate who may officiate games or meets. Since most games, including post-season games, are scheduled by a central assignor for a specific area, it's assumed that if the assignor is satisfied that the official is satisfactory then the official is, in fact, satisfactory.

I also know from your previous posts that your IAABO training is fairly comprehensive.How does the training of the non-IAABO officials stack up with yours?
It doesn't. Not even close.

Also,isn't your insurance affected if you officiate with a non-IAABO member?
I honestly don't know. But I'll definitely ask. It's worth knowing!

Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 31, 2002, 06:42pm
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Originally posted by ChuckElias
Originally posted by Jurassic Referee
Chuck,I thought that IAABO was the governing state body in Maryland.Did I have that assumption wrong?
Hmmm, honestly I don't know the answer to that, since I'm in Massachusetts. MA = Mass, MD = Maryland.
Chuck,please accept my most humble apologies for relocating you.I do not know how I could have made such as elementary mistake,as I am well aware of your love of that state's esteemed AL baseball club,the Boston Red Sox.I will try my utmost to do better in the future.Until then,I remain one of your greatest fans and admirers.

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