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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 07:09pm
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In high school when should you not except a game? I know
if a son or daughter go to the school you shouldn't call, but what about say daughters boyfriend or anyone you might know for that matter, friends kids?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 07:37pm
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Originally posted by force39
In high school when should you not except a game? I know
if a son or daughter go to the school you shouldn't call, but what about say daughters boyfriend or anyone you might know for that matter, friends kids?
Really? I call at my son's school quite often. What's the problem? He doesn't play the sports that I officiate and I could care less who wins.

Everyone is from somewhere. Everyone knows someone from somewhere. If there are policies that your state or local association has, then follow them. Otherwise, do what you can live with. When I officiate a game at my son's school, I have a job to do. It's no different than being anywhere else. If you can't officiate under those circumstances, then don't. Do what makes you comfortable.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 08:15pm
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I agree in theory with Bktballref, but let's face reality.
I CAN and WOULD officiate a game at a school I graduated from or had a son or daughter attending with complete fairness. But there is always someone who will question your impartiality. IF THE STAKES ARE HIGH ENOUGH, that's a game you should not work. Keep everybody "out of the soup".
There was a University of Utah vs. Arizona football game this year where a touchdown was dissallowed because one official said the receiver was not inbounds. Replays showed the receiver WAS inbounds and this play basically decided the game. The next day the story in the paper was that the
Referee was from Tucson, and was very familiar with the AZ program, and may even have been a booster. THe PAC-10 issued a statement backing the official and said they had no problem assigning him to that game.
Now I worked several games in the WNBA this year where I had to officiate the team from my home state. I felt very comfortable with the job I did and as far as I know the question as to my impartiality never came up.
But at lower levels, you will create more problems for your self and your supervisors if you take those games. I have know several officials who take a few years off, when their kids get to high School and play sports. Mainly to watch, but also to avoid having a conflict of interest.
So in short, If you think it could create more problems than it's worth, turn it back.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 09:34pm
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Drake makes several valid points, as usual, and I don't disagree with him. This is how I handle those issues.

In the 6 years that my two sons attended this high school, I have not now, nor have I ever been a member of the athletic booster club.

Both sons played soccer for 4 years and I cheered for them and their team during their games.

We do not have any bumper stickers or license plates on any of my vehicles supporting the school.

While I do not broadcast that I have kids at this school or that I graduated from there over 20 years ago. I have worked their games and never had a problem, win or lose. I attend the same church as one coach and we both graduated from my sons' school. He coaches at a different school and faces them often. I work his games as well.

I don't have 100 schools to work for, so I mind my business and avoid controversy if at all possible. When you officiate more than one sport and are active in youth programs, you're going to develop relationships with people. Start scratching every school where I know someone and soon, I'll be living out of a suitcase to officiate high school basketball.

So, as I said, do what you can live with. If you feel it would create a problem for you, don't work them. If you take the proper steps, you may be able avoid any problems. Do what makes you comfortable. But just because it doesn't work for you, doesn't make it an absolute for others.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 10:47pm
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My son's gf attends a juco I call. I told the assignor, he
doesn't care. I'm going to ask them not to go to games I
work for that school. One of my HS assignors will not assign
games to a HS that an official's kid attends. In 5 years I
have called 1 game for the HS my kids attends, it was
an emergency. In any case I would NOT work a game for a
team my kid plays for. Ever.

Bottom line: if you tell your assignor he may or may not
take you off the game. Do tell your assignor. If you feel
uncomfortable don't accept the game.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Sun Nov 03, 2002, 10:51pm
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Lightbulb 100% Agree!!!!

Originally posted by BktBallRef

I don't have 100 schools to work for, so I mind my business and avoid controversy if at all possible. When you officiate more than one sport and are active in youth programs, you're going to develop relationships with people. Start scratching every school where I know someone and soon, I'll be living out of a suitcase to officiate high school basketball.
I completely agree with you. I have a game this year at my alma mater this year doing a varsity game. I attended this school over 10 years ago. I have not had any ties to this school directly in that same time. I am doing another game earlier in the year at a school where it seems like I know everyone. My original football crew was all from this school and I know many administrators and coaches rather well there. If I worried about not doing games at every school that I knew someone, I would not be able to officiate a single game. Or at least as time goes on that would be harder and harder. I do agree that the higher you go, the more conflicts that cannot be there. But if Joe Pa does not want Michigan officials doing a Michigan/Penn State game, he might not find any officials able to do his game at all. Not saying that he could not find officials outside of Michigan, but it might be difficult to accomidate every single supposed conflict. I do feel there are real conflicts and made up ones. Living in a town or going to a school might not be what it seems.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 12:25am
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I refuse to work varsity games at the school where my children attend. Even though they are not active in the basketball or football programs, I feel that the potential for the image of impropriaty is there. Even if both coaches know the situation and agree that it is ok for me to work the game, I will not do so because if something happens, I would be in a no-win situation.

I have talked to the coaches at this school and they would like for me to do their games, but totally understand and respect my decision to stay away from them. The chance that others would try to tarnish a reputation if an unpopular call decided a game is not worth the effort to take the game.

Also, in Texas working a game where your child attends is listed as an ethics violation, even though I am sad to say that I see it happen way too often.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 02:12am
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I listed my Alma Mata on my will not call sheet. My children are home schooled so there are no problems there. A lot of my friends went on to teaching and coaching jobs at the schools where I call so if I listed all of them, there would be no games left to work.

I did know of someone who told the assignor he wanted JV and Freshman games where his kids went to school so he could watch his daughters play Varsity. They were good.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 08:27am
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Talking Working the game

My niece is a freshman this year and will start varsity ball. I told the assignors not to have me do any girls varsity games for the school - mainly because I don't want my brother harping on all the calls my make or don't make. I the assignors did not think that would be a problem for me to work those games, but conceded to my request.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 11:07am
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In high school when should you not except a game? I know
if a son or daughter go to the school you shouldn't call, but what about say daughters boyfriend or anyone you might know for that matter, friends kids?

Sounds like it's not handled the same everywhere from the posts below. Around here, you don't work a game if your kid plays on one of the teams for that particular sport at that school. If your kid attends that school but doesn't play on a team, not a problem. If you attended that school, not a problem. If you have friends at that school, not a problem. We've never had an issue with it.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 12:03pm
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Great comments!
Pretty much I have turned back games where my
daughter goes to school, but as far as other people I
might know associated with team I don't have a problem and
won't bring it up.
Thanks to all
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 01:19pm
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I was just elected to our local school board last spring. As I may want to get reelected at some point, I'll probably avoid working games there! ;-)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 01:34pm
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I have officiated games involving my old high school, but I graduated 22 years ago and don't know anyone. I have closer relationships with many schools and coaches for whom I have officiated over a period of 6 or 7 years. I don't think it's a problem. Now if I were a more recent graduate, I probably would not work at my old school.

Perception is a problem, though. When I sign a scorebook, I am required to identify my hometown. Occasionally, a coach unfamiliar with me might make a comment when I am working at a school in my hometown.

By the way, Rut, the referee JoPa chased off the field was Dick Honig, who lives in Ann Arbor and played and coached baseball at Michigan before he began selling officiating supplies. That was a game or two before the Michigan-Penn State game. The Big Ten does not allow Honig to officiate Michigan games.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 02:23pm
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In South Carolina you have to list the School you graduated from, the school you childern attend, the school(s) in your town. You will not be assigned any of these schools, however; you will not miss any games--just assigned elsewhere.
Trust me coach !!!
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Nov 04, 2002, 02:44pm
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I live in a town where, it is basically a closed community(the only way in or out is by plane or boat) If we could not referee games that you could not have ties to the school, you would not have any referees!

AK ref SE
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