Tue Jan 18, 2011, 01:40pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
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Originally Posted by jeffpea
"what we have here is a failure to communicate..."
this whole end-of-game scenario could have turned out differently if the crew had communicated better in a lot of different areas...
- looks to me like 2 of the 3 officials were unsure as to which team would have the ball after the time out (the lead runs from the opposite end of the floor and center is out of position before the ball is indounded).
- after the foul is called, the t never really communicates with his partners that he called an intentional foul. They don't seem to identify the shooter and are wandering around trying to figure out what happens next.
- the new trail never makes an attempt to talk to the white coach (or calm him down in any way) because he is not sure what the call is. Therefore he doesn't know what to say to the coach...so he stays away - this adds to the coaches' anger/frustration.
- the only positive in this whole scenario is the trail calling the t.
- none of the officials makes any attempt to engage the coach (whether to explain the intentional or calm him down after the t)...this adds to the coaches' anger/frustration.
- the officials never get together to discuss how to administer the foul shots and will what happen next (intentional ft's first? - then t second? - where to indbounds the ball? - etc)
- after the 2nd t (same official who called intentional), the official never reports that t to the table.
- again the officials never make any attempt to talk about the admin procedure.
- one of the officials did absolutely nothing...he didn't help on any of the calls, didn't talk w/ either of his partners, and didn't even make a move to get the coach moving towards the locker room...not sure what he was thinking!
- lastly, neither partner did anything to calm the official who ultimately called a forfeit down (he's the one who feels like he's getting dumped on after the intentional call, is getting screamed at after the second t, and gets so emotional that he just can't take it any more and ends the game).
would the end result have been any different if the officials had communicated even a little bit?...maybe not, but they certainly did not help themselves and should have done better. Imho, they did not handle this situation very well and should have communicated much better.