Originally Posted by slow whistle
Head coach goes to table to request time-out for the purpose of correcting a correctable error per 5-8-4. If error is deemed to be not correctable, coach is charged with a full (or 30 second if no full TO's remaining) time out. What is the procedure if coach has no time outs at all remaining and a) error is corrected or b) error is deemed to be not correctable? Thanks!
If the error is corrected, the coach is not charged a TO.
If the error is not corrected, the coach is charged with a TO, and a T. If time is remaining, the coach can use that time to talk with his/her team.
Originally Posted by johnsonboys03
I didn't realize that a coach could request a timeout from the scorer? Is that in the rule book? Sorry for asking but my book is in my vehical.
Yes, it's in the book,