NEEDED: Scoreboard Operators Help!
We had trouble with the shot clock needing to be reset to a specific number last night. Lets say that the Game Clock = 1:45 and Shot Clock = 10. Ball is shot and misses ring BUT the shot clock was accidentally reset to 35. We had to:
- [Set Shot Timer] [6] [ENTER]
- Hit [Reset] on the Hand Held Shot Timer Remote
- [Set Shot Timer] [35] [ENTER]
Step #3 is the part that we should not have to do. Having to do it this way really messed up the game b/c there was a quick shot as we were setting the shot clock to 6 and then when it hit the rim the shot clock operator hit the reset button but it went to 6 instead of 35!
On some scoreboards pushing [Set Shot Timer] once or twice gives you the option to reset the shot clock one time (ex: middle of game mistake) or it resets the shot clock permanently (ex: in between girls & boys). In this gym when you press [Set Shot Timer] twice it gives you the option to set the "Out of Bounds" timer, which of course we are not using!
If you know how to configure the game clock so that we can set the shot clock permanently vs temporarily please let me know.
This is exactly what the board looks like: