Over excited coach
What would you do for the following?
Team A is mounting a furious comeback from way down (or maybe not way down) and in the waning seconds after a Team A basket, Head Coach of A steps in front of you (on the court) to get your attention for a timeout before B can inbound. B does not have the ball at its disposal so that is clearly not an issue, but HC A has almost obliviously (I guess it's a real word) stepped onto the court to get an official's attention.
A couple of times, I've had a partner grant the TO without incident but I've also had one pull the T from his pocket on this, with justification.
Would it matter to you if the coach was less than a full stride onto the court? Would the level of ball influence your decision? (Speaking realistically -- obviously Coaches can't enter the court, but there are shades of gray on this enforcement. What if you were confronted with a TO request in the same manner, as the new trail as you pass the benches [and the TO caller's team has the ball]?)