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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 20, 2009, 01:48am
In Time Out
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 794
shot clock? ball out of bounds

shot clock goes off for A and play continues. B grabs the ball without possession or hits of leg and goes out of bounds. Give the ball to team B? What if this is happening for five seconds or so, do you wait until Team B gets possession?

Also, would you call a violation if the ball is loose in that situation. So Team A looses the ball and clock goes off. Call it right then. Or if the ball is bouncing around, hits off team B. If A recovers then call it or call it when it is loose or just ignore it if Team B gets the ball.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 20, 2009, 08:59am
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Originally Posted by mutantducky View Post
shot clock goes off for A and play continues. B grabs the ball without possession or hits of leg and goes out of bounds. Give the ball to team B? What if this is happening for five seconds or so, do you wait until Team B gets possession?

Also, would you call a violation if the ball is loose in that situation. So Team A looses the ball and clock goes off. Call it right then. Or if the ball is bouncing around, hits off team B. If A recovers then call it or call it when it is loose or just ignore it if Team B gets the ball.
If the ball has not hit the rim OR possession changes to Team B prior to the shot clock expiring, Team A has committed a shot clock violation.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 20, 2009, 09:06am
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Originally Posted by jdmara View Post
If the ball has not hit the rim OR possession changes to Team B prior to the shot clock expiring, Team A has committed a shot clock violation.

If a try is in the air when the horn sounds, it's not a violation until / unless the try ends without hitting the rim.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 20, 2009, 09:09am
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
If a try is in the air when the horn sounds, it's not a violation until / unless the try ends without hitting the rim. are correct...Straight in my head but not in my fingers lol

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Feb 20, 2009, 11:16am
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I logged on this morning to say adios to 26YearGap, and saw this thread. So. . . Here is a presentation that I put together for my HS association. As we all know, the FED doesn't have any shot clock rules at all. So the following is adapted from NCAA-M shot clock rules, allowing for FED differences in team control, etc. Hope it's helpful to somebody.

Shot Clock Rules and Situations

I. Shot clock stops and is reset:

A. On any change of possession (this includes a successful try)
B. When a held ball occurs (exceptions to follow)
C. When a try strikes the ring or flange and then possession is gained by either team
D. When a violation occurs (exceptions to follow)
E. When the ball is intentionally kicked
F. When an inadvertent whistle occurs with no team control (or ensuing throw-in)
G. When a double foul or simultaneous foul occurs with no team control (or ensuing throw-in)
H. When a single personal foul or single technical foul occurs

II. Shot clock stops without a reset:

A. When the ball is deflected out of bounds by a defensive player
B. When a player is injured
C. When a held ball occurs while there is team control and the arrow favors the offensive team
D. After any double foul or simultaneous foul, while there is team control
E. After an inadvertent whistle when there is team control

III. After the shot clock has been stopped, it starts:

A. During a throw-in, when the ball is legally touched inbounds, by either the offense or the defense.
B. During a jump ball, when the ball is controlled (not merely touched) by a player.
C. After an unsuccessful try, when the ball is controlled by a player of either team.
D. After a successful try, when the throw-in pass is legally touched inbounds by a player of either team. (NOTE: Make sure the shot clock is not running while the thrower-in still has the ball!)

IV, Shot clock situations

A. Shot + horn + ball strikes ring = No violation.
Comment: Shot clock is reset and will start when either team gains control.

B. Shot + horn + ball misses rim + ball is caught by B1 = Shot clock violation.
Comment: Do not allow play to continue. Blow whistle, administer throw-in to Team B with a new shot clock.

C. Shot + horn + inadvertent whistle + ball strikes ring = Blow whistle.
Comment: No violation, but because the ball became dead with no team control, the result is an AP procedure. Team with the arrow receives a throw-in with a new shot clock.

D. Shot by A1 + blocked by B1 + horn + ball lands out of bounds = Shot clock violation.
Comment: Even though B1 touched the ball last before it went out of bounds, the shot clock violation happened first and is penalized. Team B receives a throw-in with a new shot clock.

E. Shot by A1 + blocked by B1 + simultaneously recovered by A2 and B2 + shot clock shows 15 seconds = The result of the play is a held ball with no team control.
Comment: The team with the arrow will receive an AP throw-in with a new shot clock. This ruling also applies if the held ball occurs after an “air ball”.

F. Shot by A1 + blocked by B1 + ball is loose on the floor + horn = Shot clock violation.
Comment: The shot clock continues to run until the ball strikes the ring or Team B gains control.

G. Pass by A1 + deflection by B1 + ball strikes ring = No reset.
Comment: The shot clock resets when the ball strikes the ring during a try. Shot clock continues to run. This is also true if A2 makes the deflection.

H. Shot by A1 + double foul on A2 and B2 + try is unsuccessful = After a double foul, play is resumed at the point of interruption.
Comment: This is an AP situation with no team control. The team with the arrow receives an AP throw-in with a new shot clock.

J. A1 is dribbling inbounds + double foul on A2 and B2 = After a double foul, play is resumed at the point of interruption.
Comment: Since there is team control, the ball is awarded to Team A with no reset of the shot clock.

V. Officiating the shot clock

A. Especially at the sub-Varsity level, you must make sure the shot clock is run properly.
B. Have a pre-game with your shot clock operator.
C. Check the shot clock after every whistle to make sure that it has not been reset incorrectly.
D. After a time-out, make sure that you and your partner are aware of the time remaining on the shot clock.
E. Shot clock is primary responsibility of the Trail official in a 2-whistle game.
1. Lead should be ready to help.
2. If you have a good shot clock operator, use the shot clock as an aid for the 10-second backcourt count.
F. After an air ball or a shot that narrowly misses the ring that is recovered by the offense:
1. Trail must check to make sure that the shot clock is not reset.
2. If it is reset, blow the whistle and have the clock set back to what it should be.
3. If the air ball results in an opportunity for a quick put-back, withhold whistle.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 30, 2009, 08:32pm
In Time Out
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 794
thanks Chuck, this did help
III. After the shot clock has been stopped, it starts:

A. During a throw-in, when the ball is legally touched inbounds, by either the offense or the defense.

Does the 10 second count begin once there is control inbounds by team A? Say team A is taking it out.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Fri Oct 30, 2009, 08:34pm
In Time Out
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 794
never mind got it
--------------- Nevadaref ------------

When play resumes from a throw-in, the shot clock starts on the first inbounds touch by any player and control is not required.

You are right that the 10-second backcourt count does require team control to begin.
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