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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 12:44am
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Introducing myself...

Hello, long time lurker here. I've been reading the threads here for several years. I've really come to enjoy this site. I've learned a lot about the rules of the game from this site. I also really appreciate the particiular brand of humor on tap here.

I'm in my late 40's. I started coaching 8+ years ago. I coach girls, 5 years at the Jr High and the past 3 as JVHC. A few years ago I volunteered to referee a summer league with a coaching buddy who actually has been an official. I worked 3 games a night twice a week for 8 weeks. That experience gave me a whole different perspective.

It took me till my 5th season to get whacked the first time. I actually said, "what the hell's a guy gotta do to get T'd up around here?" He tweeted, smiled, and said, "that'll do it." I guess I wanted to get it over with.

The only other time I got whacked, the referee followed me into the locker room at half time calling at the back of my head, "Coach, Coach, come out here I want to talk to you." I turned and replied, "not now, I'm busy, and you shouldn't be following me into the locker room yelling at the back of my head." WHACK!!!

I think coaches who rant and yell, and scream at the referees are idiots. They probably have difficulty IRL dealing with stressful situations, or when things don't go there way.

The ONLY thing that really bothers me is when I see a Ref who as he's going to the table to report his call, he's staring at the player he just made the call on to see if there's a hint of dissagreement so he can whack her. The Ref who followed me into the locker room does that every time he calls a foul, and if the kid so much as stomps her foot in anger, he T's her up. He's only been assigned to four games I've coached, and 3 out of 4 times his manner and tactics have led to ejections and HS aged kids (girls) crying.

Otherwise, I know referee's are out there doing the best they can. I realize that they can't see everything, and sometimes make mistakes just like anyone in any job. The assignor for the Association that covers games where I coach is a friend who I sometimes sit and have a beer with.

Pet Peeve: officials who seem to believe that anytime a player hits the floor with ball in possession, that it's an automatic travel violation. I see this again and again here- no attempt to get up or roll over, just an automatic call when a butt touches the floor.

Suggestion: next time some idiot howler monkey makes a, "this is the worst officiating blah blah blah" comment, after you've seat belted him, and the game is over, if his team lost, make a similar comment back that suggests he's lousy. Like, "Why didn't you try to press them coach." "I think that's what a good coach would have done." I know, you wouldn't do that. But damn! Wouldn't you like to sometimes?

Random observation: It's true- most of us (coaches) don't understand the rules very well. Most of us believe that we do, but we don't. I learned that in here. Best example is the back court violation. I feel like I have a good grasp of it now, but only from studying the threads in here.

Last Add: In my opinion there are way more bad coaches than there are bad referee's.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 12:58am
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Originally Posted by bbcoach7 View Post
Hello, long time lurker here. I've been reading the threads here for several years. I've really come to enjoy this site. I've learned a lot about the rules of the game from this site. I also really appreciate the particiular brand of humor on tap here.

I'm in my late 40's. I started coaching 8+ years ago. I coach girls, 5 years at the Jr High and the past 3 as JVHC. A few years ago I volunteered to referee a summer league with a coaching buddy who actually has been an official. I worked 3 games a night twice a week for 8 weeks. That experience gave me a whole different perspective.

It took me till my 5th season to get whacked the first time. I actually said, "what the hell's a guy gotta do to get T'd up around here?" He tweeted, smiled, and said, "that'll do it." I guess I wanted to get it over with.

The only other time I got whacked, the referee followed me into the locker room at half time calling at the back of my head, "Coach, Coach, come out here I want to talk to you." I turned and replied, "not now, I'm busy, and you shouldn't be following me into the locker room yelling at the back of my head." WHACK!!!

I think coaches who rant and yell, and scream at the referees are idiots. They probably have difficulty IRL dealing with stressful situations, or when things don't go there way.

The ONLY thing that really bothers me is when I see a Ref who as he's going to the table to report his call, he's staring at the player he just made the call on to see if there's a hint of dissagreement so he can whack her. The Ref who followed me into the locker room does that every time he calls a foul, and if the kid so much as stomps her foot in anger, he T's her up. He's only been assigned to four games I've coached, and 3 out of 4 times his manner and tactics have led to ejections and HS aged kids (girls) crying.

Otherwise, I know referee's are out there doing the best they can. I realize that they can't see everything, and sometimes make mistakes just like anyone in any job. The assignor for the Association that covers games where I coach is a friend who I sometimes sit and have a beer with.

Pet Peeve: officials who seem to believe that anytime a player hits the floor with ball in possession, that it's an automatic travel violation. I see this again and again here- no attempt to get up or roll over, just an automatic call when a butt touches the floor.

Suggestion: next time some idiot howler monkey makes a, "this is the worst officiating blah blah blah" comment, after you've seat belted him, and the game is over, if his team lost, make a similar comment back that suggests he's lousy. Like, "Why didn't you try to press them coach." "I think that's what a good coach would have done." I know, you wouldn't do that. But damn! Wouldn't you like to sometimes?

Random observation: It's true- most of us (coaches) don't understand the rules very well. Most of us believe that we do, but we don't. I learned that in here. Best example is the back court violation. I feel like I have a good grasp of it now, but only from studying the threads in here.

Last Add: In my opinion there are way more bad coaches than there are bad referee's.
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you and the point of view that you will bring. (Plus your obvious sense of humor. )

Two thoughts:
1. The official might be trying to get another look or a better look at the player's number. I know that I have called fouls and then needed to confirm the number before I reported because the jersey was twisted or the body was turned in such a way that I couldn't clearly see the number when making the call.

2. In the spirit of your comment about coaches not knowing the rules very well and you coming to understand that, please let me tell you that you are incorrect about your pet-peeve travel. The officials making this call are right.

4-44-5 . . . A player holding the ball:
a. May not touch the floor with a knee or any other part of the body other than hand or foot.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 02:26am
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Thank you & please post ART 4-44-6

Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you and the point of view that you will bring. (Plus your obvious sense of humor. )

Two thoughts:
1. The official might be trying to get another look or a better look at the player's number. I know that I have called fouls and then needed to confirm the number before I reported because the jersey was twisted or the body was turned in such a way that I couldn't clearly see the number when making the call.

2. In the spirit of your comment about coaches not knowing the rules very well and you coming to understand that, please let me tell you that you are incorrect about your pet-peeve travel. The officials making this call are right.

4-44-5 . . . A player holding the ball:
a. May not touch the floor with a knee or any other part of the body other than hand or foot.
I don't want to come off as pesky & annoying right away. I've seen what you guys can do to some poor hapless numb skull who might wander in and start popping off in the threads. So I'm gonna be careful here while still remaining true to my instincts.

Two Longer Than Necessary Responses:
1. Yes, I know what that looks like. I've done it myself, albeit as a poorly trained volunteer. But I do recall having to pause and look closer, or deviate from directly toward the table so I can see the players number clearly. This is different. He knows the #, and he's walking away from the player toward the table. I've seen him whack a kid while walking away to report & the kid was distgusted with herself because we emphasize not fouling, it was a stupid foul at a bad time, and she was mad. Not at the call, at her mistake. She wanted to punch herself in the nose. Instead she balled up her fists, stomped one foot and made a loud grunt sound. She was walking toward the bench and she was looking at the floor when she did this. Can you guess what this piece of refereeing did to this kid? Now she was reeeeal hurt and that leads to more anger. In hind sight, I should of sat her down & let her cool off. But she was my best on-ball defender (no surprise there, eh?) it was late and I needed her. Several posessions later, she goes into a corner to retrieve an OOB ball. Instead of softly tossing it to MrT, or at least making sure he was looking, she baseball passes it at his head from maybe 35' away, with at least 100% more velocity than required to travel that distance. He like, somehow spidey sensed it, ducked it, and TWEEET! She was gone. I agree with the second one. No way she can do that. But it all started because MrT went looking for it. Basketball is an emotional game for the players, sometimes they will express dissapointment that has little or nothing to do with a call - good or bad. And he doesn't seem to understand that. But he's the only official I've ever encountered like that. He actually has a good reputation on the boys side and doesn't work many girls games. As I mentioned, 3 out of 4 times he's managed to make a little girl cry. I think maybe he's got a problem with girls.

2. I used to run this play where the guard would run with the ball and slide into the elbow area on her stomach while holding it out in front of herself, then bounce it once real hard so it would go up and in. Sorry, that was bad. Don't want to destroy my already likely dubious first impression. I was referring to:
b. After gaining control while on the floor and touching with other than hand or foot, may not attempt to get up or stand.

Like I said, I coach JV girls at the D4 level, happens all the time. Not nearly as often as all the held balls, but a lot.

Thanks for welcoming me to the site here. I really think this place is cool. I have a couple b-ball coaches sites I like. But over the years I've never really found a good one that has a lot of activity like here. I don't know if you realize what you have here. You guys got it going on in here. It's very difficult to find a thread board community that has such a high number of witty, smart and creative characters as registered members. Real hard! So I appreciate this place.

And I've been reading a while. I even have some understanding of the culture in here- who is likely to urinate on my post first, who always has good advice, who seems to go off wild haired once in a while, who keeps posting even though once in a while it's evident many wish they would go away, etc. So if it seems like I'm just a little too big fer my britches sometimes, urinate on my post, and I'll simmer down, and you'll know why I act like this isn't my first rodeo.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 03:13am
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1. I'll have to accept your accounting of Mr. T at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not. I have certainly seen officials get offended or become emotional during games. It isn't a positive. The official has to be the calmest person in the gym at all times.

2. If you were talking about a player first going to the floor AND THEN gaining control of the ball, then I agree with you, and also get annoyed when my partners deem any twisting or turning by this player to be a travel. As you have noted it is only a travel to roll over or to attempt to get up. However, you wrote, "a player hits the floor with ball in possession" which is definitely a traveling violation if the contact with the floor was with other than a hand or foot. Perhaps you didn't phrase that in the proper manner to convey your desired meaning.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 03:16am
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Originally Posted by bbcoach7 View Post
Thank you & please post ART 4-44-6
I can't because there isn't such a rule number.

You must have meant 4-44-5b, which you have already posted.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 03:44am
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
1. I'll have to accept your accounting of Mr. T at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not. I have certainly seen officials get offended or become emotional during games. It isn't a positive. The official has to be the calmest person in the gym at all times.

2. If you were talking about a player first going to the floor AND THEN gaining control of the ball, then I agree with you, and also get annoyed when my partners deem any twisting or turning by this player to be a travel. As you have noted it is only a travel to roll over or to attempt to get up. However, you wrote, "a player hits the floor with ball in possession" which is definitely a traveling violation if the contact with the floor was with other than a hand or foot. Perhaps you didn't phrase that in the proper manner to convey your desired meaning.
1. Isn't this what everyone essentially must do in here- "... have to accept your accounting of ______ at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not." What I mean is that there's a lot of descriptions of out of control antics in here on the part of coaches, and it's accepted at face value. While it's true there's no comparison, many coaches go too far, and the vast majority of Ref's just make the call and don't go looking for trouble; but I accept your observations of coaches at face value and it's really no different.

The example I gave was a rather easy observation to make. I'll give you one more example- Player commits her 5th foul and is upset because now she's DQ'd. As she reaches the bench (still barely on the court), she reaches inside the sides of her shorts a couple inches and very quickly in one motion she untucks her jersey with an upward jerk, then pulls it down over her shorts. Because he's rubber-necking to watch her as he approaches the table, he sees this and decides to take it personally and he T's her up. She didn't remove her jersey. SHe didn't show any skin. Did she appear to do it with attitude? Yep, because she's a competitor and now she couldn't play anymore, she was angry.

Pure speculation, but it seems he just doesn't get it. And he wants girls to act a certain way, and when they don't he assumes it must be about him.

2. You're right, I completely flubbed that description. What I described the 1st time was traveling.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 09:15am
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bbcoach7, good to hear from you.

I agree with you on the guy who watches the kids after calling a foul. Early in my career, I did the same thing. Other than an outburst, I've learned to trust my partners to handle a kid who disagrees with a call.

And for what it's worth, I hate to see kids pull their shirt out on the way to the bench on their 5th foul, but I don't think it is worthy of a T as long as they aren't disputing the call. Pulling the shirt up is a different story.
I once issued a T for a kid who pulled his shirt off and threw it toward the bench. The coach came over and said, "Sorry, he saw Dennis Rodman do that and didn't know it was illegal."
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:08am
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Originally Posted by cardinalfan View Post
i once issued a t for a kid who pulled his shirt off and threw it toward the bench. The coach came over and said, "sorry, he saw dennis rodman do that and didn't know it was illegal."
Da Official
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:11am
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
1. I'll have to accept your accounting of Mr. T at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not. I have certainly seen officials get offended or become emotional during games. It isn't a positive. The official has to be the calmest person in the gym at all times.

2. If you were talking about a player first going to the floor AND THEN gaining control of the ball, then I agree with you, and also get annoyed when my partners deem any twisting or turning by this player to be a travel. As you have noted it is only a travel to roll over or to attempt to get up. However, you wrote, "a player hits the floor with ball in possession" which is definitely a traveling violation if the contact with the floor was with other than a hand or foot. Perhaps you didn't phrase that in the proper manner to convey your desired meaning.

Can't a player roll over from his stomach to his back?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:13am
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Originally Posted by Scooby View Post
Can't a player roll over from his stomach to his back?

Yes, but he will be called for a travelling violation.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:17am
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Originally Posted by bob jenkins View Post
Yes, but he will be called for a travelling violation.
Scooby and here is the Case Book example -

4.44.5 SITUATION B: A1 dives for a loose ball and slides after gaining control. A1 is in a position either on his/her back or stomach. What can A1 do without violating? RULING: A1 may pass, shoot, start a dribble or call a time-out. Once A1 has the ball and is no longer sliding, he/she may not roll over. If flat on his/her back, A1 may sit up without violating. Any attempt to get to the feet is traveling unless A1 is dribbling. It is also traveling if A1 puts the ball on the floor, then rises and is first to touch the ball. (4-44-5b)
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:32am
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
2. In the spirit of your comment about coaches not knowing the rules very well and you coming to understand that, please let me tell you that you are incorrect about your pet-peeve travel. The officials making this call are right.

4-44-5 . . . A player holding the ball:
a. May not touch the floor with a knee or any other part of the body other than hand or foot.
Of course, you are correct, Nevada.

Recently, however, I was working with an experienced official who mis-called a falling travel 3 times in one girls' game.

In all three instances, the player was fumble thumbing the ball as she went down and did not have possession until she landed and bounced once or twice times.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:38am
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Originally Posted by mick View Post
she landed and bounced once or twice times.
ha ha ha, the player bounced a couple of times!
"Your Azz is the Red Sea, My foot is Moses, and I am about to part the Red Sea all the way up to my knee!"

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 02:15pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
2. If you were talking about a player first going to the floor AND THEN gaining control of the ball, then I agree with you, and also get annoyed when my partners deem any twisting or turning by this player to be a travel. As you have noted it is only a travel to roll over or to attempt to get up. [/COLOR][/COLOR]
A little extra clarity here, please, because I was told by a partner a few weeks ago that I blew a traveling call on something like this. Amazingly, one of the coaches agreed with him at the time. But I digress.

He said if a player controls while on the ground and his legs are, say, extended in front of himself while sitting up, the player can't rock back and forth (i.e. cheek-to-cheek) while looking from side-to-side for an open teammate. He wasn't going anywhere and he didn't flip from back to front. While I was awaiting further development, partner activated the Fox 40.

What's the interp here? If I was wrong, great, I learned something. But Nevada, you seem to have given me retro-insight here, unless I read you wrong.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 02:20pm
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Originally Posted by Amesman View Post
He said if a player controls while on the ground and his legs are, say, extended in front of himself while sitting up, the player can't rock back and forth (i.e. cheek-to-cheek) while looking from side-to-side for an open teammate.
Had he already established a pivot cheek?
Yom HaShoah
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