Tue Feb 10, 2009, 10:11am
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Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: Battle Creek, MI
Posts: 383
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
1. I'll have to accept your accounting of Mr. T at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not. I have certainly seen officials get offended or become emotional during games. It isn't a positive. The official has to be the calmest person in the gym at all times.
2. If you were talking about a player first going to the floor AND THEN gaining control of the ball, then I agree with you, and also get annoyed when my partners deem any twisting or turning by this player to be a travel. As you have noted it is only a travel to roll over or to attempt to get up. However, you wrote, "a player hits the floor with ball in possession" which is definitely a traveling violation if the contact with the floor was with other than a hand or foot. Perhaps you didn't phrase that in the proper manner to convey your desired meaning.
Can't a player roll over from his stomach to his back?