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Old Tue Feb 10, 2009, 12:58am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by bbcoach7 View Post
Hello, long time lurker here. I've been reading the threads here for several years. I've really come to enjoy this site. I've learned a lot about the rules of the game from this site. I also really appreciate the particiular brand of humor on tap here.

I'm in my late 40's. I started coaching 8+ years ago. I coach girls, 5 years at the Jr High and the past 3 as JVHC. A few years ago I volunteered to referee a summer league with a coaching buddy who actually has been an official. I worked 3 games a night twice a week for 8 weeks. That experience gave me a whole different perspective.

It took me till my 5th season to get whacked the first time. I actually said, "what the hell's a guy gotta do to get T'd up around here?" He tweeted, smiled, and said, "that'll do it." I guess I wanted to get it over with.

The only other time I got whacked, the referee followed me into the locker room at half time calling at the back of my head, "Coach, Coach, come out here I want to talk to you." I turned and replied, "not now, I'm busy, and you shouldn't be following me into the locker room yelling at the back of my head." WHACK!!!

I think coaches who rant and yell, and scream at the referees are idiots. They probably have difficulty IRL dealing with stressful situations, or when things don't go there way.

The ONLY thing that really bothers me is when I see a Ref who as he's going to the table to report his call, he's staring at the player he just made the call on to see if there's a hint of dissagreement so he can whack her. The Ref who followed me into the locker room does that every time he calls a foul, and if the kid so much as stomps her foot in anger, he T's her up. He's only been assigned to four games I've coached, and 3 out of 4 times his manner and tactics have led to ejections and HS aged kids (girls) crying.

Otherwise, I know referee's are out there doing the best they can. I realize that they can't see everything, and sometimes make mistakes just like anyone in any job. The assignor for the Association that covers games where I coach is a friend who I sometimes sit and have a beer with.

Pet Peeve: officials who seem to believe that anytime a player hits the floor with ball in possession, that it's an automatic travel violation. I see this again and again here- no attempt to get up or roll over, just an automatic call when a butt touches the floor.

Suggestion: next time some idiot howler monkey makes a, "this is the worst officiating blah blah blah" comment, after you've seat belted him, and the game is over, if his team lost, make a similar comment back that suggests he's lousy. Like, "Why didn't you try to press them coach." "I think that's what a good coach would have done." I know, you wouldn't do that. But damn! Wouldn't you like to sometimes?

Random observation: It's true- most of us (coaches) don't understand the rules very well. Most of us believe that we do, but we don't. I learned that in here. Best example is the back court violation. I feel like I have a good grasp of it now, but only from studying the threads in here.

Last Add: In my opinion there are way more bad coaches than there are bad referee's.
Welcome to the forum! Glad to have you and the point of view that you will bring. (Plus your obvious sense of humor. )

Two thoughts:
1. The official might be trying to get another look or a better look at the player's number. I know that I have called fouls and then needed to confirm the number before I reported because the jersey was twisted or the body was turned in such a way that I couldn't clearly see the number when making the call.

2. In the spirit of your comment about coaches not knowing the rules very well and you coming to understand that, please let me tell you that you are incorrect about your pet-peeve travel. The officials making this call are right.

4-44-5 . . . A player holding the ball:
a. May not touch the floor with a knee or any other part of the body other than hand or foot.
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