Originally Posted by Nevadaref
1. I'll have to accept your accounting of Mr. T at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not. I have certainly seen officials get offended or become emotional during games. It isn't a positive. The official has to be the calmest person in the gym at all times.
2. If you were talking about a player first going to the floor AND THEN gaining control of the ball, then I agree with you, and also get annoyed when my partners deem any twisting or turning by this player to be a travel. As you have noted it is only a travel to roll over or to attempt to get up. However, you wrote, "a player hits the floor with ball in possession" which is definitely a traveling violation if the contact with the floor was with other than a hand or foot. Perhaps you didn't phrase that in the proper manner to convey your desired meaning.
1. Isn't this what everyone essentially must do in here- "... have to accept your accounting of ______ at face value as you have seen him in action and I have not." What I mean is that there's a lot of descriptions of out of control antics in here on the part of coaches, and it's accepted at face value. While it's true there's no comparison, many coaches go too far, and the vast majority of Ref's just make the call and don't go looking for trouble; but I accept your observations of coaches at face value and it's really no different.
The example I gave was a rather easy observation to make. I'll give you one more example- Player commits her 5th foul and is upset because now she's DQ'd. As she reaches the bench (still barely on the court), she reaches inside the sides of her shorts a couple inches and very quickly in one motion she untucks her jersey with an upward jerk, then pulls it down over her shorts. Because he's rubber-necking to watch her as he approaches the table, he sees this and decides to take it personally and he T's her up. She didn't remove her jersey. SHe didn't show any skin. Did she appear to do it with attitude? Yep, because she's a competitor and now she couldn't play anymore, she was angry.
Pure speculation, but it seems he just doesn't get it. And he wants girls to act a certain way, and when they don't he assumes it must be about him.
2. You're right, I completely flubbed that description. What I described the 1st time was traveling.