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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 08:31am
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more philosophy

I just finished my second year, so bear with me, and this question may need to be answered by coaches or former coaches.

why is it that when coaches are loosing a game, they seem to blame the officials for their problems? they will make statements like "this is the worst officiating I have seen".

Most coaches will admit, in a non game situation that without exception, officials try to call the games fair. yet, during the game they act as though we are being paid to make the outcome different.

Then the game ends, and the same coaches will say "good game ref", like nothing happened. If we acted like them, we would be banned from the sport!!!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 08:36am
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Originally Posted by beachbum View Post
I just finished my second year, so bear with me, and this question may need to be answered by coaches or former coaches.

why is it that when coaches are loosing a game, they seem to blame the officials for their problems? they will make statements like "this is the worst officiating I have seen".

Most coaches will admit, in a non game situation that without exception, officials try to call the games fair. yet, during the game they act as though we are being paid to make the outcome different.

Then the game ends, and the same coaches will say "good game ref", like nothing happened. If we acted like them, we would be banned from the sport!!!
Uhh, they're emotional and have a vested interest in the outcome of the game? That's why you have to take everything they say with a grain of salt. Listen to them and respond if necessary (If asked a question), but remember that they are usually venting. Who else are they going to let out their steam on? They should let it out on their players for playing so badly, but some of them won't do that, so they use you for it. Just take it in stride, it isn't personal. (Most of the time)
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 08:43am
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Remember, other than the officials and maybe security, everyone else in the gym is watching the game with their eyes and their heart. They have put their sweat and hard work into the game and want to do well and win. When things don't go according to plan, sometimes, they (includes parents and players) might not see clearly and their judgment may become clouded - they have to vent somewhere.

Officials on the other hand are supposed to watch the game with their eyes and their brain and are not supposed to have a vested interest in the outcome. We remain neutral and unemotional.

Get used to it and let it go. Next week when they win, they'll love ya just as much as they hated you last week!
There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.

Last edited by grunewar; Mon Feb 09, 2009 at 08:45am.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 12:26pm
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Originally Posted by BadNewsRef View Post
The same goes for fans.
Right, I just don't give a rip what they say. They can go jump in a lake. Coaches at least deserve dialogue if they're being respectful and not making statements the entire game.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 12:37pm
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Originally Posted by zm1283 View Post
Right, I just don't give a rip what they say. They can go jump in a lake. Coaches at least deserve dialogue if they're being respectful and not making statements the entire game.
They also have a responsibility that fans don't have; to treat us with respect. Coach tells me I'm the worst official ever, he's gotten personal, and he's earned himself a seat on the bench.

If he accuses me of cheating, my only decision is whether or not the T will be flagrant. Emotions are no excuse for poor sportsmanship.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 03:25pm
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Tell you something even more frustrating......youth leagues that require we pass out a referee survey card to each coach before the game. Coaches have free reign to put down whatever they want and you can't respond. And yes, I know the league office/officials' supervisor takes what is said with a grain of salt.......or so they say, but still. The comments some coaches make........

6th grade girls last night, close game throughout. VC compliments me on a couple of calls, politely asks for clarification on a couple of others and then thanks me, even suggests that he wished my partner would hustle as much as I do to get into position. Complains to my partner that he is missing some fouls and gets warned by my partner.

Then it happens; he only has five players and late in the game are down by 4 points when I call a clear hold on one of his players, who had four fouls on her already. Now she's gone and he is begging me to change it to someone else so he doesn't have to play with only four. "Can't do that coach, she is the one who fouled, no one else even close to the play." however, they actually come back to take a lead and win by 1 pt.

After the game he comes up and apologizes and seems real nice. But the OIC shows me the VC survey card after the game and I am rated "1" (poor) across the board (hustle, rules, game control, etc.) while my partner is all 4s and 5s (excellent and outstanding). Also, VC writes down that I called a horrible game.

Now where do I get to put all the extra info down so the league gets the whole picture? I know, just let it go..................but it sure gets me steamed sometimes!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 03:31pm
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Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
Tell you something even more frustrating......youth leagues that require we pass out a referee survey card to each coach before the game. Coaches have free reign to put down whatever they want and you can't respond. And yes, I know the league office/officials' supervisor takes what is said with a grain of salt.......or so they say, but still. The comments some coaches make........

6th grade girls last night, close game throughout. VC compliments me on a couple of calls, politely asks for clarification on a couple of others and then thanks me, even suggests that he wished my partner would hustle as much as I do to get into position. Complains to my partner that he is missing some fouls and gets warned by my partner.

Then it happens; he only has five players and late in the game are down by 4 points when I call a clear hold on one of his players, who had four fouls on her already. Now she's gone and he is begging me to change it to someone else so he doesn't have to play with only four. "Can't do that coach, she is the one who fouled, no one else even close to the play." however, they actually come back to take a lead and win by 1 pt.

After the game he comes up and apologizes and seems real nice. But the OIC shows me the VC survey card after the game and I am rated "1" (poor) across the board (hustle, rules, game control, etc.) while my partner is all 4s and 5s (excellent and outstanding). Also, VC writes down that I called a horrible game.

Now where do I get to put all the extra info down so the league gets the whole picture? I know, just let it go..................but it sure gets me steamed sometimes!
Have coaches send in game tape for proof. The ones that lie will be exposed as frauds.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 03:46pm
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Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
Tell you something even more frustrating......youth leagues that require we pass out a referee survey card to each coach before the game. Coaches have free reign to put down whatever they want and you can't respond. And yes, I know the league office/officials' supervisor takes what is said with a grain of salt.......or so they say, but still. The comments some coaches make........

6th grade girls last night, close game throughout. VC compliments me on a couple of calls, politely asks for clarification on a couple of others and then thanks me, even suggests that he wished my partner would hustle as much as I do to get into position. Complains to my partner that he is missing some fouls and gets warned by my partner.

Then it happens; he only has five players and late in the game are down by 4 points when I call a clear hold on one of his players, who had four fouls on her already. Now she's gone and he is begging me to change it to someone else so he doesn't have to play with only four. "Can't do that coach, she is the one who fouled, no one else even close to the play." however, they actually come back to take a lead and win by 1 pt.

After the game he comes up and apologizes and seems real nice. But the OIC shows me the VC survey card after the game and I am rated "1" (poor) across the board (hustle, rules, game control, etc.) while my partner is all 4s and 5s (excellent and outstanding). Also, VC writes down that I called a horrible game.

Now where do I get to put all the extra info down so the league gets the whole picture? I know, just let it go..................but it sure gets me steamed sometimes!
Are you sure he didn't write on the wrong cards? It seems like the things he put on your card were what he felt about your partner, and vise versa.

Just my 0.02.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 04:07pm
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Another factor not discussed yet: For the most part, coaching (at least HS level or above) is a career path. The same individuals who rant and cuss you out sometimes are dependent on this job as their living (or at least a substantial part of it). It's not an excuse for poor sportsmanship or boorish behavior, but it helps explain why they can get out of hand.

Another losing season may cost them their job. ..their star player fouling out may cost them a win.

I once read here (can't remeber the author): "Understand that this is a vocation for them...USUALLY an avocation for us. There is a difference."
Calling it both ways...since 1999

Last edited by Bad Zebra; Mon Feb 09, 2009 at 04:16pm. Reason: spelling
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 04:24pm
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It is always easier to point the finger at what others did wrong and how you did not accomplish something as a result, then look yourself in the mirror and blame yourself for your own short comings. It is that simple.

BTW, not all coaches do that. The best ones I find look in the mirror.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 04:29pm
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Originally Posted by Fritz View Post
Tell you something even more frustrating......youth leagues that require we pass out a referee survey card to each coach before the game.
A youth league that gets coaches' feedback on officials, and requires you to pass out the cards? I wouldn't work that league.
Things turn out best for people who make the best of the way things turn out.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 04:29pm
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Originally Posted by beachbum View Post
why is it that when coaches are loosing a game, they seem to blame the officials for their problems?
Because their egos are too big to allow them to blame themselves. Many of them have an ego as big as a zip code.

Of course, my ego is as big as a continent (not Europe - Antarctica).
Yom HaShoah
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 05:22pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
It is always easier to point the finger at what others did wrong and how you did not accomplish something as a result, then look yourself in the mirror and blame yourself for your own short comings. It is that simple.

BTW, not all coaches do that. The best ones I find look in the mirror.


Amen to that Brother!
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 05:29pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
It is always easier to point the finger at what others did wrong and how you did not accomplish something as a result, then look yourself in the mirror and blame yourself for your own short comings. It is that simple.

BTW, not all coaches do that. The best ones I find look in the mirror.

Yup. My observation is that "as long as you're blaming the refs, the team can't get better." That goes for the parents of the players, too. When they blame the refs, the kid doesn't have to deal with their own weaknesses and shortcomings, so they can't improve.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Feb 09, 2009, 05:53pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge View Post
BTW, not all coaches do that. The best ones I find look in the mirror.
Had a JV boys game a couple weeks ago where the home team was losing by 20+ points.
The home team point guard goes to his left for a drive to the basket and, right in front of me, puts his shoulder down and charges into a defender.
I call the charge.
Home team coach who was directly behind me screams, "Are you kidding me...!"
And in that split-second I thought, "Oh, here it comes, the coach is going to lay into me."
But, then he shouts the name of his point guard.
After I finish reporting, the coach says, "Good call, ref. You had to make that call."

I thought, "Wow, you don't get that every day from a coach getting crushed at home."

I guess, just like officials, coaches also come in all shapes and sizes.

NCHSAA (Basketball, Soccer)
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