Originally Posted by JRutledge
BTW, not all coaches do that. The best ones I find look in the mirror.
Had a JV boys game a couple weeks ago where the home team was losing by 20+ points.
The home team point guard goes to his left for a drive to the basket and, right in front of me, puts his shoulder down and charges into a defender.
I call the charge.
Home team coach who was directly behind me screams, "Are you kidding me...!"
And in that split-second I thought, "Oh, here it comes, the coach is going to lay into me."
But, then he shouts the name of his point guard.
After I finish reporting, the coach says, "Good call, ref. You had to make that call."
I thought, "Wow, you don't get that every day from a coach getting crushed at home."
I guess, just like officials, coaches also come in all shapes and sizes.