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Old Sun Oct 26, 2008, 08:16pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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2008-09 NFHS Basketball Rules Interpretations

Publisher's Note: The National Federation of State High School Associations is the only source of official high school interpretations. They do not set aside nor modify any rule. They are made and published by the NFHS in response to situations presented.
Robert F. Kanaby, Publisher, NFHS Publications 2008

SITUATION 1: The officials go to their designated positions to observe the pregame warm-ups. They discover that the new free-throw lane-space marking lines have not been put on the court. RULING: The officials shall direct game management to put two temporary 2 inch by 8 inch markings in the appropriate locations. Based on individual state guidelines, the officials may also need to submit a special report to the state association to report that the court is not in compliance with NFHS court specifications. (1-5-2; 8-1-4)
SITUATION 2: A team has members with No. 0 and No. 00 listed in the scorebook and it is discovered (a) with 14 minutes on the clock prior to the game, (b) with 8 minutes on the clock prior to the game or (c) after the game starts. RULING: In (a), changes can be made without penalty. In (b), if a number is changed in the scorebook, a team technical is charged. The offended team is awarded two free throws and a throw-in at the division line to begin the game. The arrow is toward the offending team. If no changes are made to the scorebook, no infraction has occurred. In (c), after the game starts, there is no infraction if only one of the team members (No. 0 or No. 00) participates. If the second team member wishes to participate, the result is an illegal number when "discovered." The penalty is a direct technical foul on the head coach for an illegal uniform. Two free throws and a division line throw-in for the offended team and loss of coaching box privileges for the offending coach. The second team member (with the illegal uniform number) may participate without further penalty and is NOT required to change his/her number. Another possibility exists after the game starts when one of the team members wants to change his/her number prior to participating. The result is a team technical foul (no loss of coaching box) for changing the scorebook. COMMENT: No team should have both No. 0 and No. 00 on its regular roster. The infraction is likely due to bringing a player up or down a level. Therefore, it is possible the team has access to other legal uniforms to replace a uniform with an illegal number. (3-4-3d; 10-1-2; 10-5-4)
SITUATION 3: The home team wishes to honor a teammate by putting his/her initials on the headbands and wristbands worn by the team. RULING: Illegal; headbands and wristbands must be unadorned. The only permissible adornment is either one manufacturer's logo or the school mascot/logo. The illegal items must be removed or made legal in order for a team member to participate. The initials may be put in the side insert or above the neckline of the team jersey. (3-5-3b, c; 3-4-2c)
SITUATION 4: A1 is using black pre-wrap around the entire head to keep his/her hair in place. In addition, A1 is wearing a black, moisture-absorbing headband above the pre-wrap, around the entire head. RULING: Illegal; only one headband is permitted to be worn. One of the headbands must be removed in order for A1 to participate. (3-5-3b)
SITUATION 5: A1 is wearing a red headband and one red wristband on each wrist below the elbow. Red is the torso color of the team jersey. A1 is also wearing a multicolored "scrunchie" to secure the hair in a ponytail. RULING: Legal; devices used to control the hair and that do not go around the entire head, are not considered headbands and, therefore, are not required to meet the same restrictions. (3-5-3d)
SITUATION 6: Team A is trailing by three points when A2 attempts a three-point try at the end of the game. A2 releases the try and is fouled in the act of shooting. The whistle for the foul is followed immediately by the horn sounding and the clock at 0:00. The try is unsuccessful. RULING: The officials are permitted to put time back on the game clock if there is definite knowledge of the correct time or information relative to the time that elapsed after the whistle blew and before the final horn sounded. If time is put back on the game clock, A2 will attempt three free throws with the lane spaces occupied. If the officials cannot determine the amount of time remaining or determine that there is no time remaining, A2 will attempt three free throws with the lane spaces cleared. (5-10-1; 8-1-3)

SITUATION 7: While the ball is at the disposal of A1 for a free throw, B1, along the lane line, steps out of the lane space. The official displays the appropriate delay signal. Five seconds later, A2, along the lane line, steps into the lane followed by A1 releasing the free throw. The ball enters the basket. RULING: A2's violation followed B1's; therefore, the second violation is ignored and the try is successful. COMMENT: The penalty only addresses one violation being followed by the other. There is no timeframe associated with "followed by" in the rule; therefore, the second violation is ignored. (9-1-3d Penalty 4a)
SITUATION 8: A1 is dribbling in his/her frontcourt when B1 deflects the ball into A's backcourt. The ball is bouncing toward the end line in A's backcourt while A1 and B1 give chase. B1 and A1 each contact the ball, but neither gains control. Finally, after numerous attempts by each player, A1 gains possession deep in A's backcourt. When does the 10-second count begin anew for Team A? RULING: The count starts as soon as the ball goes into the backcourt since team control has not ended. (4-12-3; 9-8)
SITUATION 9: Team members are leaving for the locker room at halftime when a fan taunts a member of the visiting team. The visiting team member immediately reacts, goes toward the fan and gets in a fight with him/her. RULING: The referee rules a flagrant technical foul on the visiting team member for fighting and he/she is ejected. Since he/she is a team member during intermission, an indirect technical foul is also charged to the head coach (loss of coaching box). The referee is also within his/her authority to assess a team technical foul for unsporting behavior on the spectator. If this occurs, the technical fouls are offsetting since they occur at the same time. The penalties are the same with the exception of bench personnel being ejected. If both technical fouls are assessed, each team begins the second half with one foul toward the team-foul count and play begins at the point of interruption, which is an alternating-possession throw-in to begin the third quarter. (10-1-8; 10-4-1g)