Simple terminology Q
Does a disqualified player constitute the definition of "ejection"?
Besides the obvious, the question asks a bit more than just the literal. 4-14 I believe clearly states a "disqualification," and the T summary for player Ts do not have "ejection" prescribed, but a partner that I had last week issued back-to-back Ts on one player during the league's playoff (semifinal; non-state sanctioned). While the Ts were warranted for the particular actions the player did, my partner stated on the court while reporting that the player would not be allowed to play in the final if they won.
I'm sure each state has their own ejection policy. I think here, the offender is suspended for so many number of games.
I didn't agree with my partner that it suspended the player, only that 2Ts sat the player down for the current game.
So, that's the background of my terminology question. Thoughts?
BTW, they did not win, so the issue was not really ever raised.
"Always Remember Your First Game" -Victor M. Susanto