I had a grade school game tonight, it was a great game, very sportsmanlike coaches, players, fans, ect. But, i think i kicked a call, score was 58-8 (major blowout,we just wanted to get it over with, but the 2nd string deserved as much of a chance) I call a foul, handchecking, we are in double bonous. I report it, green 45, and the signal for handchecking, we have 2, so we went and shot, but, the opposing coach called a time-out after the ball was put into flight on the 2nd freethrow, I dunno what I was thinking, and am now kicking myself for it, but I granted him the time-out, then the other coach started bitc****, he wanted another free throw. I know I messed it up, but the ball was already in flight, I didn't give him the extra throw. Should I have used the alternate poss. arrow, would this fall under inadvertant whistles? Thanks
If you don't take opportunity as it comes, you are lost in the sauce!