Doug; Let me see if I have this right. Player released the ball for the second free throw attempt? Coach requested the time out while the ball was in flight? At that point you blew your whistle and granted him/her the timeout? What happened to the shot? Was the shot GOOD or did the player miss the free throw attempt?
First of all, there is NO possesion on the shot if the ball is in the air so TO shouldn't have been granted for either team. When you blew the whistle the ball became dead at that point.
Here is what I would have done, If the shot was good I would have granted or asked the coach if he/she still wanted the TO. If the shot wasn't good, I would have told the coach that it was my fault and the TO shouldn't have been acknowledged. I would ask the coach if he/she wanted a TO after the shot was replayed (unless offense rebounded a missed shot). Lined the players back up and re-shot the free throw.
It's NOTHING until YOU call it!!