Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
It's a strange but oddly beautiful language called Oldschoolian. It has yet to be transferred into any of the modern languages, but there is still hope that there might be a Rosetta Stone of some kind lying in a cave somewhere on this planet that will aid in that task. Samples of Oldschoolian writings are currently being saved for deciphering by future scholars on the off chance that such a stone is ever found. The post that you are referencing is just one of the posts that has been saved for future translation.
Of course, there is also another point of view that has been espoused by other linguistic experts who have tried to interpret the true meaning of the Oldshool Papers. Their fear is that the planet is not ready for what is contained in the OldSchool parchments. They are predicting the end of civilization, as we know it, if the OldSchool Papers are ever translated.
Be afraid. Be very afraid. 
There is a third theory to which I subscribe. The theory is best described with an analogy.
When toddlers learn to talk, they start be emulating sounds they hear even though they don't know what those sounds mean. Occasionally, an adult can be found who can spell (sorta) and type (sorta) but hasn't really advanced beyond the sound emulation stage of communication. They use words and punctuation, but can't make any sense no matter how hard they try.