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  #61 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 29, 2007, 11:01am
In Memoriam
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Posts: 20,211
Originally Posted by BadNewsRef
Jurassic, too many posts for me to go through. So let me get this straight. I'm standing in the b/c at the free throw line. A1 throws me the ball and instead of catching it I start tapping it back and forth between each hand and run 65ft towards my basket, where I finally catch the ball with both hands and both my feet on the ground.

Can you cite a violation if the ball never comes to rest? Offhand, I can't think of one.

How about tipping a rebound up in the air, and then doing that right down the court too? IamKip says that's a violation too.

Sigh....never an IAABO rules interpreter around when you need one.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 29, 2007, 11:23am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 34

Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
Can you cite a violation if the ball never comes to rest? Offhand, I can't think of one.

How about tipping a rebound up in the air, and then doing that right down the court too? IamKip says that's a violation too.

Sigh....never an IAABO rules interpreter around when you need one.
What is your definition of comes to rest? How long? A rebound that turns into a 6 inch tap running down the court would be a violation. A rebound that is clearly being batted would not. It would be my judgement.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 29, 2007, 11:39am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 3,505
I wonder if the rules committe had any idea there would be some officials out there racking their brain over words like rest and holding -- these behemoths of language have survived thousands of years under scrutiny I am sure they will survine a thousand more. I will try and clarify

rest: (has many definitions so ponder which one best fits your ideology)
–noun 1. the refreshing quiet or repose of sleep: a good night's rest.
2. refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor: to allow an hour for rest.
3. relief or freedom, esp. from anything that wearies, troubles, or disturbs.
4. a period or interval of inactivity, repose, solitude, or tranquillity: to go away for a rest.
5. mental or spiritual calm; tranquillity.
6. the repose of death: eternal rest.
7. cessation or absence of motion: to bring a machine to rest.
8. Music. a. an interval of silence between tones.
b. a mark or sign indicating it.

9. Prosody. a short pause within a line; caesura.
10. a place that provides shelter or lodging for travelers, as an inn.
11. any stopping or resting place: a roadside rest for weary hikers.
12. a piece or thing for something to rest on: a hand rest.
13. a supporting device; support.
14. Billiards, Pool. bridge1 (def. 14).
–verb (used without object) 15. to refresh oneself, as by sleeping, lying down, or relaxing.
16. to relieve weariness by cessation of exertion or labor.
17. to be at ease; have tranquillity or peace.
18. to repose in death.
19. to be quiet or still.
20. to cease from motion, come to rest; stop.
21. to become or remain inactive.
22. to stay as is or remain without further action or notice: to let a matter rest.
23. to lie, sit, lean, or be set: His arm rested on the table.
24. Agriculture. to lie fallow or unworked: to let land rest.
25. to be imposed as a burden or responsibility (usually fol. by on or upon).
26. to rely (usually fol. by on or upon).
27. to be based or founded (usually fol. by on or upon).
28. to be found; belong; reside (often fol. by with): The blame rests with them.
29. to be present; dwell; linger (usually fol. by on or upon): A sunbeam rests upon the altar.
30. to be fixed or directed on something, as the eyes, a gaze, etc.
31. Law. to terminate voluntarily the introduction of evidence in a case.
–verb (used with object) 32. to give rest to; refresh with rest: to rest oneself.
33. to lay or place for rest, ease, or support: to rest one's back against a tree.
34. to direct (as the eyes): to rest one's eyes on someone.
35. to base, or let depend, as on some ground of reliance.
36. to bring to rest; halt; stop.
37. Law. to terminate voluntarily the introduction of evidence on: to rest one's case.

holding: (this is a noun therefore we will only concern ourselves with the noun definitions)
–noun 28. an act of holding fast by a grasp of the hand or by some other physical means; grasp; grip: Take hold. Do you have a hold on the rope?
29. something to hold a thing by, as a handle; something to grasp, esp. for support.
30. something that holds fast or supports something else.
31. an order reserving something: to put a hold on a library book.
32. Finance. a security purchased or recommended for long-term growth.
33. a controlling force or dominating influence: to have a hold on a person.
34. Wrestling. a method of seizing an opponent and keeping him in control: a toe hold.
35. Music. fermata.
36. a pause or delay, as in a continuing series: a hold in the movements of a dance.
37. a prison or prison cell.
38. a receptacle for something: a basket used as a hold for letters.
39. Rocketry. a halt in the prelaunch countdown, either planned or unexpectedly called, to allow correction of one or more faults in the rocket or missile.
40. a fortified place; stronghold.
41. (on telephones with two or more lines) a feature that enables a person to maintain a connection on one line while answering another line.

many choices and combinations here to fulfill all your wildest scenarios.
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