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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 11:04am
Do not give a damn!!
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I do not give many technical fouls and I applaud this action. If a kid cannot control their behavior then they do not need to be on the court. It is not hard to not get called for a T. It is very easy to do. These kids need to realize that they are not in the pros and just play the game. There is too much whining from kids over the silliest things. Good for the coach no matter what kind of T is given.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 11:32am
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
I do not give many technical fouls and I applaud this action. If a kid cannot control their behavior then they do not need to be on the court. It is not hard to not get called for a T. It is very easy to do. These kids need to realize that they are not in the pros and just play the game. There is too much whining from kids over the silliest things. Good for the coach no matter what kind of T is given.
You know what? From recent POE's and bulletins, it seems that the NFHS, the NCAA and even the NBA agrees with you. They all say that emotion is not an excuse for unsporting actions.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 12:01pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
You know what? From recent POE's and bulletins, it seems that the NFHS, the NCAA and even the NBA agrees with you. They all say that emotion is not an excuse for unsporting actions.
I do not know if they agree with me rather than I agree with them. I have felt for a long time that a player can control their behavior in such a way to not get T'd up. I have no problem with excitement or any other kind of exuberance. But to behave in an unsporting manner is not acceptable. You do not have to T kids every time they do something, but they should at the very least know where you stand. Then if they choose to continue their behavior at least they had some idea what might happen (not that it is required to give warnings either).

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 04:14pm
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by rockyroad
More power to him!! I always applaud situations like this where someone sets high standards for the youth of our country...!
Very well said, I concur completely and for what coach Poole's doing too. A signed contract that he makes the parents sign, not a bad idea. Obviously, they are having problems in this area and he is attempting to get control of it. Believe me when I say this will make our job easier, more on this later.

Originally Posted by BillyMac
Later, when I was near the player's coach, the coach thanked me for giving his player a technical, and that maybe this would straighten out his bad attitude. Also, later, while I was near a sideline, an adult, who identified herself as the player's mother, also thanked me for giving her son a technical foul, because he could be real stubborn at times, even at home.
This is the very reason why I applaud the coach who attempts to solve his problems before they reach the court. So much is expected of officials. They now want us to solve their kids behavior problems.

But what burns me more than anything else is when some of us say giving a player a T is going to make them a better person in life. Playing a game of bball is not the same as problems you have in your everyday life and we really need to backup off of that. It's ridiculous. It's just a game. If someone is a bad person on the floor doesn't mean they are a bad person in life or vice-versa. Also, administrators, coaches, and parents need to get their players (or staff personal) straighten out before they reach the floor. Quit putting this burden on the officials to straighten out in the games.

Case in point, I'm working a girls HS game and the home team coach is trying to start a riot. I'm trying to get thru the game without accessing a T, I'm working with it. Games just about other, close game. I go talk to the A/D on a injury timeout, and I ask, why is this person coaching? She's out of line. He tells me to give her a T and that will give him the ammunition he needs to get rid of her. Now the A/D knows this coach is OOL, but it's now my problem. Now I got to deal with her crazy azz in this game. How about you take care of business before I get here, and all I got to do is worry about refereeing the game.

Just my 2 cents....
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 04:27pm
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I don't believe that any official (other than you) would be so unprofessional as to evaluate a coach's behaviour to their AD; I find it even less likely that any AD would discuss staffing matters with an official. What do I know though; I'm in Canada.

Regardless, because your comments may cause newer officials to act ignorantly:

1) You weren't "working with it," Schooly.
2) You were being worked and, in the long run, making life difficult for other officials.
3) Your job is to administer the rules of the game; the AD's job is to deal with their athletes and coaches.

Therefore, it's your job to administer the T when valid and it's the AD's job to deal with the coaches.
He may be mad, but there's method in his madness. There nearly always is method in madness. It's what drives men mad, being methodical.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Sun Jan 21, 2007, 08:32pm
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Originally Posted by K-Bach
I don't believe that any official (other than you) would be so unprofessional as to evaluate a coach's behaviour to their AD; I find it even less likely that any AD would discuss staffing matters with an official. What do I know though; I'm in Canada.

Regardless, because your comments may cause newer officials to act ignorantly:

1) You weren't "working with it," Schooly.
2) You were being worked and, in the long run, making life difficult for other officials.
3) Your job is to administer the rules of the game; the AD's job is to deal with their athletes and coaches.

Therefore, it's your job to administer the T when valid and it's the AD's job to deal with the coaches.
Wow! 10 posts in, and K-Bach already has it all figured out!
Quitters never win, winners never quit, but those who never win AND never quit are idiots.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 11:21am
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Well, I'm a coach and I'm fine with it (as long as if this coach gets a "T", he abides by the same rules - he removes himself from the bench and can't coach - what's good for the goose...).

Frederick County, MD requires if a player get's 2 grades below a 70, that they sit out indefinitely until both grades are above 70... I've made it tougher - if you have any grades below an 80, you sit out 1 game - below a 75, you sit indefinitely until all grades are 80 and above. Also, my girls are required to do 2 community service projects that I decide... Parents didn't like it when I told them about this - considering it costs them money for their girls to play (U-15 AAU), so I told them to make sure that their girls do well in school - or they don't play - although I want all my girls to go on to be college and pro-stars, I feel it is my responsibility to prepare them for the fact that most of them won't... Athletics is such an easy way to push kids to be there best (in life - not just athletics).
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 11:26am
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by amcginthy
Well, I'm a coach and I'm fine with it (as long as if this coach gets a "T", he abides by the same rules - he removes himself from the bench and can't coach - what's good for the goose...)
I agree that coaches should not get Ts either, but the coaches are adults. Children need to understand that there is a different standard when you an adult as to when you are a child. You do not need the same rule to apply to player and coach. That is my opinion.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 11:37am
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
I agree that coaches should not get Ts either, but the coaches are adults. Children need to understand that there is a different standard when you an adult as to when you are a child. You do not need the same rule to apply to player and coach. That is my opinion.

I completely disagree (respectfully of course..)

If you are going to pull a player because he lost control of his/her emotions, then you as a coach, had better not loose control of yours. If my player gets frustrated at a call and slams the ball to the ground and receives a T... I pull that player and sit them and won't play them again that game... 15 minutes later, I get pissed at a call that I didn't like and kick my chair or throw my clipboard... I get T...

How does being an adult justify my actions. It doesn't... Not in any way.

As a coach, you can't preach what you don't practice... if you do, you will lose the respect of your team and really send them the wrong message.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 11:54am
Do not give a damn!!
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I think you are missing my point. Adults are adults, children our children. I do not expect a coach to enforce a rule the exact same for him that he has for the players. Players are the ones doing the running up and down the court, not the coach. Should a coach run suicides (lines or whatever you call them) when they make a mistake? Of course not. You do not have to agree with that, but I believe what rules adults will set have little or nothing to do with the children have to adhere to. When they start paying bills and taking total responsibility for their lives, then they will have more say. Even then someone will set some rules that they personally will not have to adhere to (boss, spouse, their children ).

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 11:57am
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old school -- sometimes i try and defend you -- but here I cannot -- the AD should have issued you a T.

as for what this coach is doing great for him!!!

Many coaches preach a tough philosophy, but when faced with following through and benching one of their top players for a big game they buckle. Parents will whine about something or the other -- I think as a coach your single most important philosphy should be DLITGTFO -- "Dont like it then get the F*&% out"
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 12:14pm
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Originally Posted by JRutledge
I think you are missing my point. Adults are adults, children our children. I do not expect a coach to enforce a rule the exact same for him that he has for the players. Players are the ones doing the running up and down the court, not the coach. Should a coach run suicides (lines or whatever you call them) when they make a mistake? Of course not. You do not have to agree with that, but I believe what rules adults will set have little or nothing to do with the children have to adhere to. When they start paying bills and taking total responsibility for their lives, then they will have more say. Even then someone will set some rules that they personally will not have to adhere to (boss, spouse, their children ).

I get the point of adults / kids rules... but, this is a fine line when you are the example, the mentor that is supposed to be teaching things like sportsmanship and character - do as I say, not as I do doesn't apply to character....NEVER... example... HS coach kicks kid off team for getting DUI, two weeks later, coach gets DUI...private school, so no board to do anything... headmaster gives a formal reprimand and a second chance... what kind of lesson has been taught here...

Again, I'm a coach, not a ref.. I read here all the time... I have seen that "Unsporting is Unsporting" no matter what... this goes for coaches as well as players... if a coach is going to pull a player for a T, he/she had better pull themselves if they get one... because sportsmanship is learned and taught...
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 12:49pm
Do not give a damn!!
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Originally Posted by amcginthy
I get the point of adults / kids rules... but, this is a fine line when you are the example, the mentor that is supposed to be teaching things like sportsmanship and character - do as I say, not as I do doesn't apply to character....NEVER... example... HS coach kicks kid off team for getting DUI, two weeks later, coach gets DUI...private school, so no board to do anything... headmaster gives a formal reprimand and a second chance... what kind of lesson has been taught here...

Again, I'm a coach, not a ref.. I read here all the time... I have seen that "Unsporting is Unsporting" no matter what... this goes for coaches as well as players... if a coach is going to pull a player for a T, he/she had better pull themselves if they get one... because sportsmanship is learned and taught...
You know what you tell the kids, "Life is not fair." There are a lot of situations where punishments are not equal. I am not saying a coach should not hold himself/herself to a higher standard. I am just saying that even if a coach gets T, I do not have a problem with no one expecting a coach to take a similar punishment. I know as an official I do not allow players to behave the same way as an adult (I am not the only one that feels that way either). If I do not give Ts to coaches for the same reason as a player, I do not think a coach should have the same penalty. Once again, just a personal opinion.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 01:02pm
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Originally Posted by amcginthy
Also, my girls are required to do 2 community service projects that I decide...
I can understand maybe making someone sit because of their grades if it is a school sanctioned team, but this? Most schools have academic stop lists for players that aren't doing well.
Why is it your responsibility to prepare these kids for their future? That's what the parents are for. If I was paying for my kid to play/learn basketball, I wouldn't be too pleased either if you were imposing requirements on them that have nothing to do with the game.
Not trying to be harsh. I just don't see the significance.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jan 22, 2007, 01:16pm
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if I coach I coach on my terms -- otherwise DONT LET YOUR KIDS PLAY FOR THAT COACH.

It really annoys the sh!t out of me when I coached that I would lay out what was expected and when I went to enforce or follow up the parents all seemed so shocked and make a big deal of it. Requiring your players to do some sort of community service -- especially for AAU type teams is VERY GOOD -- being a coach is more than just teaching the X's and O's of the sport and the really good ones teach the X's and O's of life though the sport that they are teaching.

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