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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 03:50am
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Technical on Coach for Yelling at Partner

Had a situation where I warned the coach once to be quiet, I didn't get a chance to tell my partner.

Does it then look unprofessional if the coach is clearly yelling at your partner and you come in from across the court and give the coach a technical? It seems like it might be almost like calling out of your area, but would that be tolerated in this instance?

Thoughts? What would you do?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 04:07am
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My judgment would take into account a few other factors.Is your partner a rookie?What is the coach yelling about?Is your partner the crew chief and is he/she dealing/
When I am reading some of you guys posts I get the impression that the southern hemisphere style of reffing has a different slant-here it is more of an emphasis on managing the game not what is neccessarily by the rulebook and we use advantage/disadvantage a lot.That is not a critcism merely an observation
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 05:27am
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I think we as veterans all struggle to a certain extent with this. Is your partner a rookie, is the starting point. If he is...I am not going to protect him unless a coach goes over the line...otherwise unless we let the rookie fight his own battles, he won't advance. Is it a packed house? If it is, I can tollerate a little more. And, did we create the chaos? If we did then I am always going to let the coach go a little bit further. I may even, with a rookie, go over to a coach, find a wet spot on the floor (since i am not going to give a d-o-g warning for that) and wipe it out and tell the coach, I am here, get it out of your system --I am going to put the ball in play and we are going to forget about it.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 07:33am
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Originally Posted by jontheref
1) Is it a packed house? If it is, I can tolerate a little more.

2) And, did we create the chaos? If we did then I am always going to let the coach go a little bit further.
What difference should either of those situations ever make? An unsporting act is an unsporting act. A packed house? What difference does that make? The fans should never be a factor in any decision that you make. Never! And, what an official has done should also never be used as an excuse for letting any unsporting behavior go.

Sorry, Jon, but it sounds to me that you're just looking for excuses not to call a deserved technical foul.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 08:19am
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Does it then look unprofessional if the coach is clearly yelling at your partner and you come in from across the court and give the coach a technical? It seems like it might be almost like calling out of your area, but would that be tolerated in this instance?

Thoughts? What would you do?
If you have already warned the coach, he has been put on notice. I wouldn't be concerned about the T coming from "out of area." The coach is creating the issue, he has been told that his concerns have been heard. Now, play ball or have a seat for the rest of the game.
Don't call 'em all, just the ones that matter.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 09:16am
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Originally Posted by brainbrian
Had a situation where I warned the coach once to be quiet, I didn't get a chance to tell my partner.

Does it then look unprofessional if the coach is clearly yelling at your partner and you come in from across the court and give the coach a technical? It seems like it might be almost like calling out of your area, but would that be tolerated in this instance?

Thoughts? What would you do?
Who cares about looks, and no it is not unprofessional, and if you gave him a technical after you warned him, good job. If the coach is venting at my partner and he's not swearing or trying to show my partner up by jumping up and down, kick the chair, throw the clipboard down. Short of anything like this, it is not illegal. That's what coaches do.

Now, like what some of the other posters have said, if my partner is a rookie, or my son. No, I'm not going to let a coach destroy there confidence like that. Short of that, my partners can take care of themselves. Typically, what I have seen is if a coach is complaining alot, he's complaining about everything. The next time it will be your call or no call. So you can just wait until it's your turn, and if he's continues complaining, technical. You are nice, you warn him. I'm not warning a complaining about everything coach. Coaches need to pick and choose their battles but they can't complain about everything.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 09:56am
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I wouldn't like to be the partner that you ran across the floor and T'd up a coach for. Let's just say that. As for deserving the T, well you warned him. What you might have done is let it be for the moment, then the very next opportunity, talk with your partner.

Of course, if presented with that situation again, a nice way of handling it is as follows:

Coach: complaining about calls
Official to Coach: "Coach, that's enough. This is your warning. Please, coach your team."
Official to Partner (loudly so they hear, the table hears, and the COACH knows they heard): "Team ?? Coach has been warned."

You are not embarrasing the coach, you are communicating with your partner, and doing it this way leaves no room for misunderstanding either. JMO
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 10:51am
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You are a crew. It doesn't matter who the coach is yelling at. If it's an unsporting act, take care of it. I T'd a coach from Lead once a couple of years ago when he was 4 feet from my partner standing and making an a@# of himself. When I went to report it, the coach told me that was fine but he wanted my partner to call it. I just told him we were a crew and we weren't going to have that kind of behavior happen in the game. After the game I talked to my partner and he was having a rough night and was just trying to ignore the coach to get through it. He didn't have a problem with me coming across the floor.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 11:06am
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It always comes back to what would I want to happen. If I was half a marble short of calling a T I would NOT want my partner taking the other 1 1/2 marbles I had left.

I have found that there is alot going on that I can not see or here if I am watching my primary and I have to trust my partner- or don't go on the court with her.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 11:37am
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If the coach has been warned to knock it off then Whack him - I do not care who does it.
Something I have noticed this year amoungst a large number of my partners is that they are hesitant to whack a coach once they have been warned by another official. Like it isn't their warning so they do not want to get them.

Grow a set, If they have been warned they have crossed the line - As junker said you are a crew - So one warning is from all of you it is time to get it done!
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:04pm
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Thumbs down

Originally Posted by OHBBREF
If the coach has been warned to knock it off then Whack him - I do not care who does it. Something I have noticed this year amoungst a large number of my partners is that they are hesitant to whack a coach once they have been warned by another official. Like it isn't their warning so they do not want to get them.

Grow a set, If they have been warned they have crossed the line - As junker said you are a crew - So one warning is from all of you it is time to get it done!
I do not go into any games looking to whack a coach. I think that's a little weak for an official to come tell me he warned the coach, so if he does anything again, you want me to whack him. Hell, if he's causing a problem, take care of it right then and there. Don't bring me your problems with the coach, and I will not bring another official my problems with the coach. I disagree with this strategy for dealing with coaches.

Coaches try to work different officials. That's called coaching. Good coach bad coach. He's good to you bad to me. What you consider unacceptable, I might not think that's worth me enforcing a technical for. If the coach is out of line, deal with it is my strategy. Don't pass the buck. Just like you say, grow a set and deal with it.

With that being said. I think warning a coach is good game management. If you can get out of a situation without giving a T, that's a good thing. My problem is, if you give him a warning, and he does something else in front of me, now you are mad at me because I didn't step up and do the job you should have done the first time. That's my problem.

A wise basketball official once said, there is a limit to how many technicals a coach can get, but there is no limit to how many warnings....
Read and Prosper
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 12:05pm
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Originally Posted by brainbrian
Had a situation where I warned the coach once to be quiet, I didn't get a chance to tell my partner.

Does it then look unprofessional if the coach is clearly yelling at your partner and you come in from across the court and give the coach a technical? It seems like it might be almost like calling out of your area, but would that be tolerated in this instance?

Thoughts? What would you do?
If it deserves a T, call it. Protecting a partner is teamwork and I think it looks better than if the ref being criticized calls it.
"To learn, you have to listen. To improve, you have to try." (Thomas Jefferson)
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 01:18pm
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Originally Posted by Old School

A wise basketball official once said, there is a limit to how many technicals a coach can get, but there is no limit to how many warnings....
A wiser basketball official- me- once said that this ties for the dumbest statement ever made on this forum.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 01:19pm
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
A wiser basketball official- me- once said that this ties for the dumbest statement ever made on this forum.
Is it trophy time again? And that particular post wins the prize for most self-contradicting.
Sprinkles are for winners.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Dec 28, 2006, 01:51pm
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
Is it trophy time again? And that particular post wins the prize for most self-contradicting.
The trophy has been retired, Snaqs. No real competition.
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