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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 04:01pm
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What an incredibly interesting statement...Christian fanatics forcing their beliefs on us by having a rule against profanity in tennis matches??? I'm not sure where that comes from, but I do know that this State Association Official followed the rules as they are written in that can you fault him? He did his for whether or not it was actual profanity - I have a supervisor who told us at a meeting that if profanity was loud enough to be heard in the front row, call a T! When asked to define profanity, he said "If it's something you wouldn't hear on t.v. during the 'family hour', it's profanity." Pretty simple policy...had the kid yelled "Jesus Christ" in one of my games, I'd T him...
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 04:16pm
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Blue Zebra-
You deserve a "T" for that response."Fanatic". This has nothing to do with somebody pushing beliefs on anyone. If someone yelled out "Fat slob" if the tone,volume, and meaning is in my opinion inappropriate. I would "T" him/her up! Whether you believe in Religion or not. Certain words or phrases should not be tolerated.
Like I said Politics and Religion, Nobody will ever agree!
AK ref SE

[Edited by AK ref SE on May 31st, 2001 at 05:10 PM]
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 07:07pm
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Originally posted by bluezebra
What else would you expect from a "Bible Belt" state? Another case of religious (read Christian) fanatics forcing their beliefs on the rest of us.


When you reply, please stay on the topic. This is not a forum for your personal beliefs.

It was in the rules that an outburst will get you disqualified. The kid made an outburst. By rule, he was disqualified. Now we have a doubles match with one team only having one player.

Easy call. Match over. Amen.

my favorite food is a whistle
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 07:29pm
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Originally posted by BigDave


When you reply, please stay on the topic. This is not a forum for your personal beliefs.

It was in the rules that an outburst will get you disqualified. The kid made an outburst. By rule, he was disqualified. Now we have a doubles match with one team only having one player.

Easy call. Match over. Amen.

Actually, BigDave, the original post did not say the player was disqualified for an outburst, but specifically for what he said. In fact, it stated that if he would have said either word by itself, in just the same manner, there would have been no penalty.

There are certain words I consider profanity, but frankly these aren't among them. Deciding what is profane is a different issue from attitude and intent for purposes of assessing technicals.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 07:38pm
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Unhappy For TH and Rainmaker

Originally posted by BktBallRef
I'm not questioning whether the TSSAA policy is correct, moral, or appropriate. I really don't care what their policies are are. All I'm saying is that the official was correct in his action is this is what happened.

Rut, in past posts, you've indicated that the IHSAA allows players and coacheds to use profanity. That's fine, if that's what they want to do. You also know that in my state, that is not allowed. That doesn't make either association right or wrong. We must simply uphold the rules and policies of the association that we work under. It would appaer that Jan Genosi did just that.
TH, I never said that the IHSA (not the IHSAA, that is Iowa) profanitiy is not a T'able offense. I said that they do not have profanity as a no tolerance policy like the state of North Carolina. Other than what the rules say, profanity is not a policy in stone that warrants a T. And in my opinion and believe me different people disagree on this, I use common sense when the profanity is used.

If a player curses at his coach or curses out his fellow teammates, I for one am not going to give a T to that player or coach. But if he curses at me that is a different story. And even if we are having a conversation and a curse word is used, and not a sole hears this conversation but me and the player and or coach, I am going to be hard pressed to give a T.

To Rainmakker:

I do not disagree that certain words do should not be said and should not be voiced at all, but if I am in the Chicago Public League and two Black players are talking amongst themselves and one uses the N word, I am certainly not going to go into there conversation and give a T for those words. Now, I do not agree with the usage of that word and being and African-American myself, as long as they are not calling myself a Nigger or one of the opponents or a fan, I personally do not care what they say amongst themselves. Now what I might do in this situation is call the players aside and tell them that word should not be used here or anywhere else that others can hear it. I am not one who advocates the usuage of the N word period, whether it is used by Blacks and African-Americans or people outside of that community. I was raised that way, but I do understand that others were not. So I am not going to give T's because I have a political difference with other Blacks or African-Americans about a word that is used in a political or social context. I have better things to do. But this is a whole different discussion.

I am a Christian, I am not one that is so easily offended. So the usage of "Jesus Christ" in itself is not going to get me to start T'ing the choir or a player because the say that. If you want to tell the truth, the usage if the Lord and savior is an offense unto God, not me. Only the people that make that type of comment has to answer to Jesus for that, not me.

I am not Catholic or Muslim or Buddist and do not understand all the things that would offend people of those religions. So I am not going to make the a point just because someone says something that offends a religion unless they comment is made to intimidate or taunt an opponent or me. So unless a comment is personal in nature, I am leaving it alone.

Now this does not mean that the comment will not go unsaid by me or a point will not be made. But I am not going to penalize a team or affect the game if a kids says something in anger to his team or to himself.

And considering that I do Football and Baseball and many things are said amongst teammates all the time that the only one that hears the comments are sometimes the teammates and maybe you if you are close enough. But I am an official, not the thinking police.

I think personally Christians need to get a life (and I am one) and find other things to find offensive. Are we going to start giving T's for other behavior that offends us like tatoos and other things that go against our religious beliefs.


[Edited by JRutledge on May 31st, 2001 at 07:45 PM]
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 09:39pm
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Originally posted by rockyroad
Pretty simple policy...had the kid yelled "Jesus Christ" in one of my games, I'd T him...
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Thu May 31, 2001, 11:51pm
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Question But what did the kid do?

Originally posted by BktBallRef
Originally posted by rockyroad
Pretty simple policy...had the kid yelled "Jesus Christ" in one of my games, I'd T him...

My question would be who did he yell it at? Did he think he got fouled or did the miss an open layup?

Because if he yelled it at the official, I have no problem with given the kid a T at all. I would do the same if the kid said "dawggonnit!!!!," if he felt he was fouled.

But if the kid just missed a wide open layup and yelled, "Jesus Christ!!!!!" I am going to pass. Does not mean I will not say anything, but if that is the first outburst, a T is not automatic.

Just a thought.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 09:18am
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Re: But what did the kid do?

[QUOTE]Originally posted by JRutledge

My question would be who did he yell it at? Did he think he got fouled or did the miss an open layup?

Because if he yelled it at the official, I have no problem with given the kid a T at all. I would do the same if the kid said "dawggonnit!!!!," if he felt he was fouled.

But if the kid just missed a wide open layup and yelled, "Jesus Christ!!!!!" I am going to pass. Does not mean I will not say anything, but if that is the first outburst, a T is not automatic.

Just a thought.

I think my approach is in line with yours, I'm not gonna
T everytime a player mutters the f word under his breath,
and I'll remind him to keep it civil. But some level of
self control is expected. I'm inclined to T a player for
missing a layup & yelling out loud anything approaching
what could be called an "explitive", which to me includes
"Jesus Christ!!!!!". To me it's game management. Once you
let the obvious & overt stuff go you've started down a very slippery slope.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 12:57pm
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Like I said before - it may not offend me, but if it's not gonna be on the family hour of t.v., and it's said loud enough for the fans to hear, then T the kid...I am also a Christian, but I am not the judge of other's behavior...if asked I will tell them I disagree...if not asked, I keep my mouth shut...that is NOT the point of this discussion...the kid violated a rule and paid the price - agree or disagree with the rule, it is a rule (kinda like the new full time-out signal - I hate it but will use it because it's a rule)...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 01:12pm
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Red face

Actually, I've heard lots of words during the "family hour" on television that I would give a T for if I heard them in a game. The late Steve Allen said that TV has become a "sewer". I'm not sure I agree with going that far, but I do know that the first network hour each night is far different in tone and language from when I a kid, even from when I was raising small kids. The worst part is that network shows that normally run later are routinely "stripped" at the dinner hour.

I am not advocating censorship in the slightest and certainly I am not a prude by a long shot. I'm only saying that times have changed and sometimes I feel like I'm trying to hold back a bursting dam when I insist on no profanity and good sportsmanship during games.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 03:20pm
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Lightbulb Well let me say this.

I think what is offensive in Midway, Alabama, is not offensive in Detroit, Michigan. What is offensive in Macomb, Ilinois, is not offensive necessarily the same thing that is offensive in Waukeekan, Ilinois.

My point is if you feel that this is offensive and a curse word (and you have that right) give them a T. If you feel that the context is self-defeating, then you have the right to take action which that official deems appropriate.

I think that what is profane to one is appropriate or acceptable to others. I personally do not care if other officials disagree that "Jesus Christ" is not a profanity statement or not. But If I call a T on a kid that just missed a open shot, and said it and I hear it, I would get thrown out of most conferences here if I would dare call that a T. Now if that same kid said that to me after he thought he called a foul, then I would be commended.

Now obviously we all are not going to completely agree. I really do not expect to change anyone's belief on this. You have to do what you feel is right and what system you are under like TH is under North Carolina rules. But I did want to share this story that was similar in nature.
************************************************** **********

I was doing a 3 man game at an AAU tournament in Central Illinois this past weekend. I belive with about 6 seconds on the clock a kid felt that he was fouled or something did not go his way for some reason. I was the Center and far away from the play, but my partner who I believe was the Lead or New Trail in this situation and the play was right in front of him. I guess the kid showed his displeasure with my partner by cursing at him (I am not really sure what he said, but it was not JC), and then my partner gave this kid a T. Now the game was pretty much decided and the outcome was only a formality at that point. Because this was a summer game and tournament, there were kids standing all around this condensed court waiting to play the next game. Now an assignor was also our partner and a big time official in the area I live. The organizer of the tournament was also a big time officials in the area and was coaching one of the teams in the tournament but was not participating in this particular game.

Well after the game the assignor and the tournament organizer came up to the T calling official and wanted to know what happen. I had no clue myself but I wanted to hear the conversation because this was a situation where I could learn from what the "big boys" thought.

Basically they told him that(assignor and tournament organizer doing the talking) he should have passed on the T. They further said that the game was decided and there was not a need to "send a message" at that point. The calling official disagreed. He felt that this kid cursed at him, and because the player did this and many other players heard him, he felt that he need to get the message that his actions were not acceptable. And finally the assignor told him that, "If an assignor were to see the actions of the player and the actions that you took as a result, that assignor would think you did not know how to handle the game."

Comments about the story.
Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 03:58pm
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Re: Well let me say this.

Originally posted by JRutledge
I think what is offensive in Midway, Alabama, is not offensive in Detroit, Michigan. What is offensive in Macomb, Ilinois, is not offensive necessarily the same thing that is offensive in Waukeekan, Ilinois.

the point, though, is that the tennis rules (well, okay, interpretations) specifically state that "JC" is a violation.

Heck, even I read about that *before* this incident -- and I neither officiate nor play tennis.

So, when the words were uttered, the penalty was automatic.

It's as if the FED added a Note to 10-3-8b: "Use of the phrase 'JC' is automatically determined to be profane, inappropriate and obscene."

You might not like that change. I might not like that change. But, I'd enforce it. (At the same time as I was enforcing it, I might lobby for it to be changed.)
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 04:05pm
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Thumbs down Re: Well let me say this.

Originally posted by JRutledge
Basically they told him that(assignor and tournament organizer doing the talking) he should have passed on the T. They further said that the game was decided and there was not a need to "send a message" at that point. The calling official disagreed. He felt that this kid cursed at him, and because the player did this and many other players heard him, he felt that he need to get the message that his actions were not acceptable. And finally the assignor told him that, "If an assignor were to see the actions of the player and the actions that you took as a result, that assignor would think you did not know how to handle the game."

Comments about the story.
I agree with your thoughts on cursing, but that darn Assignor and Tournament director....

On the surface, I am with your partner. It seems he did what he had to do.
If it was a solid call, the TD was doing that " please the customer thing", and the assignor was covering his back.
Now, if there was a really, really bad call that caused this commotion, if there was a whole lot more to the story, then maybe I could understand them saying something.

Last year, at a Team Camp, I called a late intentional foul right in front of 3 coaches and the TD. (a kid pushed the back of an opponent making an open lay-up.)

After the game I mentioned that I hated to make that call at that point in the game. But in my case, they agreed that it had to be made because the kid was so wrong.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jun 01, 2001, 04:15pm
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I agree with Mick...if the player swears at me and spectators hear it, I T him...if the TD and the assignor don't like it, oh well - that's life...
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