Originally posted by JRutledge
My question would be who did he yell it at? Did he think he got fouled or did the miss an open layup?
Because if he yelled it at the official, I have no problem with given the kid a T at all. I would do the same if the kid said "dawggonnit!!!!," if he felt he was fouled.
But if the kid just missed a wide open layup and yelled, "Jesus Christ!!!!!" I am going to pass. Does not mean I will not say anything, but if that is the first outburst, a T is not automatic.
Just a thought.
I think my approach is in line with yours, I'm not gonna
T everytime a player mutters the f word under his breath,
and I'll remind him to keep it civil. But some level of
self control is expected. I'm inclined to T a player for
missing a layup & yelling out loud anything approaching
what could be called an "explitive", which to me includes
"Jesus Christ!!!!!". To me it's game management. Once you
let the obvious & overt stuff go you've started down a very slippery slope.