Thread: Profanity?
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Old Wed May 30, 2001, 10:16pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally posted by 112448

rainmaker (Juulie i think?)--
I don't disagree that an outburst similar to the ones you have described should be penalized with a technical foul, my point was that FORFEITING a tennis match for that behavior, which is tantamount to forfeiting a basketball team, seems a bit excessive. Can we agree on that? Because that was really my point.

You're missing the point. It wasn't a forfeit, it was an ejection. Since you can't play doubles with one person, a forfeit is the result. The official had no choice is the TSSAA strictly abides by a profanity rule and "Jesus Christ" is included in that rule.

In NC, profanity by a participant is an autoimatic ejection. If it's a basketball player, then the coach just sends a sub in. But in tennis, the match would be forfeited.

That's the rule.
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