Originally posted by RollTide
I can tell you from a coaches standpoint, because I've been there, when it's crunchtime and the game is on the line, I don't want anything that could be even the slightest bit controversial from an official to be handed to me. I prefer the official to stay out of the way and let the players determine the outcome, just as I did when I played (any sport).
I can tell you from an official's standpoint, because I've been there, when it's crunchtime and the game is on the line, I want a partner who doesn't give a damn about whether his call is gonna be "controversial" or not, or whether it's gonna affect the game or not either. I want a partner with the testicular fortitude to make the proper and appropriate call, not swallow their whistle because they're afraid of offending a coach or the fans, or worry about what a coach is gonna think of their call.
I think that we'll still just have to agree to disagree on this one. Your game-calling philosophy is just completely foreign to everything that I believe in. Jmo.