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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 12:19am
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I had a weird sitation come up this past Friday when I was doing a Boy's High School game. As I was running along the sideline table-side, I could hear the coach yelling "Time-out!" When I looked at him he was obviously trying to get the attention of one of his players. Even though I was near the bench he was ignoring me completely. Finally one of his kids heard him and requested the time out. I went to him and reminded him that he could call a T.O. directly without going through a player (didn't we call know that?? ) and he said, "Well, you could hear me asking for one..." My response was that he wasn't talking to me at the time!

Later I got to wondering if I did the right thing. Obviously I don't think that coach will make the same mistake, and I probably won't ever find myself in that sitation again, but how would you all have handled it?

[Edited by Paul LeBoutillier on Jan 22nd, 2001 at 11:23 PM]
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 01:04am
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Had I heard and seen him yelling to his player for a timeout, I would have granted him one.

I see this happen from time to time. Coaches are trying to get a player's attention and forget that they can make the request. The kids are ignoring them, just like mine do at home, and I notice before the kids do. I give him the TO.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 05:10am
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I had a highschool game last year and during the game I thought the coach was yelling for a timeout. I turned and
granted him one. He said he was yelling,"side out, a play".
I apologized, and resumed play. Unless I see the T sign
along with the verbal request from the coach I am not as
quick to stop play. Usually the players will look right at
you or try to hold the ball and signal at the same time so
that usually isn't a problem understanding them.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 08:41am
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If I know for sure the coach is calling a time out, I will grant it. There are also certain situations (end of game, run by other team, etc.) where you can expect the coach to be calling a time out and have an ear cocked to hear the call.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 08:57am
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I once had a situation where a coach had used his last timeout halfway through the fourth quarter. He was yelling for his players to call another timeout with just a few seconds I let him have it. I had warned/told him after he used his last one that he was out of timeouts, but I guess he forgot. After the illegal timeout (I gave him a 'T') he went crazy on me for giving it to him. I told him he asked for it, and I warned him he was out, but if you request it, you're gonna get it. He calmed down after that...but I guess the moral of my story is: If you hear it, grant it!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 11:45am
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Originally posted by Paul LeBoutillier
I went to him and reminded him that he could call a T.O.
Paul - never tell a coach he can "call" a timeout. He can't. Remind him that he can "request" a timeout. Only you or your partner(s) can "call" a timeout.

Is this distinction anything other than being nit-picky? Yes. I have seen players stop playing when a coach yells timeout. I have seen coaches complain when they think they have a timeout just by yelling "timeout".

By telling him he can "request" one, you reinforce the idea in his mind (or, what passes for one) that you are in control, that he cannot always get a timeout whenever he wants one and that he must request it of you for you to recognize his request.

As to the other major point of this thread: I do not grant timeouts when a coach is communicating with a player. If a coach wants me to do something, he must ask me. If I'm in a good mood, I just might listen to him
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 11:58am
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When this rule first came in to effect (coaches being able to request time-outs directly) I remember our rules interpreter heading some important advice. Be sure that they REALLY want the time out. Many teams have plays called "side-out" or "five-out" which can be misheard by an official during the game. We were told that if we do hear a coach calling for one, we should try and glance over to see if he is also using a hand signal for the time-out. This way we are sure that we are not misunderstanding them.

Also, before the game, I make it a matter of practice to remind coaches to please be sure to request time-outs both verbally and with a signal, so that we can be sure to get it right.

One other thing I remember being told is that once an official grants a time-out - it IS a time-out - even if the coach was really calling a play. Has anyone else heard this?
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 12:23pm
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It is a rule (casebook 5-8-3). Once granted, you cannot take it back.

Of course, I am sure there is wide interpretation, and adhearance to the rule.

My guess is, depending on the level, it is enforced more by common sense. You just never know when an inadvertent whisle will happen.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 01:15pm
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I usually will say, coach I heard you....Full or 30...

Mark - How's this --- Coach, "Your Request has been Granted"
Full or 30....

I got one for everybody. I've seen this twice so far this year. Team A in control of the Ball (Live action) and Team B coach is trying to call a TO. It seems to happen at the end of the game. Somebody told me that it's a new trick that is used to lure Team A into a momentary Lull, so team B can steal the ball. It be very hard to give team B coach a unsporting T... (Unless you know for sure he/she is doing this on purpose). After all he could just be CONFUSED (I hear you all saying - that's why he a coach!!!).

Has anybody else seen this one???
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 03:00pm
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Not only have I seen this case, I have seen an official grant the time out. Allowed the coach to change his defense and personnel to deal with a press.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 03:01pm
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Originally posted by DrC.
I usually will say, coach I heard you....Full or 30...

Mark - How's this --- Coach, "Your Request has been Granted"
Full or 30....
Never ask a coach if the timeout is a full or a 30. From the time he first requests it, he has until you get to the reporting area and report it to tell you it's a 30. If he doesn't do that, it's a full. PERIOD

I got one for everybody. I've seen this twice so far this year. Team A in control of the Ball (Live action) and Team B coach is trying to call a TO. It seems to happen at the end of the game. Somebody told me that it's a new trick that is used to lure Team A into a momentary Lull, so team B can steal the ball.
Are you serious? Do you think any coach is smart enough to try that on purpose? Believe it or not, players are usually smarter than coaches (and so are rocks). One of my favorite things to have happen in a game is for a coach to yell for a timeout when he cannot legally be granted one. I love it when they scream so loud and long that the veins pop out in their forehead. At the next whistle, when they have become absolutely apoplectic, I calmly inform them they cannot have a timeout when the other team has the ball. The look on their face when they hear that is priceless.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 03:16pm
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Originally posted by Mark Padgett
As to the other major point of this thread: I do not grant timeouts when a coach is communicating with a player. If a coach wants me to do something, he must ask me. If I'm in a good mood, I just might listen to him
Mark--This very philosophy is what got me embroiled in ejecting a coach last year, as discussed elsewhere on this board. I was about three feet away from him on trail, he started yelling Time Out but when I glanced at him he was not giving a visual signal, nor was he looking at me, and besides he was yelling. Furthermore, he already had one T but was up off the bench, so I reasoned that he wouldn't want me to see him breaking rules, and that he was trying to teach his girls how to call a time out in a certain situation.

I looked from him to the girls who were all looking at him, and one of them said, "What?" I looked back at him and screamed "Time out" again, still not looking at me and still not giving a visual signal. I looked back at the girls, then at him and then he let me have it! So he asked for a T, and I gave it to him.

I agree with the idea behind what you are saying, but it doesn't always go over real big with coaches.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 03:17pm
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When they get like that I usually hustle over to them on the next deadball and calmly ask if they still want the TO. This usually sends them to another level.

Of course you have to make sure you have a huge smile on your face the whole time. Plus, a "you want fries with that" tone helps.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Tue Jan 23, 2001, 06:38pm
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Never ask a coach if the timeout is a full or a 30. From the time he first requests it, he has until you get to the reporting area and report it to tell you it's a 30. If he doesn't do that, it's a full. PERIOD
Mark, I don't normally disagree with you, but I will here... The mechanic that we use is to ask if they want a full or 30. This is done immediately and they respond immediately - otherwise, if they choose to ignore the question, it is a full.

Of course, we're from down South, so it's just common courtesy around here

OK - enough posting... Got a game at 7:30... Later...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed Jan 24, 2001, 12:00am
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Originally posted by Bradley Batt
Never ask a coach if the timeout is a full or a 30. From the time he first requests it, he has until you get to the reporting area and report it to tell you it's a 30. If he doesn't do that, it's a full. PERIOD
Mark, I don't normally disagree with you, but I will here... The mechanic that we use is to ask if they want a full or 30. This is done immediately and they respond immediately - otherwise, if they choose to ignore the question, it is a full.

Of course, we're from down South, so it's just common courtesy around here

OK - enough posting... Got a game at 7:30... Later...
I agree. This was the interpretation that we got from Mr. Knox. We ask, they have 3 seconds to answer, then they get a full if they don't respond.
" cool as the other side of the pillow." - Stuart Scott

"You should never be proud of doing the right thing." - Dean Smith
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