Originally posted by Paul LeBoutillier
I went to him and reminded him that he could call a T.O.
Paul - never tell a coach he can "call" a timeout. He can't. Remind him that he can "request" a timeout. Only you or your partner(s) can "call" a timeout.
Is this distinction anything other than being nit-picky? Yes. I have seen players stop playing when a coach yells timeout. I have seen coaches complain when they think they have a timeout just by yelling "timeout".
By telling him he can "request" one, you reinforce the idea in his mind (or, what passes for one) that you are in control, that he cannot always get a timeout whenever he wants one and that he must request it of you for you to recognize his request.
As to the other major point of this thread: I do not grant timeouts when a coach is communicating with a player. If a coach wants me to do something, he must ask me. If I'm in a good mood, I just might listen to him