I had a weird sitation come up this past Friday when I was doing a Boy's High School game. As I was running along the sideline table-side, I could hear the coach yelling "Time-out!" When I looked at him he was obviously trying to get the attention of one of his players. Even though I was near the bench he was ignoring me completely. Finally one of his kids heard him and requested the time out. I went to him and reminded him that he could call a T.O. directly without going through a player (didn't we call know that??

) and he said, "Well, you could hear me asking for one..." My response was that he wasn't talking to me at the time!
Later I got to wondering if I did the right thing. Obviously I don't think that coach will make the same mistake, and I probably won't ever find myself in that sitation again, but how would you all have handled it?
[Edited by Paul LeBoutillier on Jan 22nd, 2001 at 11:23 PM]