Originally posted by DrC.
I usually will say, coach I heard you....Full or 30...
Mark - How's this --- Coach, "Your Request has been Granted"
Full or 30....
Never ask a coach if the timeout is a full or a 30. From the time he first requests it, he has until you get to the reporting area and report it to tell you it's a 30. If he doesn't do that, it's a full.
I got one for everybody. I've seen this twice so far this year. Team A in control of the Ball (Live action) and Team B coach is trying to call a TO. It seems to happen at the end of the game. Somebody told me that it's a new trick that is used to lure Team A into a momentary Lull, so team B can steal the ball.
Are you serious? Do you think any coach is smart enough to try that on purpose? Believe it or not, players are usually smarter than coaches (and so are rocks). One of my favorite things to have happen in a game is for a coach to yell for a timeout when he cannot legally be granted one. I love it when they scream so loud and long that the veins pop out in their forehead. At the next whistle, when they have become absolutely apoplectic, I calmly inform them they cannot have a timeout when the other team has the ball. The look on their face when they hear that is priceless.