Originally posted by A Pennsylvania Coach
It seems to me the current wisdom when dealing with kids is to encase them in plastic and protect them from everything. At 8th grade, your child may or may not be mature enough to handle this situation with your support--that's your call.
I agree that over-protecting isn't healthy. But I'm not sure removing a kid from this tean is over protection. I doubt there are very many 8th graders anywhere that could handle this in an up-building way. And I do think the coach needs to be carefully admonished, even if he doesn't listen. Somehow, he needs to learn that this behavior is unacceptable. If parents don't pull their kids, or at least speak up in a strong way, it appears as though what he's doing is fine. Being a yeller is one thing. What this guy is doing os way over the top and really does border on illegal. Every attempt must be made to end the situation for everyone.