Run like the wind!
Assuming you've given it to us straight, I'd get out now. I've coached for over 16 years and have seen more than my fair share of this kind of coach. They are rarely successful.
A GOOD coach knows that there are two very distinct approaches to coaching the game - "coaching for instruction" and "coaching for performance".
A GREAT coach knows how to do the former - instruct and develop players' skills and ability within the framework of a team system. At the younger age groups, including 8th grade, it seems to me that this approach should govern the majority of the time. This approach entails identifying a mistake and provide feedback and instruction in a positive and non-threatening manner. Example: "Mary, the last two times you caught the ball, you put down the dribble immediately and missed open players near the basket, getting trapped once. Next time you catch the ball, remember to pivot and turn to the basket, and look to pass as a first option. Dribble only if no one is open."
An EXCELLENT coach knows how to blend in the "coaching for performance" factor AFTER he's certain that a player (or a team) is capable of more, based on what was taught, developed, and practiced. More importantly, an excellent coach knows WHEN to use each approach. Even when he chews them out to "light a fire" with some anger, an excellent coach still manages to provide meaningful feedback. Example: "Look at the clock! We're ahead by 8 with 2 minutes to go. We've turned the ball over the last two possessions rushing up the floor on fast breaks. Why are we pushing the ball up the floor?? You all know better than that! Different game from here on out. I don't want to see any shots unless it is an uncontested lay-up. TAKE CARE OF THE BALL!"
A LOUSY coach doesn't provide any quality instruction, and thinks he can wheedle performance out of players by screaming at the top of his lungs at the players. Worst of all, a lousy coach provides absolutely no informative feedback during these tirades. Telling the kids that they suck and that he's thinking of quitting??? Now there's something profound and insightful for me to think about - SHEESH!!!
Sound like you have a LOUSY COACH. Get your daughter out of this situation. People like this ruin their players' love for the game...