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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 01:01pm
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It's not the definition of insanity...

…but it is close.

Over the last three weeks, since my last game, I have been reflecting and evaluating my personal situation. For the most part, I enjoy the time I am actually on the court…but until this season the first 4 words of that statement weren’t there.

I can look myself in the mirror and honestly say that when this last season started I was ready. I had gotten myself into decent shape (read that to say, above average for the guys my age in the association) and felt the camps I attended had prepared me for the season. The things I “got dinged” for in the first camp were things that I was told I “did well” in the fourth camp. In fact, in every review from the evaluators during that last camp most of the negatives they mentioned were accompanied with the comment “This isn’t a big thing, but…”. When I spoke with the assignor, the only negative he mentioned was my age…can’t do anything about that. So I went into the season hopeful.

The early schedule was pretty good…majority varsity at smaller school programs that historically had done well. Some lopsided games but you can expect some of that in non-district. I was driving a lot of miles but encouraged. Then district play hit…and the schedule took a marked downturn. Overwhelming majority was fairly bad basketball, not very competitive games and mostly sub-varsity. Looking back of the entire season and I noticed that overall I spent a lot of time driving to games that weren’t very good and, as a whole, working with partners who were either fairly new and were just doing it for the money.

The introspective has made me come to the conclusion that one of these statement are true:

1) I actually suck (or close to it) as an official.

2) The person who assigns games has slotted me as, what almost can be called, a filler official and there is nothing I can do to convince him to give me a “better schedule”.

Given that…it would be stupid to bust my hump during the off-season just so I can see my schedule take another hit next season and come to the end of it more frustrated than I am now. I may be a lot of things…but stupid isn’t one of them. I also tell people that when you stop enjoying what you are doing it is time to stop doing what you are doing.

Good luck to everyone. I hope you exceed the goals you have set for yourself. It is time for me to find something else to fill my “leisure” time.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 01:34pm
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If you aren't pleased with the assignments you are receiving and are ready to quit, then you have nothing to lose by actually asking your assignor about your schedule. Let him know that you desire to work more competitive contests and ask him directly what he thinks of you as an official. Inquire what it would take for you to get the schedule that you desire. If you don't like the answers that you get, then walk away and find something else to do.

On the other hand, what if direct conversation addresses the situation to your liking? I'd say it's worth a shot.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 01:37pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
If you aren't pleased with the assignments you are receiving and are ready to quit, then you have nothing to lose by actually asking your assignor about your schedule. Let him know that you desire to work more competitive contests and ask him directly what he thinks of you as an official. Inquire what it would take for you to get the schedule that you desire. If you don't like the answers that you get, then walk away and find something else to do.

On the other hand, what if direct conversation addresses the situation to your liking? I'd say it's worth a shot.

Your conclusions are probably both wrong.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 01:39pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
If you aren't pleased with the assignments you are receiving and are ready to quit, then you have nothing to lose by actually asking your assignor about your schedule. Let him know that you desire to work more competitive contests and ask him directly what he thinks of you as an official. Inquire what it would take for you to get the schedule that you desire. If you don't like the answers that you get, then walk away and find something else to do.

On the other hand, what if direct conversation addresses the situation to your liking? I'd say it's worth a shot.
This is what I was going to say. You have nothing to lose at this point by having an open conversation with your assigner.
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 02:20pm
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Originally Posted by Nevadaref View Post
If you aren't pleased with the assignments you are receiving and are ready to quit, then you have nothing to lose by actually asking your assignor about your schedule. Let him know that you desire to work more competitive contests and ask him directly what he thinks of you as an official. Inquire what it would take for you to get the schedule that you desire. If you don't like the answers that you get, then walk away and find something else to do.

On the other hand, what if direct conversation addresses the situation to your liking? I'd say it's worth a shot.
Agree with what the others have posted. You don't have this conversation with the tone "I deserve a better schedule" you go with in the conversation "What do I need to do to reach (my goal)"

I had that conversation a few years ago with my old assignor and I prefaced it by saying before he even responded I'm not asking for a better schedule just what do I need to take the next step up. His response was basically I call a good game, in the right position, know the rules, but that I run funny (well 3 microfractures will do that to you). However, he also stated I don't get beat down the court though. He stated he would look to move me up the next season. Next season I had a steady but noticeable increase in my schedule. I wasn't asking for a consistent schedule of tournament like games, but I did see an increase in the type of games I was getting.

Maybe by calling him he'll realize that as an official you are striving to be better than what you're slotted at and are making strides to get there (camps, feedback etc...). He may recognize this and move you up. Of course as the assignor he may already have formed his opinion and you may not like what his response is. In that case there isn't much you can do, but continue to work hard and hopefully it will pay off in the future.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 02:40pm
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It's threads like this that make me thankful that every league here has its own assigner. I didn't work in one area league until that assigner retired -- he didn't like me for whatever reason -- but that didn't matter cause I was working in 9-10 others.

I'm trying to imagine what it would be like to have one assigner and then to be on that assigner's sh!t list....not a fun thought.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Mar 08, 2016, 10:17pm
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It's possible he may not be aware of all the work you have done. I agree calling him to have a talk would help. Good luck.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 09, 2016, 02:32pm
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My son (a former official) called me last night asking about a play. I came here to see if the video was was and I could answer his question so thanks.

I read the replies on this and decide to do as suggested. Called right away and left voicemail...did the same mid-morning today and have not received a call. I also just sent an email to him as sometimes he is quick to return them rather than call...understandable as he is in car sales and returning emails are generally easier so you don't risk getting stuck on a phone call.

We'll see...
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 09, 2016, 03:52pm
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I received a response to the email...such as it is.

First, I started the email by saying I understood that he would always select officials for games based on their exhibited ability and if I desired a better schedule I needed to improve my ability/performance. Then I politely reminded him we had this discussion at our camp last summer and he said two things then: commented on my age as a factor and that I was one of the officials he wanted to watch that weekend. I pointed out that my evaluators (and he has copies of their forms) had mostly positive things to say about my work and mentioned noticeable improvement. Then I asked if he, or someone on his evaluation committee, had seen something different and what their assessment said needed improvements.

His response was very short (in it's entirety): "[My name] I need you! This was [name of his assistant]s first year. Let me get him lined out and then I will just put you in varsity assignments. LET ME GET IT WORKED OUT!"

I continue to be frustrated by him not answering, what I think, is a fair question because he sees something that keeps me from getting even decent games...I just cannot get him to tell me. I really want to respond and tell him the evidence I have tells me he doesn't need me...but what do they say, discretion is the better part of valor.

I still have a few weeks to decide and still get the discount for early renewal. Apparently it does no good to look at an email and yell "Just answer the [bleeping] question!"

Of course...if he is on here I just yelled that at him
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 09, 2016, 05:06pm
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Originally Posted by BatteryPowered View Post
I received a response to the email...such as it is.

First, I started the email by saying I understood that he would always select officials for games based on their exhibited ability and if I desired a better schedule I needed to improve my ability/performance. Then I politely reminded him we had this discussion at our camp last summer and he said two things then: commented on my age as a factor and that I was one of the officials he wanted to watch that weekend. I pointed out that my evaluators (and he has copies of their forms) had mostly positive things to say about my work and mentioned noticeable improvement. Then I asked if he, or someone on his evaluation committee, had seen something different and what their assessment said needed improvements.

His response was very short (in it's entirety): "[My name] I need you! This was [name of his assistant]s first year. Let me get him lined out and then I will just put you in varsity assignments. LET ME GET IT WORKED OUT!"

I continue to be frustrated by him not answering, what I think, is a fair question because he sees something that keeps me from getting even decent games...I just cannot get him to tell me. I really want to respond and tell him the evidence I have tells me he doesn't need me...but what do they say, discretion is the better part of valor.

I still have a few weeks to decide and still get the discount for early renewal. Apparently it does no good to look at an email and yell "Just answer the [bleeping] question!"

Of course...if he is on here I just yelled that at him
This is why this conversation would have been better over the phone at least, and best of all, over lunch or something. He managed to completely dodge the real question.

If I was you, I'd probably reply to his email and thank him for his response, but let him know you really want to discuss this further and invite him to lunch or something.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 09, 2016, 05:13pm
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OR if you are on the fence of quitting his response would indicate a give it one more year. If it doesn't get better then oh well. How hard do you really want to pursue someone for a conversation if it appears that they don't want to talk?

I would take him at his word this one time and then if it turns out to be hot air and you are willing to walk away then do so after next year.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 09, 2016, 06:37pm
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Originally Posted by BatteryPowered View Post
I received a response to the email...such as it is.

First, I started the email by saying I understood that he would always select officials for games based on their exhibited ability and if I desired a better schedule I needed to improve my ability/performance. Then I politely reminded him we had this discussion at our camp last summer and he said two things then: commented on my age as a factor and that I was one of the officials he wanted to watch that weekend. I pointed out that my evaluators (and he has copies of their forms) had mostly positive things to say about my work and mentioned noticeable improvement. Then I asked if he, or someone on his evaluation committee, had seen something different and what their assessment said needed improvements.

His response was very short (in it's entirety): "[My name] I need you! This was [name of his assistant]s first year. Let me get him lined out and then I will just put you in varsity assignments. LET ME GET IT WORKED OUT!"

I continue to be frustrated by him not answering, what I think, is a fair question because he sees something that keeps me from getting even decent games...I just cannot get him to tell me. I really want to respond and tell him the evidence I have tells me he doesn't need me...but what do they say, discretion is the better part of valor.

I still have a few weeks to decide and still get the discount for early renewal. Apparently it does no good to look at an email and yell "Just answer the [bleeping] question!"

Of course...if he is on here I just yelled that at him
It sounds to me like he agreed that you were underutilized and is planning to see that it is taken care of.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 09, 2016, 06:49pm
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deecee and Camron both have +1 observations.

Sounds like you were "heard" and you got a pretty strong indication he wants you around. The next trick is to collar him at the next opportunity to get further refinement of his statements (whether by grabbing a bite to eat/drink or just when you see him next at a clinic or court you know he frequents).

You are itching (and deserve) to get a voice-to-voice with him. Take another step to make it happen, keeping in mind that a) he does seem to have heard you and given positive feedback and b) you don't want to blow any progress made. (From his comments you could be in for a big boost next season ... you just don't know yet.)

But no more email. Eliminate a chance for him to dodge you, and for any misinterpretations. (Gotta love body language -- don't go without it.)

No time for paranoia, or sitting back on your haunches. Find the balance of aggressiveness that works for you, and him.

I read his answer more positively than you, I think. But the devil is in the rest, eh?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 10, 2016, 08:53am
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Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes View Post
but let him know you really want to discuss this further
I read it as the assigner has said that he's heard enough (well, maybe not that strict).

iirc (I didn't go back to check) there was a already an email, followed by an email and then a voice mail the next day. That's too much contact, in my book.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Thu Mar 10, 2016, 09:50am
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
It sounds to me like he agreed that you were underutilized and is planning to see that it is taken care of.
That's how I read it also. I would be more concerned about the results than the how comes.

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