Originally Posted by BatteryPowered
I received a response to the email...such as it is.
First, I started the email by saying I understood that he would always select officials for games based on their exhibited ability and if I desired a better schedule I needed to improve my ability/performance. Then I politely reminded him we had this discussion at our camp last summer and he said two things then: commented on my age as a factor and that I was one of the officials he wanted to watch that weekend. I pointed out that my evaluators (and he has copies of their forms) had mostly positive things to say about my work and mentioned noticeable improvement. Then I asked if he, or someone on his evaluation committee, had seen something different and what their assessment said needed improvements.
His response was very short (in it's entirety): "[My name] I need you! This was [name of his assistant]s first year. Let me get him lined out and then I will just put you in varsity assignments. LET ME GET IT WORKED OUT!"
I continue to be frustrated by him not answering, what I think, is a fair question because he sees something that keeps me from getting even decent games...I just cannot get him to tell me. I really want to respond and tell him the evidence I have tells me he doesn't need me...but what do they say, discretion is the better part of valor.
I still have a few weeks to decide and still get the discount for early renewal. Apparently it does no good to look at an email and yell "Just answer the [bleeping] question!"
Of course...if he is on here I just yelled that at him 
This is why this conversation would have been better over the phone at least, and best of all, over lunch or something. He managed to completely dodge the real question.
If I was you, I'd probably reply to his email and thank him for his response, but let him know you really want to discuss this further and invite him to lunch or something.