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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 09:55am
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Originally Posted by johnnyg08 View Post
False. See definition of a play.
I have an understanding what a play is. My misunderstanding was in the definition of intervening and was which play was the intervening one (if there is one). You have a pitch (a play, I believe) a bunt (a play, I believe), a runner scoring (without a play, I beleive), and an interferred with throw to 1B (a play). After re-reading the interference comment, I believe the exception to not returning R3 is if there is an intervening play is between the bunt play and the interference play not between the pitch play and the interference play.

I find it interesting that the OBR rule makers intended to punish the team who RLI by returning R3, even though the interference occurs after R3 scores while the Fed rule makers intended the opposite. This is a rules diff that I always have a hard time remembering.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 10:10am
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Originally Posted by bluehair View Post
I have an understanding what a play is. My misunderstanding was in the definition of intervening and was which play was the intervening one (if there is one). You have a pitch (a play, I believe) a bunt (a play, I believe), a runner scoring (without a play, I beleive), and an interferred with throw to 1B (a play). After re-reading the interference comment, I believe the exception to not returning R3 is if there is an intervening play is between the bunt play and the interference play not between the pitch play and the interference play.

I find it interesting that the OBR rule makers intended to punish the team who RLI by returning R3, even though the interference occurs after R3 scores while the Fed rule makers intended the opposite. This is a rules diff that I always have a hard time remembering.
A pitch is not a play. A bunt is not a play. You put a lie to your statement that you have an understanding of what a play is. There's a definition.

The easy (but not perfect) way to remember is generally, a play is an attempt to get someone out. You're making it harder than it needs to be by wondering if all these other things are plays and concerning yourself with what came between what.

The correct answer has been posted here a few times. The "intervening play" would come about if the fielder (for example) threw home first and then the catcher tried to get the out at first... THAT would be an intervening play, changing the ruling.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 10:59am
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If you're calling me a lier...

Originally Posted by MD Longhorn View Post
You put a lie to your statement...
First, I may be mistaken, but if you're calling me a lier, {deleted}.

Second, I had no idea what intervening meant in a baseball context, so I looked it up in my Funk & Wagnall. F&W didn't have a baseball context definition either, so I had to piece it together. Intervening means coming in between other things. So it made sense to me that the baseball context is that the intervening play comes in between other things...plays, pitches, whatever.

Third, I concurred that the answer to the OP question was that R3 returned. I agreed that R3 scoring wasn't an "intervening play". So WTF is your beef ?

Fourth, If you say that a play is an attempt to get someone out, how is a pitch not an attempt to get someone out and a not play. I know there is a "pitch or play" reference in the RB. Is that the only cite? And why does the squeeze play definition use the word play?

Last edited by bluehair; Wed Oct 30, 2013 at 11:10am.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 11:14am
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Originally Posted by bluehair View Post
First, I may be mistaken, but if you're calling me a lier, ...
It was not my intent to call you a liar. "Put a lie to that statement" means that you made the statement and then proved it wrong. It's a turn of phrase and does not mean the person saying it is calling you a liar.

Third, I concurred that the answer to the OP question was that R3 returned. I agreed that R3 scoring wasn't an "intervening play". So WTF is your beef ?
I wouldn't say I had a beef at all. You're right in this part.

Fourth, If you say that a play is an attempt to get someone out, how is a pitch not an attempt to get someone out and a not play. I know there is a "pitch or play" reference in the RB. Is that the only cite? And why does the squeeze play definition use the word play?
My bad for trying to simplify for you... although I did say, "generally" and that it was not a "perfect" way to think of it. A pitch is a pitch. A pitch is not a play. A play has a specific definition in the context of what we're talking about. You said you understood that and then proved you didn't, so I was trying to help you. You don't want help, I'm cool with that.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 11:17am
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"A play or attempted play shall be interpreted as a legitimate effort by a defensive player who has possession of the ball to actually retire a runner. This may include an actual attempt to tag a runner, a fielder running toward a base with the ball in an attempt to force or tag a runner, or actually throwing to another defensive player in an attempt to retire a runner. A fake or a feint to throw shall not be deemed a play or an attempted play."

NOW you (might) have an understanding of what a play is.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 12:26pm
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Originally Posted by bluehair View Post
Fourth, If you say that a play is an attempt to get someone out, how is a pitch not an attempt to get someone out and a not play. I know there is a "pitch or play" reference in the RB. Is that the only cite? And why does the squeeze play definition use the word play?
You really have to be careful with strict interpretations of the rule book. There are many places where the book conflicts with itself, and places where it uses more than one word to explain something.

For example, rule 4.07 uses the term "ejects". But rules 3.02 and 3.17 talk of "remove" and in 9.00 there are a number of references regarding "disqualify". Are they all the same thing? Different things? Who knows?

You find the same problem with the way the rulesmakers loosely used the word "play". It says in rule 7.10, for example, that an appeal is not to be interpreted as a "play or attempted play". Yet in the very same rule, it says, "Appeal plays may require an umpire..." So if it's not a play, why call it one?

It would do the rule book some justice to provide the definition of play in 2.00 beyond what's in there now as the umpire's declaration to start or resume action...
"Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist." -- Bob Uecker
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Wed Oct 30, 2013, 06:36pm
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Off topic, but does anyone besides me think Jim Joyce was too close to this play? The OP photo reminded me that thought crossed my mind when I saw the game...

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