Originally Posted by tcarilli
It must be a regional thing. I can't remember the last time I saw that in an NFHS game. So, in my experience, it is uncommon. If you don't grant time willy-nilly the problem typically resolves itself.
Perhaps its a regional thing. We have very competitive baseball here. It doesn't happen every game here, but it does happen from time to time. It must happen in other places, else Fed wouldn't have had the need to address it.
I don't grant time willy-nilly. My usual response to "Time" in this type of sitch is "NO". But not granting time does not make B's action retro-actively disappear. B has already done the inappropriate action.
Originally Posted by tcarilli
I think the shitty end is call a pitch that is a ball a strike. If the pitcher hesitates, its easy: do over.
That's how OBR handles it. Reset...Start again. I wouldn't have a problem doing it that way. But Fed wants to penalize B for initiating an absolved pitching infraction (F1 stopping or hesitating).