Just 2cents worth
Enforce the ruling that would apply to fans who reach into the field of play.
Under no circumstance would I rule interference (out) with a play or attempted play when the ground ball is located in the bullpen. Why would it then matter if an "unauthorized/authorized" person on offense or defense accidentally picked up a live ball? I don't believe it would matter. I would rule unintentional interference and would not take away a base hit for fan/player/bat boy/security personnel stupidity. Based on potential bases earned, I would probably award 2B on hit to LFBP, 3B on hit to RFBP. It may be the only triple a slow-footed 2B hitter (like me in my day) may earn all season.
Extension: Now if an R1 had anykind of speed, would you keep him at 3B on a 2B award or allow him to score on a 2B hit?
My opinion: OI stops him at 3B and DI awards him home.
Last edited by SAump; Sat Oct 23, 2010 at 11:35pm.