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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 05:04pm
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[QUOTE=Tim C;538865]As I have stated many times before the simple number of ejections an umpire has little to no bearing on his game management or ability.

If you had asked: "On your ejections during the last two season have any been deemed 'unnecessary' by your assigner or executive board?"

There are far more problem with umpires that fail to eject than umpires that do eject.

Tuss's major problem may lie in the fact that he is considered 'very' young to work at the level he has attained. It matters not if he is average, good or great it is the perception that young umpires are cocky.

I guess I'm too quick to the point...good elaboration Tim, especially on the ones who fail to eject (preventative umpiring for the rest of us).

Pssst..TUss...How many was there?
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 05:33pm
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Thanks ya'll for the replies. The "complaint" was an informal one that I heard about from a mutual friend of both game participants and myself. I didn't want to simply let it roll of the shoulders without evaluating its legitamacy.

JM made the most intriguing point, I said I didn't care about what these people thought, but I did make this post. So clearly, I care. Well done JM

I have gotten a comment from an evaluator on the basketball side of things that I look too cocky with the whistle in my mouth - something about my facial expression. Maybe that is coming into play on the baseball side.

I was just looking for some other issues that could need self addressing or something to say to a pard' in the pregame to watch out for. Thanks for the candid and valid comments - I'll do some self monitoring on those issues to see if I can come up with a better answer in a couple of weeks throughout this fall ball season.

And in about 55-60 games between the summer and spring, I got rid of 2. Looking back on it, I wish it was 3; missed one. Season before, 70 games about, same leagues, same people, it was maybe 3 or 4.

This spring I'll be "moving up" in my association in CT to "Senior City", which is mainly JUCO kids home for the summer or former college players that didn't get drafted or signed. Guess I'll have to reestablish credibility once more...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 05:33pm
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Tuss, I suspect that you are having to endure this criticism simply because of your age. I have seen this a lot during my work with LL umpires, as they move up the ranks. Some adults don't like to be told what to do by young adults, plain and simple. I had a young umpire, probably 13 or so when I worked with him, who was one of the brightest kids I have ever met. I received complaints because he didn't show the proper "respect" for the adult coach's and manager's in the league. Upon further investigation into this allegation, I found out that one of the coach's had attempted to draw this young lad into a debate about the application of a particular rule, and the coach was soundly thrashed and his ignorance of the rule book was plain for all to see or hear. I told the board that the umpire wasn't arrogant, he was correct.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 08:18pm
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Only 55-60 games so far this season, and only 70 games last year? When does your season start and end? I wouldn't worry about re-establishing credibility. Haters are spectators.

Now, I know I was told on here that age doesn't have anything to do with how one is regarded on the field, but I think we all know that age really does have an impact on how you are percieved.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 08:47pm
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Originally Posted by canadaump6 View Post
Now, I know I was told on here that age doesn't have anything to do with how one is regarded on the field, but I think we all know that age really does have an impact on how you are percieved.

There are some things in life that one can change or influence by one's efforts and actions and others that one cannot. One's age falls in the latter category.

When a person attributes his lack of personal success, or even degree of satisfaction with "the way things are", to things he cannot change, he reduces his odds of achieving the personal success he desires and, likewise, of improving the way things are.

I believe you and Tuss are practically the same age. I have seen him make substantive contributions to discussions of "difficult" rules discussions on a number of occasions, I have seen him ask questions that indicate a solid understanding of officiating and a genuine desire to improve, and I don't believe I've ever seem him bring up his age as an excuse for any real OR perceived deficiency he might have as an umpire.

Unlike you.

I would concur with your assertion that age has an affect on how one is perceived as an official. I'm "old". I just do my best to deal with it. You're "young". Deal with it. Quit whining about it.

Finally, be courteous, impartial and firm, and so compel respect from all.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 09:05pm
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Originally Posted by canadaump6 View Post
but I think we all know that age really does have an impact on how you are percieved.
Youth, in and of itself, is not a factor. Youth combined with other attibutes, is a factor.

I have seen very youthful, professionally trained umpires, who carried themselves with confidence, work very difficult games and get no grief from anyone.

I have seen very youthful, very good umpires, who appeared, through body language, facial expression, tone of voice or attitude, cocky, work very difficult games and get hammered by coaches, fans, players, and later, off the field, their partners.

I will add that I have seen the same difference among older umpires.

Blaming perceived slights on one's youthfulness is a smokescreen often used primarily to cover up deficiencies in game management and people skills.

Last edited by MrUmpire; Tue Sep 23, 2008 at 09:34pm.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 09:34pm
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Being young magnifies, I think, the affects of looking arrogant or aloof. When you're older, people assume you've earned that right (sometimes), giving the same look or appearance when you're younger can rub folks the wrong way. It may be a challenge, but it's something that can be overcome.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 09:55pm
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When I think of officials who I think are cocky or arrogant the common attribute is usually body language. Have someone video tape one of your games and then take a good, objective look at it.
I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 10:54pm
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Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM) View Post

There are some things in life that one can change or influence by one's efforts and actions and others that one cannot. One's age falls in the latter category.

When a person attributes his lack of personal success, or even degree of satisfaction with "the way things are", to things he cannot change, he reduces his odds of achieving the personal success he desires and, likewise, of improving the way things are.

I believe you and Tuss are practically the same age. I have seen him make substantive contributions to discussions of "difficult" rules discussions on a number of occasions, I have seen him ask questions that indicate a solid understanding of officiating and a genuine desire to improve, and I don't believe I've ever seem him bring up his age as an excuse for any real OR perceived deficiency he might have as an umpire.

Unlike you.

I would concur with your assertion that age has an affect on how one is perceived as an official. I'm "old". I just do my best to deal with it. You're "young". Deal with it. Quit whining about it.

Hey dude,

Try to be a bit more judgmental of me next time.

I didn't bring up age as an excuse in this thread, so quit accusing me of whining. While you're at it, stop shooting me down all the time, and if you agree with something I say please refrain from saying "this is one of the few good canadaump posts on here". While you're at it, trash your little list of debatable things I've said in my time here, because from umpiring video I can tell you are far from perfect yourself.

You are accusing me of not contributing to rule discussions, which I do on a regular basis and did a just a few days ago on the "err" play. I've asked questions and posted videos, so don't accuse me of not trying to improve.


Finally, be courteous, impartial and firm, and so compel respect from all.

Last edited by canadaump6; Tue Sep 23, 2008 at 10:56pm.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 24, 2008, 01:44am
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Wow, talk about a real sensitive umpire.
I meant to say making the call too emphatic.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 24, 2008, 06:39am
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Originally Posted by canadaump6 View Post

Hey dude,

Try to be a bit more judgmental of me next time.

I didn't bring up age as an excuse in this thread, so quit accusing me of whining. While you're at it, stop shooting me down all the time, and if you agree with something I say please refrain from saying "this is one of the few good canadaump posts on here". While you're at it, trash your little list of debatable things I've said in my time here, because from umpiring video I can tell you are far from perfect yourself.

You are accusing me of not contributing to rule discussions, which I do on a regular basis and did a just a few days ago on the "err" play. I've asked questions and posted videos, so don't accuse me of not trying to improve.


Finally, be courteous, impartial and firm, and so compel respect from all.
Once again you're missing the point and are completely dismissing an attempt to help you get over this hump you're stuck on. John was genuinly trying to help you, not accusing you of anything, but rather giving a constructive criticism of your demeanor. He's right, you really need to get over what you perceive as age discrimination.

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  #27 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 24, 2008, 07:33am
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Another consideration: what is the run-of-the-mill umpire like in your area? Around here, we have a lot of chummy old-timers, of various quality as umpires. But the coaches know them all, ask about their kids, etc. Anyone who declines to BS with the coaches before the game could come across as arrogant and aloof merely by contrast with the norm.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 24, 2008, 07:50am
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Originally Posted by mbyron View Post
Another consideration: what is the run-of-the-mill umpire like in your area? Around here, we have a lot of chummy old-timers, of various quality as umpires. But the coaches know them all, ask about their kids, etc. Anyone who declines to BS with the coaches before the game could come across as arrogant and aloof merely by contrast with the norm.
I'd take this a step further and say it's not just the coaches, it could also be the absence of 'chumminess' with the other umpires.
I got a fever! And the only prescription.. is more cowbell!
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 24, 2008, 09:31am
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Originally Posted by TussAgee11 View Post
I've now heard from several sources, none of which I particularly care about their opinion (nor should I) that as an official, I put off an image that I think everyone is there to see me officiate.

Now, let me go over the things that I do that I feel makes that not the case, and then I'll ask my question to the esteemed panel.

My appearance is sharp, but not flashy. I wear the uniform and nothing else, very rarely do I even go with sun glasses. No armbands, shiny belts (not saying shiny belts are wrong, just painting a picture), etc.

My demeanor is quite quiet - My plate conference is quick and efficient, and I don't talk to anyone that I don't need to during the game.

My mechanics are relaxed, but sharp. I'm not egregiously loud, vocally, in my calls, but not passive in them either. My mechanics are nothing that most other umpires don't do themselves (simple fist on strikes, a relaxed pull of the bow on strike 3).

I always try to hustle to where I need to be to see a play.

My game management skills are ever improving - I work by butt of at not escalating situations myself, just answering back in the same tone of voice. This part of my umpiring needs the most improvement, but is also the part I have come farthest along with. I don't bait people to ejections, always try to talk coaches and players out of them. That being said, I'm not afraid to take care of business either.


So, what other areas of my game could I possibly get this characterization of an attitude that says "everyone is here to watch me umpire"??? I want to think about things I haven't outlined above, as I've asked some other umpires about them and say that all those things listed above - I'm right on track with.

Could there be something else I'm missing? Or should I just let it roll of my shoulders.
You are being percieved as being arrogant or unapproachable (I'm sure you're not) you have to find that happy medium of not being overly friendly yet at the same time being approachable. Do you introduce yourself to each catcher and address them by their first name, do you address the Head Coach by their first name. Work on your game management. Game management is more than a thourgh knowledge of rules, mechanics etc. And the most important thing of all is knowing what to say and when to say it. This is something that noone can help you with since it only comes with experience.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 24, 2008, 03:43pm
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Originally Posted by BigUmp56 View Post
Once again you're missing the point and are completely dismissing an attempt to help you get over this hump you're stuck on. John was genuinly trying to help you, not accusing you of anything, but rather giving a constructive criticism of your demeanor. He's right, you really need to get over what you perceive as age discrimination.

Please bear with me on this point- many posters on here say people see Tuss as arrogant because he is young. To me this is age discrimination.

I still hold that I was not whining. Please re-read the post which John quoted:

Now, I know I was told on here that age doesn't have anything to do with how one is regarded on the field, but I think we all know that age really does have an impact on how you are percieved.
To me, the post above is not whining. Most of us agree that age does affect how others percieve you.
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