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Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 05:33pm
RPatrino RPatrino is offline
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Tuss, I suspect that you are having to endure this criticism simply because of your age. I have seen this a lot during my work with LL umpires, as they move up the ranks. Some adults don't like to be told what to do by young adults, plain and simple. I had a young umpire, probably 13 or so when I worked with him, who was one of the brightest kids I have ever met. I received complaints because he didn't show the proper "respect" for the adult coach's and manager's in the league. Upon further investigation into this allegation, I found out that one of the coach's had attempted to draw this young lad into a debate about the application of a particular rule, and the coach was soundly thrashed and his ignorance of the rule book was plain for all to see or hear. I told the board that the umpire wasn't arrogant, he was correct.
Bob P.

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