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Old Tue Sep 23, 2008, 05:04pm
Nigel Tufnel Nigel Tufnel is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Seattle
Posts: 85
[QUOTE=Tim C;538865]As I have stated many times before the simple number of ejections an umpire has little to no bearing on his game management or ability.

If you had asked: "On your ejections during the last two season have any been deemed 'unnecessary' by your assigner or executive board?"

There are far more problem with umpires that fail to eject than umpires that do eject.

Tuss's major problem may lie in the fact that he is considered 'very' young to work at the level he has attained. It matters not if he is average, good or great it is the perception that young umpires are cocky.

I guess I'm too quick to the point...good elaboration Tim, especially on the ones who fail to eject (preventative umpiring for the rest of us).

Pssst..TUss...How many was there?
"These go to 11"
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