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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 20, 2007, 09:02pm
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Originally Posted by BigTex
The OP also didn't tell us that:

I did not want to get into this but… let me describe him to you... the pu wore a backwards cap, wore an inside protector – outside and kakis shorts.

I was just trying to point out that we may not have all the information when we start to throw other umpires under the bus. Now that we have more information, maybe the plate guy should have started out under the bus.
It seems to me that while PU may not have actually been under the bus, his head MAY have been up the gas pipe.......
All generalizations are bad. - R.H. Grenier
  #32 (permalink)  
Old Tue Feb 20, 2007, 09:16pm
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Originally Posted by ozzy6900
You're kidding, right? You're not on drugs, are you? Are your arm bands on too tight?
This is why I continue to read this forum!
"They can holler at the uniform all they want, but when they start hollering at the man wearing the uniform they're going to be in trouble."- Joe Brinkman
  #33 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 07:52am
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Originally Posted by boyinblue24
LOL! no my arm bands aren't on too tight & no I'm not on drugs. I was reading in the book Plate Work which in a NASO book. I was reading general principles (4-1) & under diagram 4-1B it shows up the "V" diagram for who covers fly balls & also (i assumed, which I will never do again b/c it makes an a$$ out of you & me, fair/foul balls). I just got to do what DonInKansas said. By the way I never thought it was always the BU always has fair/foul calls. Hmm learn something new everyday.
Good, at least you are reading!

The "V" is for fly ball coverage. In a 2 man system, the only time the BU gets to call anything fair or foul is when there are no runners on and he is in the "A" position. The PU takes the call from the plate to the 1st bas bag and the BU gets the call from the 1st base bag down the line to the pole.

*******READ CAREFULLY********

When the BU is in "B" or "C" position, he has no business making any calls on the lines. The PU takes all fair and foul calls when the BU is "in".

The only exception is "foul in the box" that the PU cannot see.

When in doubt, bang 'em out!
  #34 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 10:03am
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Did I say I was right?

[QUOTE=SanDiegoSteve]First of all, be very cautious when using Uncle George as a rules or mechanics reference, because he is often wrong.

SanDiegoSteve, here's what I posted:

"It's the PU call to the bag, past the bag its the BU call. In this case, if ball hit's bag, PU has call."

No where did I say I was right! In this situation, the PU has the ball to the bag! In a two person crew, with the BU in the "C" position, the PU has the ball all the way down the line! Is the right or wrong?

You know Steve, when other umps read this forms, I hope they don't take the information word for word. For me, I go the rule book, case book and umpires manual to "get it right"!

After every game when I'm working with a seasoned ump, I ask for crituque, whether it's bad or good. You learn from your mistakes. If I do write something wrong, let me know but don't degrad me. You don't make mistakes? Belittling umps on this forms dosen't help ther confidence, it just tears it down. I apologize that I'm not as smart as you.

Uncle George
  #35 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 10:16am
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Originally Posted by DG
If there was a protest the PU would have to say "yes I saw it hit the bag, but..." to overule him. If he said "it didn't hit the bag, it hit a rock in foul territory just beyond the bag"...
I seriously doubt this guy would be smart enough to think of that one.
  #36 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 12:44pm
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Originally Posted by Uncle George
It's the PU call to the bag, past the bag it the BU calls. In this case, if ball it's [sic] bag, PU as [sic] call.
Uncle George,

I made the statement based on other posts of yours which provided incorrect, or downright bad advice. I just wanted the impressionable youths who frequent this forum to be careful when receiving advice from you. I'm also sure that they should do the same with advice from others here, myself included.

The quote above is what you said in post #2 of this thread. In post #1, the original play said that the BU was in position "C," which is located inside the diamond. This makes your statement that the BU has the call past the bag incorrect for the situation as described. The fact that the BU has the fair/foul past the base when working in "A" is irrelevant in this case, and should not have been presented in your post.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25
  #37 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 01:47pm
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[QUOTE=Uncle George]
Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
First of all, be very cautious when using Uncle George as a rules or mechanics reference, because he is often wrong.

SanDiegoSteve, here's what I posted:

"It's the PU call to the bag, past the bag its the BU call. In this case, if ball hit's bag, PU has call."

No where did I say I was right! In this situation, the PU has the ball to the bag! In a two person crew, with the BU in the "C" position, the PU has the ball all the way down the line! Is the right or wrong?

You know Steve, when other umps read this forms, I hope they don't take the information word for word. For me, I go the rule book, case book and umpires manual to "get it right"!

After every game when I'm working with a seasoned ump, I ask for crituque, whether it's bad or good. You learn from your mistakes. If I do write something wrong, let me know but don't degrad me. You don't make mistakes? Belittling umps on this forms dosen't help ther confidence, it just tears it down. I apologize that I'm not as smart as you.

Uncle George
Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. Nice try, but you really can't retract yourself out of this one. Pertaining to this actual thread and the first post, you were quite simply wrong. Just say, "Ooops, my bad" and move on. Trying to explain that in an alternate universe where the topic at hand was different, you might be right in an isolated case just makes you look foolish.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
  #38 (permalink)  
Old Wed Feb 21, 2007, 03:30pm
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The only time I'm ever turning Foul to Fair is when a) something so blatent has happened such as a rules mishap or b) if I have some sort of seizure and say foul ball on a pop up in foul territory before the ball hits the ground and a fielder catches it (which actually I think is i a FED casebook somewhere).

Regards, and thinking about living the dream of minor league ball after I graduate from college...

  #39 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 01:26am
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Originally Posted by boyinblue24
Oh yeah! I'm always tryin to read anything on umpiring, that is when I can get a chance from school. Plate Work, Base Work, & Smart Baseball Umpiring how to get better every game, The Men In Blue & of course the orb, articles, & casebooks! More, more, & more!

Quality, not quantity, Littleboyblue. Read the rulebook and the appropriate mechanics book. Then read them again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Then read them again.
  #40 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 01:31am
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Originally Posted by GarthB
Quality, not quantity, Littleboyblue. Read the rulebook and the appropriate mechanics book. Then read them again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

Then read them again.
Dammit, I'm only on the 13th again.....

*Hustles towards rulebook to read it again*
  #41 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 01:55am
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Originally Posted by DonInKansas
Dammit, I'm only on the 13th again.....

*Hustles towards rulebook to read it again*
I have copies of the OBR, PBUC blue and red handbooks, CCA Mechanics, NCAA Rulebook, FED Rulebook and Casebook in the family room, bathroom, bedroom, at school and in my equipment bag. Additionally, I keep a copy of the JEA in my family room. I don't stop re-reading them until August.
  #42 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 05:50pm
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Originally Posted by boyinblue24
JEA? Don't think I've ever heard of that.
At this point in your career, it's a nonessential. Read more of less.
  #43 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 06:13pm
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I would like to get my hands on some good mechanics/positioning manuals. I've got "The Official Rules of Baseball", but that cost me an extra 40 bucks just to get it shipped to Canada (they do a great job at hiding this extra cost until you've already paid it). Sandiego Steve was nice enough to provide me with lots of rules interpretations, and I'm hoping to add to that with some mechanics and positioning manuals. Any suggestions?
  #44 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 06:22pm
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Originally Posted by boyinblue24
Not sure what that means but yes sir!
What I am suggesting is that your posts to this point do not indicate you have the fundamental understanding of the rules and mechanics. Your time would be better spent improving that situation rather than on reading peripheral books.
  #45 (permalink)  
Old Thu Feb 22, 2007, 08:03pm
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Originally Posted by canadaump6
I would like to get my hands on some good mechanics/positioning manuals. I've got "The Official Rules of Baseball", but that cost me an extra 40 bucks just to get it shipped to Canada (they do a great job at hiding this extra cost until you've already paid it). Sandiego Steve was nice enough to provide me with lots of rules interpretations, and I'm hoping to add to that with some mechanics and positioning manuals. Any suggestions?
You can read the rules for free at:

Some good mechanics powerpoints here:
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