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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 18, 2008, 12:16pm
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Yellow card from R2

I work with NCAAW rules.

If the R2 feels a yellow card is warranted, but none is coming from the R1, what can the R2 do in this situation. It's not a disagreement between the officials. The R1 simply didn't hear the exchange.

I had this happen twice last season, with the same coach. I felt strongly that a card should be issued, but the R1 didn't assess it. My understanding is that the R2 is not allowed to give the card. What do I do or say to alert the R1 that I want a card given?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 18, 2008, 02:09pm
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Originally Posted by Scrapper1
I work with NCAAW rules.

If the R2 feels a yellow card is warranted, but none is coming from the R1, what can the R2 do in this situation. It's not a disagreement between the officials. The R1 simply didn't hear the exchange.

I had this happen twice last season, with the same coach. I felt strongly that a card should be issued, but the R1 didn't assess it. My understanding is that the R2 is not allowed to give the card. What do I do or say to alert the R1 that I want a card given?
We use NFHS, but this is the procedure we use & it should work for your rule set (someone correct me if I'm wrong...Felix, you out there?)
Move to the side of the net of the team with offending coach/player, then step forward to the sideline of the court while making solid eye contact with the R1. Now hold the card of appropriate color against your chest with the hand away from the net. R1 should respond by taking matching card out of pocket & together you then hold it out to the side. R2 then turns to the table & tells the scorekeeper who the card was assessed to.

I've never encountered an R1 that wouldn't respond to a request for a card from the R2.
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons - for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 18, 2008, 02:15pm
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Originally Posted by TimTaylor
We use NFHS, but this is the procedure we use & it should work for your rule set (someone correct me if I'm wrong...Felix, you out there?)
Move to the side of the net of the team with offending coach/player, then step forward to the sideline of the court while making solid eye contact with the R1. Now hold the card of appropriate color against your chest with the hand away from the net. R1 should respond by taking matching card out of pocket & together you then hold it out to the side. R2 then turns to the table & tells the scorekeeper who the card was assessed to.

I've never encountered an R1 that wouldn't respond to a request for a card from the R2.
I'm here!

Using collegiate or USAV rules, the R2 shouldn't even be carrying cards. The R1 is the only one to administer, so the R1 is the only one who should be carrying.

The R2 doesn't have to be subtle about requesting the card. "I need a yellow card on the coach" is a perfectly acceptable way to request it. If the R1 doesn't hear it, a whistle from the R2 to get the R1's attention is acceptable.

As Marcia Alterman (NCAA Rules Interpreter) would say, "They aren't subtle about earning the card, so we don't have to be subtle about administering it."
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 19, 2008, 01:44am
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I knew you'd come through Felix!

At this point in time I only do NFHS, and both officials carry cards, but it is the R1 that actually administers the card - R2 mirrors. The procedure above is what we were taught for R2 to request a card.

By the way, congrats on the step up in your rating!
Meddle not in the affairs of dragons - for thou art crunchy and taste good with ketchup!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 19, 2008, 02:28pm
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Way to go, Felix!!!

Toolman, as Felix stated, the R2 doesn't carry cards in USAV or NCAA. The technique that he gave is exactly what I have done when a coach has earned a yellow card and, even, a red card. I step toward the sideline and tell my R1 that "I need a (supply the color) card on (the miscreant who is going to get whacked with it!!!!))." (Don't you just love it when you can fill in the blank?)

The NFHS technique is solid and I have used it in the past. Here in CA, though, we use the NCAA/USAV technique because as R2's we are told to NOT carry the cards (and before anyone jumps on me to smoosh me down just a little - I know that it is not proper NFHS technique, but when in Rome, become a Roman candle not wet fuse!).

So, scrapper, do as Felix and I have written - if a coach earns a card, step out toward the court during the first dead ball and tell your partner what you need (as long as it isn't a new partner!).
Jan G. Filip - San Jose, CA
EBVOA Rules Interpreter Emeritus
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 19, 2008, 09:15pm
Lighten up, Francis.
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 4,674
Thanks, everybody. I don't know if I'll run into this same coach during the girls' season. But at least I know now how to handle it if it should come up again.
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