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![]() However, have you never seen a player on their way toward 1B kick a ball in foul territory? I have, a few times, and the call was foul. Quote:
And when it comes down to it, no one really knows if a ball "likely" to fair or foul will go fair or foul. I've seen many a ball allowed to roll the line looking as if the ball may be going foul only to have it not. How about a slow roller? Is the umpire to borrow the stopwatch the base coach is now allowed to carry to time the speed of the ball, the likely distance that ball is to cover prior to coming to a stop and through a quick analysis of the landscape, the contour of the field and the rise in the seams and the rotation of the ball, determine whether the ball coulda, woulda, shoulda ended up in fair or foul territory? Offer any opinion you want, I believe ASA's present interpretation offers consistency with the rest of the rules determining fair or foul (other than the foul line and foul pole actually being in fair territory crap). It also allows both sides to take advantage of a situation that apparently quite a few don't consider "fair play" when, IMO, it is exactly that. Next thing you know, someone is going to suggest the umpire carry a level and check the ground every 10' along the lines to make sure there is no home cooking in the ground crew. ![]() BTW, I'm still waiting to hear opinions about the runner on 3B contacting a bounding batted ball over foul territory that, IYO, could come back fair?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
we have obviously, i assume, seen a ball that was foul going fair and the defense touched it foul knowing they could not get an out. so why can't the batter do the same thing with the roles switched.? foul going fair and will be an out. i imagine this is what asa is thinking.
does anyone try to see things from asa's point of view? I know ncaa thinks they know better than asa but do they? |
It happens too often where people place preferences ahead of the rules. Ever see an umpire shrink a strike zone because a coach, parent or player is complaining? It isn't a good thing and reflects poorly on others. Not an uncommon issue is when an umpire sees something they haven't seen before. Many will call it how they feel it should have been and then bend the rules to validate the call. I don't think ASA means to be punitive in judgment, but to keep the field level. Pretty sure that is what most of us have been taught at one time or another.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
With the Subject "What do you have?" I gotta smile.
Just had to share this bit of Atlanta history at what is called the world's largest drive-in, The Varsity. Located right across the street from GA Tech. http://youtu.be/gJD3_1k3rps This guy keeps the line moving and is the ultimate definition of "fast food". You don't see it in this clips, but there is a sign that says, "Have your order in your mind and your money in your hand." Because when it is your turn, all you going to hear is Whaddya have.... ![]()
Tony |
But ... if I was the rules-writer, I would prefer this to be an out if it is INTENTIONALLY contacted in order to keep it foul, just as in the OP. The mind-reader argument is ridiculous ... this would not be the only time we are required to judge intent. I think we would all know it if we saw it (and I think that the vast majority of us would never see it).
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'” West Houston Mike |
The play and the judgment here isn't the player's actions, but a presumption we can tell the direction and distance the ball will roll. You want to talk about "what if" and TWP?
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Tom |
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
O sure it does....
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Gwinnett Umpires Association Multicounty Softball Association Multicounty Basketball Officials Association |
If you make a special trip to buy a lottery ticket, your odds (on average) are approximately 3 times greater that you will die in a car accident on the way to get your ticket (or back) than you are of winning the lottery.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'” West Houston Mike |
Where did you get your numbers? Those from TX don't count 'cause y'all drive like cowhands late for happy hour.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
If Texans all drove fast, there'd be no problems. Like in Boston - they all drive fast and the lane markers are just suggestions, but everyone knows it and it's not a problem. In Miami - they all drive like they are searching the glovebox for their Geritol and Viagra, but everyone knows it and it's not a problem. In Texas, we get both - fast drivers with no regard for lanes, slow drivers confused and lost, and throw in a bunch of motorcycles weaving in and out, and the new flock of texting teens... it's a mess. But the numbers were national, and came from a column I read at least 10 years ago. Before the internet was as big, so I have to change the cliche - but they can't put it in the paper if it isn't true.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'” West Houston Mike |
But they're real careful there because there is a fine if you run over a sign. After all, JoeBob and JimmyJack need them for target practice on their way home from the Friday Night HS football game.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
I look at going from absolutely NO CHANCE of winning to a slight ( although very remote) chance of winning as significant. ![]() I'll let you know.... |
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