The umpire crew that was brought in contained 2 officials from San Antinio, that have taught clinics in the Houston Area for TASO and UIL. I thought this would reinforce what the umpires had called the night before, but it was not. Reports from other officials that attended the game informed me that no illegal pitches were called from the base umpires allowing one pitcher to crow hop and another to leap. The problem I have with this is that we are instructed to make these calls and when you do you are removed from the games by coaches or now a series by the UIL. And our instructors don't even follow the rules or guidelines they teach in the clinics.
These two actions just reinforced to every umpire in the Houston Chapter to ignore the illegal pitch rule and just let them do what they want.
In the past 2 years I have been scratched due to calling illegal pitches. Part of athletics is to learn to deal with adversity, to adjust the way the game is being called, and to respect officials. The officials owe the teams hustle, good judgment, knowledge of the rules, and to let the game be played on a fair level for both teams. They should enforce ALL the rules as taught in the clinics.
I feel your pain Springtown...