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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2010, 09:26pm
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First Game of the Season...

With all the posts about about early season games, I figured I'd check in with some early season experiences of my own. Yesterday was the second day of the high school season around these parts and it was also my first game- a one-umpire, JV matchup between two large area schools with a lot of athletic tradition.

The home team was a private school that really doesn't have room at their location to add a softball field (they have pretty decent baseball field), so they play their games at a local multi-diamond park. They aren't bad fields- with one exception. They are used by a youth baseball league and have pitching mounds! Since the mounds are set at a shorter distance that a full-sized field, the pitching plate for softball actually was a couple of feet up the front slope of the mound. This is only the second time I've ever worked a softball on a baseball field (the other was on a full-sized field and the mound didn't intrude on the pitcher's circle). At least the infield was all dirt, without any grass!

Before the game, the home team coach tries to convince me that on this field it is customary to have a small "dead-ball" area in front of the dugout, outside of the dugout fence, just big enough for a coach to plant a bucket. I'm not buying it and tell him he will have to be behind the fence. He reluctantly agrees.

It's time for the first pitch, we're ready to go and out of the corner of my eye I see...the home team coach plopped on his bucket in precisely the spot I told him he couldn't sit! Before the first pitch of the first game, I get to play Mister Hard-*** Umpire, hold up the game and have a talk with the coach about what I already told him.

We finally get started and it becomes apparent to me that it is pretty much impossible for a softball pitcher to keep her drag foot in contact with the ground when her landing area is a good 8-10 inches lower than the pitcher's plate! I decide to myself that the loss of contact with the ground- that every pitcher in the game had on every pitch- was going to be ignored. As long as the pitcher was keeping her pivot foot parallel to the level ground of the landing area in front of the mound (kind of like the ASA men's pitching rule), I just couldn't see holding the pitchers to a requirement that was all but impossible to meet on this field. Nobody said a word about it all night.

Things are going smoothly the first couple of innings. As one batter bunted a ball right out in front of the plate, I yanked off my mask and took about one step to the left to start clearing the catcher. Then, the catcher yanked off her hockey helmet, whipped in over her shoulder and caught me right in the forehead! We had to hold up the game about five minutes while I got my bearing and got my feet back under me. It left a nice red welt on my forehead.

A few more uneventful innings go by, with only a couple of slightly unusual plays plays. One was an Infield Fly right behind first base that F3 started to park under, then was called off by a charging over F4. It made the on-the-run catch by F4 look like it took more than "ordinary" effort, but since F3 could'a should'a had it easily, I stuck with the Infield Fly call.

The other was a throw to first by F2 on a bunt. This field did not have a double first base (it's optional in our state). The batter-runner was good all the way up the line, staying just foul. But as she made her last step to first, she naturally made it inward toward the bag. The throw nailed her in the middle of the back just as she touched first. The defensive coach pleaded for an interference call, but I told him the runner had a right to exit the running lane just as she reached the bag- or else she could never touch first!

Also had a uniform issue to deal with! As the sun got lower, the right fielders were having a problem seeing the ball. The home team's F9 didn't have sunglasses or a visor, so her coach asked me if it was okay for her to wear a different style hat than the rest on his players (a black hat- the rest of the team had maroon visors). I told him that any hat or visor would have to match her teammmates. If he hadn't asked about it first, I might not have even noticed the unmatching hat. But, since he did, I gave him the standard rule. So I got to be Mister Hard-*** Umpire with the home team coach one more time!

And then...I got nailed again.

A batter swung at a way inside pitch, got it off the handle and shot it straight back. The ball just barely caught the edge of the little ear flap of my mask, but somehow sneaked around it and drove right into my left ear! It opened up a gash on my ear that was gushing blood. It didn't really hurt much- ears just bleed a lot! This one looked a lot worse than it really was. It took another 5-10 minutes to get the bleeding stopped and get myself back into game mode.

Now, this one I've replayed in my head a few times. I really feel that I was properly in the slot and didn't flinch or turn my head. I saw the ball come off the bat and toward me. It was just that the pitch was so far inside- the batter actually stepped backward and had to pull her hands in right against her body- that the ball came off the bat at an odd angle. The ear flap of my mask took some of the brunt, but since my mask is loose and this was kind of a "sideways" hit, I think that it pushed my mask out of the way and let the ball get me.

Oh, yeah- we played seven innings in about 90 minutes, the home team won, the weather was sunny and warm, the season is finally underway and I made it through my first game just a little bit bloody and bruised! Here's hoping that everyone has a great season.

Last edited by BretMan; Wed Mar 31, 2010 at 09:38pm.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Wed Mar 31, 2010, 11:32pm
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Today was my second game of the season, and it was very eventful. First of all, I was late to my first game ever. There was a horrible car crash on the main road leading to my gamesite. (3 fatalities) After I get there in the 3rd inning, things went fairly smoothly until the 6th. Home team up by 1, and they have bases loaded, no outs. They promptly hit into a triple play, and lose 2-1. Just about the time I think I've seen it all...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 08:16am
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Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
Then, the catcher yanked off her hockey helmet, whipped in over her shoulder and caught me right in the forehead! We had to hold up the game about five minutes while I got my bearing and got my feet back under me. It left a nice red welt on my forehead.

The other was a throw to first by F2 on a bunt. This field did not have a double first base (it's optional in our state). The batter-runner was good all the way up the line, staying just foul. But as she made her last step to first, she naturally made it inward toward the bag. The throw nailed her in the middle of the back just as she touched first. The defensive coach pleaded for an interference call, but I told him the runner had a right to exit the running lane just as she reached the bag- or else she could never touch first!

And then...I got nailed again.

A batter swung at a way inside pitch, got it off the handle and shot it straight back. The ball just barely caught the edge of the little ear flap of my mask, but somehow sneaked around it and drove right into my left ear! It opened up a gash on my ear that was gushing blood. It didn't really hurt much- ears just bleed a lot! This one looked a lot worse than it really was. It took another 5-10 minutes to get the bleeding stopped and get myself back into game mode.

Now, this one I've replayed in my head a few times. I really feel that I was properly in the slot and didn't flinch or turn my head. I saw the ball come off the bat and toward me. It was just that the pitch was so far inside- the batter actually stepped backward and had to pull her hands in right against her body- that the ball came off the bat at an odd angle. The ear flap of my mask took some of the brunt, but since my mask is loose and this was kind of a "sideways" hit, I think that it pushed my mask out of the way and let the ball get me.

Oh, yeah- we played seven innings in about 90 minutes, the home team won, the weather was sunny and warm, the season is finally underway and I made it through my first game just a little bit bloody and bruised! Here's hoping that everyone has a great season.
Sorry you had to take such a beating.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 08:19am
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Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
The home team was a private school that really doesn't have room at their location to add a softball field (they have pretty decent baseball field), so they play their games at a local multi-diamond park. They aren't bad fields- with one exception. They are used by a youth baseball league and have pitching mounds! Since the mounds are set at a shorter distance that a full-sized field, the pitching plate for softball actually was a couple of feet up the front slope of the mound.
Isn't it about time everyone stood up for equality of genders?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 12:11pm
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I'd rather watch women's fastpitch than MLB game. far more action, and the hotties.

Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Isn't it about time everyone stood up for equality of genders?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 01:22pm
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Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Isn't it about time everyone stood up for equality of genders?
And stop being self-serving sexists.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 01:50pm
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my first ejection

in my 1st game, I had a pitcher named april. she had a really really long ponytail. everything was going fine, and until she started whipping her ponytail around. she swung it around like the guys do in a kung fu movie, then pitch normally, but continue to have the ponytail whirl around like a copter blades. I called IP.

coach comes out, and I explain it's a distracting motion after the pitch. coach asks if she can talk to her pitcher, and not be charged w/ a conference, and I say fine. as coach is talking to her, she starts staring me down, and then points her glove at me while giving me the evil curse eye. next pitch, she does it again, and again I call IP, and coach comes out again. this time, coach asks me to if I can show her pitcher what she's doing wrong.

as I walk towards the rubber, I hear a fan, perhaps mom in the stands yelling, "bad man, bad man!". as I approach, I see a very quick flash of a jumping player and BAM! I'm laying on the field, flat on my back, and knocked out for just the moment. apparently, my partner told me she jumped up and did a flying round house kick to the side of my face. WOW! so I ejected her from the game.

Last edited by shagpal; Thu Apr 01, 2010 at 02:04pm.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 02:30pm
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Rough first game

Man, that is tough to get an unorthodox field,unfriendly coach and get hit in the ear all in the first game of the year, but I really feel sorry that it was your first game of the year, tonight will be #72 and I still manage to keep a full time job off the field. I love north Texas.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 04:12pm
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Originally Posted by shagpal View Post
in my 1st game, I had a pitcher named april. she had a really really long ponytail. everything was going fine, and until she started whipping her ponytail around. she swung it around like the guys do in a kung fu movie, then pitch normally, but continue to have the ponytail whirl around like a copter blades. I called IP.

coach comes out, and I explain it's a distracting motion after the pitch. coach asks if she can talk to her pitcher, and not be charged w/ a conference, and I say fine. as coach is talking to her, she starts staring me down, and then points her glove at me while giving me the evil curse eye. next pitch, she does it again, and again I call IP, and coach comes out again. this time, coach asks me to if I can show her pitcher what she's doing wrong.

as I walk towards the rubber, I hear a fan, perhaps mom in the stands yelling, "bad man, bad man!". as I approach, I see a very quick flash of a jumping player and BAM! I'm laying on the field, flat on my back, and knocked out for just the moment. apparently, my partner told me she jumped up and did a flying round house kick to the side of my face. WOW! so I ejected her from the game.
First - here's hoping you pressed charges
Next - You were wrong to call an IP just because it might have been distracting. IP calls must be based on the rules, and if she did nothing illegal - per the rules - you're wrong to call IP. As for distracting, or maybe intending to be distracting - what about a glove slapping the leg. Or twisting the body before making a legal delivery, or maybe knocking the hat off before making a legal delivery. Your IP call - and according to your description, it's a wrong call - makes it that much worse for other umpires.
Steve M
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 04:22pm
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Originally Posted by Steve M View Post
First - here's hoping you pressed charges
Next - You were wrong to call an IP just because it might have been distracting. IP calls must be based on the rules, and if she did nothing illegal - per the rules - you're wrong to call IP. As for distracting, or maybe intending to be distracting - what about a glove slapping the leg. Or twisting the body before making a legal delivery, or maybe knocking the hat off before making a legal delivery. Your IP call - and according to your description, it's a wrong call - makes it that much worse for other umpires.
I think he gotcha, Steve.

April 1st, 2010
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Thu Apr 01, 2010, 08:07pm
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Originally Posted by CecilOne View Post
Isn't it about time everyone stood up for equality of genders?
To be fair, this school has been around since the 50's- probably before girl's fastpitch was given much thought as a varsity sport. The way the neighborhood grew up around their property, they are kind of "land locked" and couldn't squeeze in another field if they wanted to- and the baseball field was there first.

I know that their girl's teams in other sports have equitable facilities and their girl's basketball team won a state title a few years back. Their varsity softball game was being played on the field next to my JV game and it was on a nice regulation softball field.

The school and property itself are going through heavy remodeling, but I'm not sure if the new configuration will allow them to build a softball field on-site.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2010, 07:05am
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Originally Posted by HugoTafurst View Post
I think he gotcha, Steve.

April 1st, 2010
And bragging about it on
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2010, 10:15am
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
And bragging about it on
Just saw that.....

Classy, huh?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2010, 12:56pm
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if you want to top class, top this one. this one was brilliant. too bad, no one else here had the brains to do it, but it was a technical spoof, so it might not have been possible. I laud everyone that played, got played, and the players who made it possible. they claim those that can't play umpire. I say, BS.

real umpires have thick skin and great sense of humor. those that don't, don't.

Did you hear what this umpire did? - Umpire-Empire

Originally Posted by HugoTafurst View Post
Just saw that.....

Classy, huh?

Last edited by shagpal; Fri Apr 02, 2010 at 12:59pm.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 02, 2010, 07:46pm
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My first was yesterday 4/1. DIII DH...1st game 3-2, 2nd game 3-1 (8 innings).

Visitors won both games scoring all their runs in the last inning of each game.
Had plate in 2nd game, 0-0 for the first 7 innings before going to tie breaker in 8th.
21 K's in the game (13&8 respectively)...I rang up 7 of them. Only 3 walks.
Good pitchers (both games) and quiet coaches. An umpire's dream.

Great weather and more is forecasted for my DH tomorrow.
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