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  #106 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 11:47am
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post might be right...

but if you don't make your customer aware...and it changes from year to year...

they go elsewhere??

Go figure!!
Are you really as full of **** as your posts?

When anything changes in the rule book, it is highlighted, put in bold print, noted in a separate section in the front of the rule book and posted on the web site a month before the rule book goes to print.

Not to mention that changes are reported almost within minutes of approval in November.

Now, if after all that there is anyone involved in the game that claims they are "uninformed" or "unaware", I don't think they should be allowed near any children.
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  #107 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 12:41pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Are you really as full of **** as your posts?

When anything changes in the rule book, it is highlighted, put in bold print, noted in a separate section in the front of the rule book and posted on the web site a month before the rule book goes to print.

Not to mention that changes are reported almost within minutes of approval in November.

Now, if after all that there is anyone involved in the game that claims they are "uninformed" or "unaware", I don't think they should be allowed near any children.

Listen and read is sometimes beneficial...more so than vulgarity...was that an attempt to add emphasis?? Make yourself HEARD!!!!!!

Fences are to be 200 min to 225 max. The Gold coaches played all summer on 200 foot fences...including qualifiers and last years Gold tournament. They show up this year and the fences are 225...without any consultation or prior notification...not even a bold print....highlight...posting on a website...or note in a separate section of the book...but a significant CHANGE from their previous events!!
Kinda like the fine print at the bottom of an advertisement... that frustrates us and changes the whole value of a product?

But this is just one example of the customers frustration...there are several more as has been discussed and documented.....

The bottom line is that these frustrations are real with these patrons regardless of what you THINK... and they got mad as hell and aren't gonna take it anymore!!

I am just a messenger Mike....and have been called worse than "full of **** " by more significant men (and women) than you....and thats OK...sometimes it is accurate!!

Thats why I like my dog....he doesn't call me names...and wags his tail when he see's me....He still pisses and craps on the porch though..when left out in the cold or dark!! But I still like him.

By the way...have you ever rode a horse?

Last edited by luvthegame; Tue Aug 18, 2009 at 12:49pm.
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  #108 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 01:31pm
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post
Listen and read is sometimes beneficial...more so than vulgarity...was that an attempt to add emphasis?? Make yourself HEARD!!!!!!
Vulgarity is all in the recipient's mind so you might want to get it out of the gutter.

Fences are to be 200 min to 225 max. The Gold coaches played all summer on 200 foot fences...including qualifiers and last years Gold tournament. They show up this year and the fences are 225...without any consultation or prior notification...not even a bold print....highlight...posting on a website...or note in a separate section of the book...but a significant CHANGE from their previous events!!
Kinda like the fine print at the bottom of an advertisement... that frustrates us and changes the whole value of a product?
So what? It is posted and part of the rules, THERE IS YOUR NOTIFICATION! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? I'm sure you can, but it isn't something you want to hear because it doesn't fit well with your whine. It is this simple, the coaches and players agreed to that fence distance before they even started the season and ASA has that agreement in writing.

But this is just one example of the customers frustration...there are several more as has been discussed and documented.....

The bottom line is that these frustrations are real with these patrons regardless of what you THINK... and they got mad as hell and aren't gonna take it anymore!!
The "frustrations" are self-inflicted. All the information is out there well in advance. There is no excuse for any surprises other than one's laziness or ignorance. I've run into people like this all my life. They cannot get their way, so they take the bat and ball and go home.

I am just a messenger Mike....and have been called worse than "full of **** " by more significant men (and women) than you....and thats OK...sometimes it is accurate!!
Yet, you accuse me of something I did not do. I simply asked if you were as full of **** as your posts. Any conclusion is yours, not mine.

Thats why I like my dog....he doesn't call me names...and wags his tail when he see's me....He still pisses and craps on the porch though..when left out in the cold or dark!! But I still like him.
Yeah, I like my goldens, also. Of course, I don't leave them out in the cold and dark and they relieve themselves where trained to do so. And they are always happy and always happy to do a little extra work.

By the way...have you ever rode a horse?
This should be a good one. Yes, I have ridden a horse.
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  #109 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 01:41pm
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post
Fences are to be 200 min to 225 max. The Gold coaches played all summer on 200 foot fences...including qualifiers and last years Gold tournament.
That is, at best, only partly true. I know for a fact that some Gold Qualifiers THIS YEAR were played at 225'; fact, the Eastern Territory Qualifier played in Marietta was played at 225'. All games, all 10 fields used, all set with temporary fences at 225'.

To the best of my knowledge and information, the National Qualifier held in OKC, also held at the HOF Complex, was also played at 225'. Yep, the same fencing at the same complex, just a few weeks earlier. So, couldn't it equally be said that the teams/complexes/TD's that played at 200', the minimum, were wrong??

So, if they moved the fences to the 200' that you claim ALL qualifiers all summer long, wouldn't the teams that played at 225' have the exact same complaint, that the fences were moved from where they played their qualifier??

The rule allows a range of legal distances, to allow more fields with fixed fences to meet the requirements. Why is that so difficult?

Last edited by AtlUmpSteve; Tue Aug 18, 2009 at 01:44pm.
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  #110 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 02:02pm
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
...Why is that so difficult?
It's not difficult; in fact, it is convenient. It allows one more thing to be added to the list of grievances used to add up to an inflated sense of being wronged.

Boil it down and all I've read in this thread for the reasons come pretty close to "I'm not in charge and Cali is not being paid proper homage by being made to travel to God-forsaken Oklahoma."

Nonetheless, the organizers of the Gold National should pay attention because there might actually be things in there they could improve... such as using more fields to shorten the tournament.
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  #111 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 02:14pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
It's not difficult; in fact, it is convenient. It allows one more thing to be added to the list of grievances used to add up to an inflated sense of being wronged.

Boil it down and all I've read in this thread for the reasons come pretty close to "I'm not in charge and Cali is not being paid proper homage by being made to travel to God-forsaken Oklahoma."

Nonetheless, the organizers of the Gold National should pay attention because there might actually be things in there they could improve... such as using more fields to shorten the tournament.
I agree it definately rings of a Cali power move. So many east coast teams jumping on board though...

So thats why we need the coaches committee to make sure Ca does not barrell over the east coast in terms of whats beneficial to ASA as a whole. There may come a point when these teams just simply get let go and ASA move forward. What SoCal wants may not be best nationwide.

if there were ONLY ca teams on the list, my answer would be "let them go and rot". I have a lot of dealings with CA coaches and I know exactly how many are. One of the striking things of working in Georgia was being called "sir". I dont think CA coaches even know that word and I dont think I'd ever been called that by a coach before going to Georgia. Thats a indicitive of attitude and manners. Its much more than that, but you get the point.

Its not just CA teams though.. its most of the top from all the states..
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  #112 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 02:19pm
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
That is, at best, only partly true. I know for a fact that some Gold Qualifiers THIS YEAR were played at 225'; fact, the Eastern Territory Qualifier played in Marietta was played at 225'. All games, all 10 fields used, all set with temporary fences at 225'.

To the best of my knowledge and information, the National Qualifier held in OKC, also held at the HOF Complex, was also played at 225'. Yep, the same fencing at the same complex, just a few weeks earlier. So, couldn't it equally be said that the teams/complexes/TD's that played at 200', the minimum, were wrong??

So, if they moved the fences to the 200' that you claim ALL qualifiers all summer long, wouldn't the teams that played at 225' have the exact same complaint, that the fences were moved from where they played their qualifier??

The rule allows a range of legal distances, to allow more fields with fixed fences to meet the requirements. Why is that so difficult?
you should go debunk them.. you know all this stuff.. and they get away with their talking apoints because noone else knows the truth or will post it.
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  #113 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 03:35pm
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
Nonetheless, the organizers of the Gold National should pay attention because there might actually be things in there they could improve... such as using more fields to shorten the tournament.
8 fields were used for two day (well, day and a half) pool play. All double elimination (which started on Tuesday) was played on four fields.

I worked the same exact tournament on an 8 field complex in 2002 (ironically in OK, but not OKC), I believe my tournament was one day shorter. Anyone want to take a guess who won that year?

And yes, it was hot, and we had rain, and it was hot.

Allow me to speculate for a minute, I bet, somewhere in the JO committee minutes, coaches complained about the tournament being too compact.

Sometimes you can't give everybody what you want.
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  #114 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 07:33pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Vulgarity is all in the recipient's mind so you might want to get it out of the gutter.

So what? It is posted and part of the rules, THERE IS YOUR NOTIFICATION! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? I'm sure you can, but it isn't something you want to hear because it doesn't fit well with your whine. It is this simple, the coaches and players agreed to that fence distance before they even started the season and ASA has that agreement in writing.

The "frustrations" are self-inflicted. All the information is out there well in advance. There is no excuse for any surprises other than one's laziness or ignorance. I've run into people like this all my life. They cannot get their way, so they take the bat and ball and go home.

Yet, you accuse me of something I did not do. I simply asked if you were as full of **** as your posts. Any conclusion is yours, not mine.

Yeah, I like my goldens, also. Of course, I don't leave them out in the cold and dark and they relieve themselves where trained to do so. And they are always happy and always happy to do a little extra work.

This should be a good one. Yes, I have ridden a horse.

Thats what I thought!!!
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  #115 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 07:38pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
Vulgarity is all in the recipient's mind so you might want to get it out of the gutter.

So what? It is posted and part of the rules, THERE IS YOUR NOTIFICATION! CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? I'm sure you can, but it isn't something you want to hear because it doesn't fit well with your whine. It is this simple, the coaches and players agreed to that fence distance before they even started the season and ASA has that agreement in writing.

The "frustrations" are self-inflicted. All the information is out there well in advance. There is no excuse for any surprises other than one's laziness or ignorance. I've run into people like this all my life. They cannot get their way, so they take the bat and ball and go home.

Yet, you accuse me of something I did not do. I simply asked if you were as full of **** as your posts. Any conclusion is yours, not mine.

Yeah, I like my goldens, also. Of course, I don't leave them out in the cold and dark and they relieve themselves where trained to do so. And they are always happy and always happy to do a little extra work.

This should be a good one. Yes, I have ridden a horse.

OK....your right and all the gold teams and coaches are whiners and full of crap!!

And as a result teams from Virginia to New Jersey to Texas to Florida to Washington to California are leaving OKC and taking their balls and bats and going to California to play!!
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  #116 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 09:22pm
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Originally Posted by luvthegame View Post
OK....your right and all the gold teams and coaches are whiners and full of crap!!

And as a result teams from Virginia to New Jersey to Texas to Florida to Washington to California are leaving OKC and taking their balls and bats and going to California to play!!
And that is fine, but why is it these folks refuse to address the true issue that is at the core of this?

You talk about ASA not listening, the customer doesn't want to talk. They just want everyone to accommodate their self-serving plans and screw everyone else including the association's mission.
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  #117 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 09:33pm
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I for one would love to know why these teams are bailing on the championship to go play some lame so cal friendly.. and it is ALL the top teams.
You guys (steve and mike) seem up to speed on the ins and outs/politics much more than me ... but something definately smells fishy in denmark.

It just cant be fences and $100 fees to freakin Div 1 & 2 college programs. Thats the most retarded thing i've ever heard.

The money and expense of OKC is about the only legit thing I 've heard. Thats a real deal.
College players is a thorn in the paw.
These two things are enabling gary and IMO need to be fixed...but there has to be more.

But if someone could tell me without their lame bs talking points how the hell they got all those top programs to go man I'm all ears. (not you luvthegame, I've already read the talking points memo, I dont buy it).

Last edited by wadeintothem; Tue Aug 18, 2009 at 09:36pm.
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  #118 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 10:41pm
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post

But if someone could tell me without their lame bs talking points how the hell they got all those top programs to go man I'm all ears. (not you luvthegame, I've already read the talking points memo, I dont buy it).
It is all about the scholarship. Playing competitive ball for a national championship with the best players available is not conducive to the promises made to the player's parents.

IMO, these teams would rather "show" their players than play to win a national championship which, like it or not, is part of ASA's mission.
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  #119 (permalink)  
Old Tue Aug 18, 2009, 11:38pm
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
It is all about the scholarship. Playing competitive ball for a national championship with the best players available is not conducive to the promises made to the player's parents.

IMO, these teams would rather "show" their players than play to win a national championship which, like it or not, is part of ASA's mission.
Not a "showcase". There will be a bracket and a championship....a champion crowned from amongst the best youth teams in the what if it doesn't have the name ASA in it? It's still the best of the best.

All done in 5 days. And probably on TV.

We hope to play all championships on the same day at the Bill Barber Stadium, we have some very promising talks going about these games being televised, at least on a delayed basis. NO FALSE PROMISES, NOTHING IS CERTAIN AS TO TV.

There will be no gate passes nor entrance fees for spectators. College coaches will be fed and informed and not asked to pay for a booklet.

Premier Girls Fastpitch | Information
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  #120 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 19, 2009, 12:58am
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
It is all about the scholarship. Playing competitive ball for a national championship with the best players available is not conducive to the promises made to the player's parents.

IMO, these teams would rather "show" their players than play to win a national championship which, like it or not, is part of ASA's mission.
I guess thats it.
Show case after showcase culminating in a glorified showcase. Sure beats playing competitive ball to earn your way to a championship. I guess easier. A bunch of 1:20 drop dead showcases. Definitely cheaper, which I'm sure is the big motivation. I am competitive by nature so I may not fully grasp this. I never did understand how girls can cheer while losing.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Wed Aug 19, 2009 at 01:05am.
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