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  #31 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 01:13pm
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
It should be your policy not to present a clinic on information that the coaches/players should already know at your pregame. They have access to the rules, whether or not they bother with reading them. They should understand the rule, and understand the consequence of violating it. If not, you can have your teaching moment when you call the player out and eject them from the game.
So let me add a twist to this. Let's say you're calling in a league where there has been some bad blood between teams, and takeout slides are a-plenty. Would you address it in pregame ("fellas, I know there's been some frustration, but just letting you know that takeout slides and crashes won't be tolerated")? Or would you wait until the next incident?

I haven't decided if I should call it from the dugout or the outfield. Apparently, both have really great views!

Screw green, it ain't easy being blue!

I won't be coming here that much anymore. I might check in now and again.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 01:16pm
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
So let me add a twist to this. Let's say you're calling in a league where there has been some bad blood between teams, and takeout slides are a-plenty. Would you address it in pregame ("fellas, I know there's been some frustration, but just letting you know that takeout slides and crashes won't be tolerated")? Or would you wait until the next incident?

I might...and this is again a very strong "might"....say something to the effect of "any USC will dealt with swiftly and according to the book," without going into any detail. More likely to do this in an adult game rather than a child's game.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 01:17pm
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I have no experience with slow pitch alleged adults, but in youth fast pitch, I would never consider giving a warning at the plate meeting.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 01:42pm
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Originally Posted by NCASAUmp View Post
So let me add a twist to this. Let's say you're calling in a league where there has been some bad blood between teams, and takeout slides are a-plenty. Would you address it in pregame ("fellas, I know there's been some frustration, but just letting you know that takeout slides and crashes won't be tolerated")? Or would you wait until the next incident?
Consistent injurious play should be addressed at a higher level than a pregame - the league should be involved. Everyones gotta go to work in the morning and if it is exceeding the scope of reasonable play for a recreational level of ball, then it still would be likely inappropriate at the pregame...since it could be perceived as fanning the flames when the league is involved. If the league is not involved then that is a bad situation you are allowing yourself to be in.. and one you cannot control with simple pregame BS.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 02:43pm
Ref Ump Welsch
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
So, you do understand the legal ramifications for saying things you shouldn't!
My lawyer said I was screwed either way...if I said I would cut back, it would still have bit me in the a**. Lovely.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 02:44pm
Ref Ump Welsch
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
Consistent injurious play should be addressed at a higher level than a pregame - the league should be involved. Everyones gotta go to work in the morning and if it is exceeding the scope of reasonable play for a recreational level of ball, then it still would be likely inappropriate at the pregame...since it could be perceived as fanning the flames when the league is involved. If the league is not involved then that is a bad situation you are allowing yourself to be in.. and one you cannot control with simple pregame BS.
And it usually isn't rec ball where the problem is, in slow-pitch. It's the middle level dolts who want to crawl up to the majors.
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 04:20pm
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Originally Posted by Ref Ump Welsch View Post
My lawyer said I was screwed either way...if I said I would cut back, it would still have bit me in the a**. Lovely.
How are you knees and back feeling? Didn't your doctor tell you that if you don't cut back on the umpiring, you may end up in a wheelchair in the near future and not be able to earn a substantial living? Boy, that would cut into the support, wouldn't it?
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 05:46pm
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Originally Posted by LIIRISHMAN View Post
I make it a policy at my pre-game to let both captains or managers know about the crash rule especially at home plate that the runner must give themselves up or slide to avoid being tagged when the defensive player has the ball. Avoiding injury isn't always possible even with all the latest advances that have been made in the last 10+ years.Also with the advent of better design with the hockey style mask it's possible that the catcher could still wear her mask while making the play at home.
I would recommend cutting that part out. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. You're there to take the lineups, cover any ground rules and league rules, and in Fed games in my area ask if the players are legally equipped and remind them the state emphasizes good sportsmanship.

I see too many umpires who want to put on rules clinics, remind the players to hustle on and off the field, make sure the coaches know to wait until we have granted their request for time, etc. None of that is necessary. They want to get the meeting over with and get the game started, so only go over the things you have to go over.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 07:37pm
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I actually had a coach THANK ME in the past few weeks for NOT going into all the "call time out, and we'll talk" bs. I just get it over with short and sweet.. intros ground rules time limit/ spec tourney rules which need to be addressed, you call it.. were off. No monologues or old hat boring BS. If they dont know .. thats their problem. They are still accountable. Talking about it pregame does not increase their responsibility or suddenly make them responsible.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 08:46pm
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Originally Posted by SethPDX View Post
I would recommend cutting that part out. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. You're there to take the lineups, cover any ground rules and league rules, and in Fed games in my area ask if the players are legally equipped and remind them the state emphasizes good sportsmanship.

Originally Posted by SethPDX View Post
I see too many umpires who want to put on rules clinics, remind the players to hustle on and off the field, make sure the coaches know to wait until we have granted their request for time, etc. None of that is necessary. They want to get the meeting over with and get the game started, so only go over the things you have to go over.
During a plate conference last weekend I had a partner pointing out long shoelaces and reminding the players to keep them tied. He also rambled about shirts tucked in and taking off any jewlery.
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  #41 (permalink)  
Old Tue May 05, 2009, 11:02pm
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AND STOP ALL TRYING TO ENDEAR YOURSELF TO THE PLAYERS. (Sorry for yelling this drives me nuts when I am the BU). Trust me the only reason these girls are laughing a your jokes is because they don't want to get on your bad side, and we as umpires should never put players in that position.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old Wed May 06, 2009, 12:47am
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
I actually had a coach THANK ME in the past few weeks for NOT going into all the "call time out, and we'll talk" bs. I just get it over with short and sweet.. intros ground rules time limit/ spec tourney rules which need to be addressed, you call it.. were off. No monologues or old hat boring BS. If they dont know .. thats their problem. They are still accountable. Talking about it pregame does not increase their responsibility or suddenly make them responsible.
Hear! Hear! For most of our invitationals I don't even go into that much. They are all given a copy of the time limits and run rules. Your lineup coach, that the way you want them, that's official x2; ground rules; hustle on and off and have fun. Does anyone want to be visitors? If not, we flip a coin ONCE (and the winner better choose heads, since no one wanted to be visitors). If NFHS will ask coaches if players are legally equipped. I will ask the coaches if they have any questions, but usually won't ask my partner if he has anything else to add unless I know my partner will answer, "No," with a smile.

Anything else is a freakin waste of time. We have one of the great time wasters up here who talks for 3 minutes about how it is his field and his game and he WILL be respected and this and that. His field -- and by God it is HIS field, just ask him -- is always last to finish each round.

I learned a long time ago that reminding the coaches to get time out and come talk doesn't work...they'll go to the other umpire first half the time. "if we need to get together, we will" is, in my opinion, the first step toward a cop out -- besides, we usually don't say "if it's a judgment call we will not be getting together most of the time."

And now...this post has gone about four times longer than most of my pregames...
An ucking fidiot
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